Kingdom Of God Flashcards
A person on a religious journey, reflects the journey through life of heaven
A religious trip
40 days before Easter where Xtains reflect on the suffering of Jesus
Place of Pilgrimage as this was where St Peter was martyred and also to seek the blessing of the current leader, the Pope
The place of the immaculate conception. Where Bernadette had visions of Mary
A place of pilgrimage located in England. Where a noblewomen saw a visions of Nazareth Mary lived in and then she copied it
Dramatised Prayer
A form of prayer which includes actions, like moving from one place to another or acting out the intention of the prayer
Kingdom of God
Where all people live as God intends
The lord’s prayer
The prayer Jesus taught the disciples. The “Our Father”
Bringing about what us right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong which has been committed.
A state of total trust and unity between all people
. The restoring of harmony after a relationship has broken down
. Also a sacrament in the Catholic Church
Hierarchy of the Church
A ranking system which gives structure to the church
The leader of the church and successor of St Peter
The people who elect the Pope
High-Ranking clergymen who have power to confirm and ordain
People who are ordained to preach word of God. Assist the Priest and perform marriage and funerals. Ordained by the Priest
Lay people
The non-ordained people of the Church.
Second Vatican Council
A series of important gatherings of all Catholic Bishops between 1962 and 65 which updated many Catholic teachings
Dei Verbum (Word of God)
Dealt with importance of interpretation in scriptures. Council accepted books were written in particular ways and different messages. Should be taken seriously but not read literal
Lumen Gentium (On the Church)
Emphasises everyone has a role to play in the church. Also says the idea of the pilgrim church moving forward rather than being an immovable fortress which has to withstand attacks from society.
Sacrosanctum Councilium (On the Sacred Liturgy)
Deals with the way liturgy and services must change to allow people to take part in worshiping of God. Allowed Catholics to hear mass in their own language
Gandium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World).
Focuses on issues relating to family, politics, economy and culture. The Church is not separate from the world but works in it through people’s life,
The Assumption of Mary into Heaven (often shortened to the Assumption) is, according to the beliefs of the Catholic Church, Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life.
Immaculate Conception
a title given to Mary that refers to the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin
Four Marks of the Church
“One Holy Catholic Apostolic”
The teaching authority of the Catholic Church, exercised by the Pope and the bishops
Pontifical Church
When the teachings of the Church are presented by a pope
Conciliar church
When the authority of the Magisterium is expressed through the Pope in a council
Catholic Social Teaching
Church believes that Catholics should bot let their fellow humans suffer especially when their suffering is due to the effects of economic exploitation and greed
St Vincent De Paul Society
Is has members which will go out into their local community to help people in need eg help in care homes, hospitals and prisons