p.e ch 5-6 Flashcards
What is ATP?
A chemical made up of adenosine and three phosphate molecules. Energy is released by its breakdown which enables cellular function and muscular movement.
What are the three main food fuels?
Carbohydrates (CHO), Fats, protein
What is the body’s preferred source of fuel?
what does each food fuel break down to?
carbohydrates : to glucose
fats: free fatty acids
protein: amino acids
The dominant energy system dependent on what factors?
- duration
- intensity
- presence of O2
- depletion of chemical food fuels
Define VO2 Max
This is the maximum amount of o2 our body can take in, deliver and utilise on one minute.
what are the three energy systems?
ATP-PC system, Lactic acid / anerobic glycolysis system, Aerobic energy system
what is the fuel source for the ATP-PC and Anaerobic glycolysis energy system?
ATP-PC : Phosphate creatine (PC) or creatine phosphate (CP)
Anaerobic glycolysis : glycogen
What is the fuel source at rest and during PA for the aerobic energy system?
Rest : FFA’S
At submaximal and maximal intensities :
- fats (when glycogen sparing and glycogen stores are diminished)
-Proteins ( only in extreme conditions such as starvation or extended illness of depletion of CHO’S and FFA’S)
At which intensity is each energy system dominant?
ATP PC : > 95% max HR
Anaerobic glycolysis: >85% max HR
Aerobic : resting HR
At what stage of the activity is each energy system dominant?
ATP PC : 1-10 seconds
Anaerobic glycolysis: 10-20 (at max) 10-60
Aerobic: > 75
Give the rate of energy production and the yield for each energy system.
ATP PC fastest and but short duration(0.7-1 ATP for every PC molecule)
Anaerobic glycolysis Fast and fairly short duration (2-3 ATP for every glucose molecule)
Aerobic glycolysis Moderate
(Carbohydrates 36-38 ATP per glucose molecule)
Aerobic lipolysis slow but long duration
(Fats 100+ ATP per triglyceride molecule )
What is Lactate Inflection Point (LIP)
LIP is when exercise intensity beyond when lactate production exceeds removal, also referred to as lactate threshold.
How can you tell when you are at LIP?
LIP is usually triggered 85% above max HR but it is dependent on the condition and training. You may burning in the body part you have used when experiencing LIP.
How long does it take for ATP to be replenished?
ATP is replenished 70% in 30 secs and is fully replenished after 3 mins (with passive recovery)
What is the dominant energy system during sub-maximal exercise?
With sub maximal exercise your ATP-PC would not be as depleted as quickly so it might last a little longer than 10 seconds. As it is submaximal, there is very little use of anaerobic glycolysis and this would not be used unless the activity changed its intensity to above 85% of max HR. Therefore the predominant energy system for submax exercise is aerobic glycolysis.
Go through the interplay of three energy systems during maximal exercise.
With maximal exercise (above 85% of max HR), ALL THREE ENERGY SYSTEMS ARE ACTIVATED. ATP-PC will be predominant for first 5 seconds or so and will deplete after approx. 10 seconds. Anaerobic Glycolysis will be dominant as it remains a maximal effort. This will be dominant for the next 75 seconds and will be ‘cooked’ after approx. 2 – 3 mins. At about 75 seconds, aerobic glycolysis will be the dominant system and will be for the remainder of the activity unless there are rest periods (eg stoppages in the activity or being benched) or a hard exertion like climbing a steep hill).