Ch 15-16 Flashcards
name five personal reasons athletes might take performance enhancing drugs?
- ongoing dissatisfaction with their own performance or lack of progress
- psychological dependence
- self-pressure or doubt
- for relaxation or socialisation
- wanting to keep up with other athletes
- a win at all cost mentality
- personal pride
name five environemtnal reasons athletes might take performance enhancing drugs?
- drug culture
- pressure from coach, parents. relatives, media
- unreasonable scheduling that does not allow for reasonable recovery time
- endorsements or financial rewards offered for improved performance
- the prestige and fame offered
- influence of role models
- national honour and pride
what are the types of illegal erogenic drugs
- stimulants
- narcotic analgesics
- anabolic steroids
- beta-blockers
- masking agents
- polypeptide hormones and analogues
- erythropoietin (EPO) or hormonal blood boosting
- blood doping or red blood cell reinfusion
what are the perceived benefits of stimulants and common sports involved
- stimulants mask fatigue, increase alertness and aggression, improve muscle reaction, improve anaerobic performance
- common sports include: athletics, swimming, weightlifting, cycling
what are the harmful side effects involved with stimulants (caffeine)
- anxiety
- restlessness
- tremors
- irritability
- cardiac arrhythmia
- stomach upsets
- dependence
- hypothermia
- heart attack
what are the perceived benefits of narcotic analgesics and common sports involved
- mask pain and give a feeling of euphoria (intense excitement or happiness)
- likely in any sport where injury is common
what are the harmful side effects involved with narcotic analgesics
- dependence
- respiratory failure
- risk of further damage and injury
what are the perceived benefits of anabolic steroids and common sports involved
- increase muscle bulk, power and strength, increase aggression, increase speed of recovery, allowing longer harder training
- common in any sport requiring strength and/or power
what are the harmful side effects involved with anabolic steroids
- dependence
- depression
- hypertension
- cancer
- sudden death
- salt or water retention
- testicular atrophy
- facial hair infertility
what are the perceived benefits of beta-blockers and common sports involved
- reduce HR, tension and tremors. increase relaxation and vo2 diff
- common in shooting and archery, sports the require calm and precision
what are the harmful side effects involved with beta-blockers
- dangerous for asthmatics
- heart failure
- hypotension
- hypoglycaemia
- impotence
explain the perceived benefit and common sports involved with the use of the masking agent diuretics
- masks use of anabolic steroids, reduces body weight quickly
- common in boxing and weightlifting
what are the perceived benefits of masking agents and the harmful side effects?
- promote excretion of urine, correct altered testosterone-epitestosterone ratio , block excretion of anabolic agents, alter red cell parameters.
- side effects include;
dehydration, cramp, cardiac arrhythmia, formation of kidney stones, acute gouty arthritis, hair loss, skin rash, nausea, fever
what are the perceived benefits of polypeptide hormones and analogues and common sports involved
- enhance muscle and bone development, provide an anti-inflammatory effect, mask use of anabolic steroids, give a feeling of euphoria
- common sports are sports are sports involving strength, power and muscle bulk
what are the harmful side affects of polypeptide hormones and analogues
- sodium and water retention, skin changes, decreased immune function, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, cancer and impotence