Peace and Conflict - Key Words Flashcards
Absence of conflict, tensions, and injustice.
Working to establish peace.
Fairness. When people are treated equally and according to what they deserve.
Choosing not to hold another’s wrongdoing against them.
Re-establishing good relationships after conflict.
Fighting or acting in some way to prevent yourself from being harmed by another.
Fighting back after an attack, aiming to inflict harm on the agressor.
Just War Theory
Christian set of criteria for deciding when it is right to go to war.
Belief that it is wrong to take part in war for any reason.
Holy War
Fighting for a religious cause.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons that can kill large numbers of people at once. Includes nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
Nuclear Weapons
Bombs or missiles equipped with warheads that cause massive destruction by triggering uncontrolled nuclear reactions.
Nuclear Deterrence
Preventing attack by being in possession of nuclear weapons. Having nuclear weapons is intended to scare off aggressors.
Using actions that threaten or harm others.
Violent protest
Demonstrations or riots that use violence to demand a response.
The unlawful use of violence, especially against civilians, to achieve a political goal.