Anatomy Flashcards
contents of cubital fossa medial to lateral
ulnar paradox
closer to the paw worse is the claw
supplies the ulnar half of FDP and intrinsic muscles of the hand except LOAF
Division at wrist - claw hand (ring and little finger hyperextended at mcpj and flexed at ip joint
mesonephric duct derivatives
male and female
renal pelvis
collecting tubules
male only
vas deferans
seminal vesicles
ejaculatory duct
paramesonephric ducts or mullerian ducts
lateral to mesonephric
fallopian tubes
upper part of vagina
vaginal wall
illioinguinal nerve
T12 L1
sensory supply
pubic symphisis
superior and medial femoral triangle
mons pubis
labia majora
commences at lateral border of psoas major
pierces the TA and IO
Lower abdominal surgery
CF- worsening of symptoms on palpation medial to ASIS
numbness and paraesthesia over inguinal ligament
inner thigh labua majora and perinium
dynamic stabilisers of patella
quadriceps anteriorly
hamstrings posteriorly
gastrocnemeus medially and laterally
narrowest part of male urethra also least dilatable
muscles attaching to greater trochanter of femur
obturator internus
gluteus medius minimus and both gemeli
obturator externus
alcock canal syndrome
pudendal nerve s2s3s4
urinary or fecal incontinence
sensory disturbances of perinium and genitalia
piriformis syndrome
sciatic nerve entrapment
radicular pain into the buttocks
sternal angle important events
2nd rib
aorta- ascending aorta ends, arch of aorta begins and ends, descending aorta begins
trachea bifurcation
pulmonary trunk bifurcation
left recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around ligamentum arteriosum
azygous vein drains into svc
thiracic duct crosses from left to right
cardiac plexus
embryology of diaphragm
septum transversum — tendinous part of diaphragm
pleuroperitoneal membrane and peripheral body wall muscles — muscular part
mysentry of oesophagus— crura of diaphragm
diaphragm openings
T8 — IVC, rigth phrenic nerve, lymph nodes
T10 — esophagus and rt(post) and left(ant) vagus/trunks
T12 — azygous vein, esophagus, thoracic duct
I 8 10 Eggs At 12
embryology of heart
- right sinus venosus— sinus venerum( smooth wall of rt atrium)
- left sinus venosus— coronary sinus
- primitive atrium— adult trabeculated atria(pectinate muscles)
- primitive left venricle — left ventricle
- bulbus cordis— rt ventricle + outflow regions
- conus cordis— outflow of ventricles
- truncus arteriosus— ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
surfaces of heart
anterior/sternocostal — right ventricle
posterior/ base — left atrium
inferior/diaphragmatic— left and right ventricle
rt pulmonary— rt atrium
lt pulmonary — lt ventricle
coronary sulcus
atrioventricular groove
right coronary artery runs here
tranveesepericardial sinus
posterior to aorta and pulmonary trunk
anterior to svc
superior to left atrium
fetal shunt adult remnant
foramen ovale — fossa ovalis (rt atrium)
ductus arteriosus— ligamentum arteriosum
ductus venosus— lgamentum venosum
umbilical vein— ligamentum teres
crista terminalis
inferior surface of right atrium
devided into sinus venerum and atrium proper
trabeculae carnae
inflow portion of both ventricles
conus arteriosus
aka infundibulum
located in superior aspect of rt ventricle
coronary arteries fill during which phase of cardiac cycle
layers of pericardium
parietal layer of serous pericaridum
serous fluid
visceral layer of serous pericardium (epicardium)
SA NODE AND AV NODE supplied by
valves in the heart
valve of coronary sinus—- thebesian valve
valve of ivc —- eustachian valve
venous drainage of oesophageal varices
hemiazygous or azygous vein( systemic)
sibsons fascia
fascia covering the apex of the lung runs from C7 to 1st rib, overloes apex of both lungs b/w pleura and thoracic cage
layers in GIT
Mucosa — a. epithelium b. lamina propria c. muscularis mucosa
Submucosa — meissners plexus
Muscularis propria — a. circular muscle, b. Auerbachs plexus , c. longitudinal muscle
Serosa (intraperitoneal) Adventitia (extraperitoneal)
oesophagus constrictions
A— arch of Aorta
B— left main Bronchus
C— Cricoid
D— Diaphragmatic hiatus
Azygous lobe of lung
commonest accesory lobe,
site— Right upper lobe, where the azygous vein forms a deep impression
seen superior to the hilum of the right lung
SVC obstruction collateral venous system
- azygous venous system
- internal mammary venous pathway
- long thoracic venous pathway
a. femoral b. vertebral
individual with left sided SVC, pathway to enter the heart
coronary sinus
Azygous venous system
- Azygous vein — union of right Lumbar Vein and right Subcostal vein
enters via aortic hiatus, drains into SVC - Hemiazygous vein — union of Left Lumbar vein and Left Subcostal vein
enter through left crus, drains into Azygous vein
on the left, moves to the right at the level of T9 - Acessory Hemiazygous vein — union of 4th to 8th intercostal veins
drains into Azygous vein at the level of T8
Thoracic Duct
Origin- cisterna chyli in abdomen
enters through aoritc hiatus
acends to lie directly anterior to t6-t12 vertebrae,
deviates to the left at the level of T4
drains into junction between Left IJV and left Subclavian vein
course of oesophagus
starts at C6 level (cricoid)
crosses anteriorly to the left main bronchus,
lies behind left atrium and passes through muscular part of diaphragm(rt crus)
innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve
vasculature and lymphatics of oesophagus
part. arterial. venous. lymphatics
1. upper 1/3. inferior thyroid artery inferiothyroid vein. lower deep cervical
2. middle 1/3. oesophageal artery Azygous vein. posterior mediastinal
3. lower 1/3. left gastric artery. left gastric vein. coeliac nodes
Unequal devision of Conus d/t anterior displacement of conotruncal septum
1. pulmonary infundibular stenosis
2. VSD
3. overriding aorta
4. RVH
Failure of Endocardial cushions to fuse
massesof mesemchyme in atrioventricular and conotruncal region of bulbus cordis
Cervical pleura
extends 2.5 cm above medial 1/3 of clavicle
site of SVC cannulation
1-2 cm inferior and lateral to junction between medial 1/3 and lateral 2/3 of clavicle
anterior relations of oesophagus
Posterior relations of oesophagus
Thoracic vertebra
Thoracic duct
Hemiazygous vein
Descending aorta
Branches of Axillary Artery
Slap the lawyer save patients attendant
devided into three parts by pectoralis minor
1st part — 1 branch — superior thoracic artery
2nd part — 2 branch — thoracoacromial , lateral thoracic artery
3rd part — 3 branches — subscapular( thoracdorsal imp branch) , anterior circumflex and posterior circumflex humeral artery
safe triangle
5th ICS, MIDAXILLARY LINE(just anterior), Above 6the rib
posteriorly — lateral border of latissimus dorsi
anteriorly — lateral border of pectoralis major
inferiorly — 5th ICS
Superiorly — base of axilla
phrenic nerve course
begins at lateral border of anterior scalene muscle,
progresses inferiorly medial to ant. scalene muscle
parallel to IJV, deep to prevertebral fascia,
Anterior to Subclavian artery and posterior to Subclavian Vein
Right—- enters thorax through thoracic inlet,
Descends anterior tolung root , in contact with right pericardium of atrium,
exits throught T8 vena caval orifice
Left— enters through thoracic inlet,
crossing the aortic arch, descends anterior to left lung root, in contact with left pericardium.
SVC surface landmarks
- 1st right costal cartilage— formation by union of left and right brachiocephalic veins
- sternal angle/T4/T5– Azygous vein pierces SVC
- 3rd Right Costal cartilage— SVC drains into right atrium