abdominal surgery Flashcards
boas sign
acute cholecystitis
hyperaesthesia of tip of right scapula
cullens sign
periumbilical echymosis
intrabdominal haemorrhage
grey turner sign
flank haemorrhage
retroperitoneal hemorrhage
psoas sign
retrocaecal appendicitis
elevation of leg against resistance
obturator sign
pelvic appendicitis
flexion of hip + internal rotation of thigh
stoma + situation (colorectal cancer)
loop colostomy — emergency, relieve obstruction, prepare for final sx
end colostomy — APR
Loop ileostomy — anastamosis, easy to reverse
mucus fistula — difficulty to close distal portion
old lady, small bowel obstruction, groin pain radiating to ipsilateral knee, leg held semi flexed.
obturator hernia
groin swelling hard to elicit, pain in sensory distribution of obturator nerve
part of bowel wall is trapped in a hernia,
common in femoral and obturator
richters hernia
eg antimesenteric border of ileum
hernia of meckels diverticulum
littres hernia
abdominal exploration in a child < 2years of age incision
transverse supra umbilical incision
rovsings sign absent in which appendicitis
3 b and 3 p hernia
bochdalek hernia
1 bad prognosis. 1. posteriorly located
2 birth defect 2. pulmonary hypoplasia
3 big 3 placement of a mesh
good cdh
morgagni hernia
good prognosis
later in life >6m
small, through morgagni foramen
no pulmonary hypo plasia
acute variceal bleed mx
1 IV vasopressin
2 endoscopic sclerotherapy
3 endo rubber band ligation of varices
4. sengstaken blake more tube
incarcerated femoral hernia incision
mc evedy incision
doc to increase rate of emptying of vagotomised stomach
use in diabetic gastropathy with vomiting
large bowel obstruction tests
gastrograffin enema
ct abdo
xray fluid level
descending colon
almost always pathological