Peace and Conflict Flashcards
Ensuring fairness where for all people, establishing what is right and ensuring things are a God wants.
Just War Theory
Was devised by St Thomas Aquinas, and outlines what makes it justified or righteous when going to war and how to behave in war.
Last Resort
All peaceful methods of resolution must of been tried first.
Just Cause
The reason you are going to war should be for defence or protection, not for attack.
Legitimate Authority
The person declaring they should be the in the position to do so.
Right Intention
Aim/goal of the war should be to reestablish peace.
Principle of Discrimination
Only targeting that are related to the war.
Behaviour of troops
You need to be able to control your army otherwise it is very difficult to establish peace.
Reasonable chance of success
You should go to war when the intention of the war is achievable.
Damaged caused by going to war should not outway the damaged by not going to war
Holy war
Is a battle with one or both of the armies, which has a religious goal authorised by a religious leader with a spiritual rewards for those who take apart.
Is an example of holy war.
Is the belief that ALL war and violence is wrong
Conscientious Objectors
Pacifist who refuse to go war but will work as a medic.
An act of violence against civilians by one or group of people to achieve their goals.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
A weapon that when used causes large loss of life or damage to the environment
Nuclear Weapon
A weapon which causes an atomic reaction which devastates huge areas and kills many people.
Chemical Weapon
A weapon which uses natural or man-made compounds to spread disease or death. (Mustard gas)
Biological Weapon
A weapon which uses living organisms to spread disease or death. (Anthrax)
Is where you go to church and confess your sins and you are forgiven and cleansed.
Righteous Anger
a reactive emotion of anger over mistreatment, insult, or malice.
behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone)
Adopting extreme views on religious, social or political issues.
The death of a martyr
Someone who dies for their belief
Causing a physical, mental or phycological harm to somebody.
Peace Making
The action of trying to establish peace
Conflict resolution
Creating peace between two parties that have been at war or in a dispute with each other
Non-Violent Resistance
Resisting a government without using violence, for example through peaceful protest or non-cooperation
Someone who believes God is everyone