Ch14 Flashcards
what is psychological skills training and what might be some of the principles that are focused on?
this is the rehearsal or practise of a variety of psychological techniques
principles might include goal setting, arousal, mental rehearsal, confidence building and concentration
what are the three stages of all programs?
- the education phase
- the acquisition phase
- the practise phase
what does the education phase consist of?
- this is a short phase (1-2 hours) that involves gauging the level of mental skills by the athlete and explain the importance of developing psychological skills
- usually involves discussion on mental skills (imagery, arousal regulation) are currently being used my elite athletes to maximise performance levels
what does the acquisition phase consist of?
- this focuses on how psychological skills are to be learned by the individual
eg an athlete with unregulated arousal will be taught how to replace negative statements with positive ones
what does the practise phase consist of?
- this is where the psychological skills learned become automatic via overlearning as they are part pf training and are practised to replicate real game scenarios.
what are some psychological strategies to improve performance?
- use mental rehearsal prior to competition
- develop detailed competition plans that may include various potential situations and coping strategies.
- focus concentration on upcoming performance rather than previous outcomes
- regularly practise the same skills under different levels
of arousal and anxiety to be prepared for any situation - Practice under match conditions to enhance confidence
name and describe each of the types of motivation
Extrinsic motivation- Extrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by external rewards such as money, fame, grades, and praise.
Intrinsic motivation- usually intangible and internal things that are desired of the performer eg(love of sport, love for the league and team)
Positive motivation- reward or a positive reinforcer for desirable/good behaviour eg money for getting an A+
Negative motion- punishment or a negative reinforcer for unwanted/poor result eg 50 push ups for coming late for training
define a reinforcer
Reinforcer- a method of motivation either positive or negative, that makes the likelihood of a person completing a desired behaviour increase or the the likelihood of a person completing an unwanted behaviour decrease.
how should positive or negative reinforcers/motivators be applied to athletes?
Both of these reinforcers should be applied if the coach sees there is a need too. However, negative reinforcers should never be applied more than positive reinforcers, in fact coaches should provide 10 times more positive reinforcers than negative.
how does goal setting improve performance?
- Focusing attention on important elements of the skill(s) being performed
- Activating and organising an athlete’s efforts
- Encouraging perseverance
- Promoting the development of new learning strategies
- Refining movements and set plays
- Contributing towards a positive psychological state
briefly describe and give an example each type of sporting goal
OUTCOME GOALS- These are things like end times, finishing place or ranking. Can be problematic because they are linked to factors the athlete can not control, such as the performance of others.
(eg aiming to finish top 5 in a triathlon)
PERFORMANCE GOALS- this is the comparison of past and present performance, independent of other competitors. Leads to less anxiety and greater self-confidence because the athlete has control over their behavior.
(eg improving fg % from 40 to 50)
PROCESS GOALS- actions that athletes must perform during a competition to reach peak performance. Effective at improving performance levels because they positively influence other factors such as self-confidence.
(eg successfully executing a defensive play when against the final shot in basketball)
what are guidelines for for goal setting
Measurable- progress should be able to be evaluated
Accepted- all parties involved agree
Time phased- should end at a specific date
at what level of arousal does the optimum level of performance occur and why?
moderate: this is because being too less aroused means the body is still ‘switched off’ and does not have the readiness to compete in competition, while having a too high level of arousal, usually means the individual is highly anxious which can decrease performance through ‘stiff’ muscles
having a moderate level of arousal is beneficial and it means that the individual has enough stress to release hormones such as adrenaline and it also means that more blood is pumped around the body to working muscles without the anxiety of being over aroused.
what are some causes of stress for a player?
- Lack of preparation
- recent poor performance (yourself of teammates)
- Poor results
- Poor coaching
- Poor umpiring
- Criticism or intense scrutiny
what are some arousal regualtion techniques?
- progressive muscle relaxation(PMR)
- meditation
- sleep
- breathing control
- biofeedback
- stress inoculation training (SIT)