Peace and Conflict - References Flashcards
Exodus 21
An eye for an eye
Leviticus 19:18
Love your neighbour as yourself
Matthew 5
Sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are the peacemakers”, “Turn the other cheek”, “Love your enemies”
Matthew 7
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Jesus’ Golden Rule
Luke 10
Parable of the Good Samaritan - being good to a foreigner
Surah 16
If you have to respond, make your attack proportionate, but it is best to stand fast.
Surah 17
Do not take life, which God has made sacred.
Just War theory
Just cause, last resort, just means.
Gulf War 1990
- Baghdad bunker bombing - 400 dead
- Total 30,000 Iraqi military dead
- 3,664 civilians short term -> 100,000 long-term
- Led to Al-Qaeda and 9/11?
Martin Luther King
Hate can never drive out hate, only love can do that.
Malcolm X
Sometimes you’ve got to pick the gun up to put the gun down. The ballot or the bullet.
WMD c.s.
Mutually Assured Destruction; Trident; H+N - 250,000 dead vs ? in invasion.
Pope Urban II aiming for control of all Christendom
Conscientious objectors, set up volunteer Friend’s Ambulance service.
Pope Francis
Inviting leaders of Israel and Hamas to pray together in the Vatican.
Campaigning for universal education for girls.
Christian Aid
Short-term: shelter and water. Long-term: rebuilding schools etc in partnership with locals.