PDP Flashcards
Identify a training approach to develop each factor
Mental - deep breathing
Emotional - visualisation
Social - team building games, conditioned games
Physical - repetition drills, shadow practice, conditioned games
Describe deep breathing
Carried it out at home every night, on my own, away from distractions (mobile phone)
Breathed in through my nose for 4 and then exhaled through mouth for 4
Repeated this 10 times
Every night for a week until I was confident with it
Started to add deep breathing into training sessions to progress method and use in games
Further progressed by reducing number of deep breaths taken to reduce anxiety levels
Explain suitability of deep breathing and visualisation (deep breathing anxiety, visualisation confidence)
- easy to set up and required no equipment, maximise training time using approach and not wasting it setting up, lots of practice at approach, developed my performance
- carried out anywhere, first started out could do in bedroom away from others, didn’t feel self conscious, gave 100% effort into completing approach properly, helped me to develop controlling anxieties and develop my performance
- proven method used by professional athletes to control anxieties, trusted approach, focussed on doing it correctly as knew it would work, got better at controlling anxieties, developed performance
- one limitation, hard to carry out in a very short space of time, in pressurised quick game situations can be hard to carry out effectively, approach doesn’t always work to develop performance in games very fast paced
Analyse suitability of deep breathing and visualisation (deep breathing anxiety, visualisation confidence)
- important to complete deep breathing at home when you first try it, not feel self conscious, take it seriously and complete approach properly, get better at controlling anxieties, develop performance
- important to complete in a dark quiet place to begin with, won’t be distracted by electronics, fully concentrate on approach and use it correctly, better at controlling anxieties, develop performance
- important to practice approach lots before trying it in a game like situation, will have approach mastered having progressed the approach, so when try in game it will still be successful despite the pace of the game, still be able to calm down anxieties developing performance
Describe team building games
One game used was the human knot
Got into groups of 6 and stood in a circle
Right hand into middle or circle and grabbed hold of someone else’s who was not directly next to us
Did same with left hand grabbing a different persons hand
Now in a human knot
When teacher blew whistle we tried to uncle knot by turning around and stepping over each others arms without letting go of hands
We had to use social sub factors such as communication and team dynamics
If anyone let go we had to start again
Game finished when had untangled know and we’re standing in normal circle, hands still held
To make harder we increased number in group from 6 to 8
Explain suitability of team building games
- easy to set up requiring no equipment, able to maximise training time on approach and didn’t waste time setting it up, able to develop social sub factors such as communication and team dynamics as had to work together
- enjoyable, had fun working together with lots of different people developing our relationships with teammates, also stayed motivated to complete as never bored, helped develop our communication and team dynamics, developed overall performance
- didn’t take long to complete but still effective, still getting the benefits from the game such as improving team dynamics,then able to move onto a different aspect of the social factor, able to develop different areas of social factor improving my overall performance
- one limitation is that some people may feel intimidated, this means they would shy away from having any responsibility in the group, this means their communication and team dynamics won’t improve as well which can effect the whole teams performance
Analyse suitability of team building games
- important to work with a variety of different people, get used to working with different teammates and won’t get to comfortable working with the same people or friends each session, different people allows performers overall confidence to improve working with a team developing things like communication and team dynamics to develop overall performance
- important each person has specific role within group, means everyone is involved and won’t just be one person who takes the lead, every will develop their social skills such as communication and tea, dynamics helping the team to work better together as one
- important everyone knows how effective team building games are before session starts, everyone motivated as they know how much benefit they will have in improving social factor, everyone will try their hardest in session and as a result communication and team dynamics will take quick improvements
- important your team building games contain complex problems, everyone will be encouraged to collaborate and work hard to solve problems, everyone in team will try and work together meaning their communication and team dynamics will improve, able to bring these skills into game situations to develop performance
Describe repetition drills
Used to improve accuracy of drop shot in badminton
Needed a racket a shuttle and a net
Stood in middle of badminton court in a position with my racket getting ready to receive shot
My partner stood on other side of net and played high serve to back of the court
Did my best to follow all the steps of how to play an effective drop shot such as first moving to the back of the court following the shuttle and then moving my weight onto my back foot as the first 2 steps
I then played the drop shot and tried to get it to land in front of the service line on the other side of the net
Repeated this 10 times
Recorded how many successful drop shots I played landing in the right area
Did this each session and compared my scores out of 10 to see if I was improving
Explain suitability of repetition drills
- allowed me to get lots of practice or specific shot in a game like situation, this meant the technique of how to play badminton shots eg drop shot, became muscle memory to make the skill automatic, I became more confident playing shot with no game pressure, no game pressure also meant I could focus on following all the sub-routines of shots correctly, improved my drop shot
- easy to set up and only required basic badminton equipment, maximise training time on doing approach rather than wasting lots of time setting up, resulted in lots of practice at playing a drop shot meaning it became muscle memory and they improved in game-like situations
- could be progressed easily by adding targets onto the court with hoops, this mad the drill more demanding each time ensuring I was constantly improving and not hitting a plateau, developed the accuracy of my drop shots allowing them to become more consistent in a game situation
- one limitation is if partner doesn’t play shots consistently to the back of the court, wasn’t able to practice all the sub-routines of playing a drop shot meaning my practice wasn’t effective and I wasn’t practicing the right techniques, drop shots didn’t improve as I wasn’t used to playing them from the back of the court, so when I needed to do that they didn’t have enough power and didn’t go over the net
Analyse suitability of repetition drills
- important that before completing drop shot you know what all the sub-routines of playing a drop shot are, know exactly how to play shot with correct technique, can focus on performing them correctly, drop shots improved as lots of practice of doing them properly so became muscle memory
- important you do repetition drill for no longer than 10 minutes, would become tedious, would stop giving full effort and stop thinking about correct technique, this would cause skill level to decrease as not playing properly and confidence levels to go down
- important you have partner who can feed to the back of the court, able to practice drop shot properly following all correct sub-routines, drop shot improved and was able to use effectively in games more often
- important you add progressions on once you are becoming more consistent at playing the drop shots, for example adding in a target of where to get the drop shot to land, continue making improvements as this will be harder ensuring you don’t hit a plateau, drop shots will get better and better the more demanding the drill becomes
Describe visualisation
Initially completing approach at home on own with all distractions away eg mobile phone
Visualised myself playing different shots successfully in badminton as well as the sounds of the crowd and my opponent trying to put me off
For example I visualised myself playing a successful drop shot where the shuttle landed just past the net meaning my opponent was not able to return the shot
I repeated these images 5 times
To progress this approach I moved my visualisation into my training sessions where there was more distractions and noise around to make it more difficult to successfully visualise
This meant I could start to use it in games to increase my confidence before playing shots
To progress it further I started to visualise the images only e times instead of 5
Explain why you should maintain strengths during a PDP
- so strengths don’t become weaknesses, ensures all areas of performance will remain at high levels while carrying out PDP, so when PDP is complete you will have previous areas of strength as well as the added bonus of a new strength through the area you were developing in PDP
- to keep training engaging, won’t become demotivated due to always focusing on the areas you are weaker at making you less confident in your performance, by maintaining strengths you will be able to progress through full PDP with high levels of motivation
- don’t want to lose assets that are a strength to you just because you focussed on improving your weakness, result in skill set becoming very unbalanced due to forgetting to maintain strengths
Explain why you should prioritise development needs when carrying out a PDP
- by targeting a specific weakness first, I will be able to ensure the biggest positive impact on my performance and see the biggest improvements while implementing my PDP
- it is important to prioritise development needs, for example if my biggest weakness is I can’t control my anger, then I need to work on that first in order to make the most improvements in my PDP. This means I will get rid of bad habits like shouting at the ref and be less likely to be sent off during a match
- focus on the area i think is having the biggest negative impact, for example whilst the data showed confidence was my weakest area, i felt that by addressing my anger first it would have the biggest positive impact on performance, by staying calm is pressurised moments i would perform more fluently and contribute to the team
describe your strengths and weaknesses in comparison to a model performer for mental factor
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+ - one strength is concentration, like ny model performer i am able to keep focused on myself during a
trampoline competition by blocking out everything that is going on around me and ignore other people
performances. i did this by listening to music as i had seen my model performer do this - like my model performer i also made good decisions in training, in training i started to feel pain in one of my ankles that had been previously broken so i decided to stop training for the night to rest it and prevent a bigger injury occurring. this is similar to what i had seen my model performer doing in training a few weeks ago as they didn’t want to injury themselves seriously and have to take an extended time off training.
- however unlike my model performer, i struggle to stay motivated at training after a bad competition. after falling at my last competition, when i returned to training i was very demotivated as i hadn’t achieved the results i’d hoped for after working so hard at training in the weeks before, i stopped trying hard in training and my performance stopped developing. however my model performer gets back into training to start working harder to ensure a mistake doesn’t happen again at the next competition
- also unlike my model performer i was unable to control my anxieties at competitions, because i was so nervous before competing as i didn’t want to fall it caused my muscles to tense up meaning when i started jumping for my routine i didn’t get enough height to be able to perform my routines successful. however my model performer is able to stay calm while competing by visualising themselves doing well allowing them to go into the routine feeling positive. this is only of my development needs
evaluate the effectiveness of approaches used to develop the physical factor
- shadow practice is effective at developing the physical factor as it doesn’t require any specialised equipment. when performing shadow practice for the overhead drop shot i only needed a racket and a partner which meant it was easy to carry out anywhere and i didn’t have to waste training time setting up equipment. as a result i am able to maximise my time spent on practicing the approach and technique of the drop shot meaning when i go back to playing games it will have the biggest positive impact on my overall performance
- however shadow practice isn’t always effective at developing the physical factor as it became tedious. this meant that when doing shadow practice for the drop shot, after 10 minutes i wasn’t trying as hard at trying to do it correctly which lead to me practicing the technique wrong. as a result i didn’t get enough practice at playing the drop shot with the correct technique which meant when trying when in the game they were still very inconsistent and my performance hadn’t developed
- show practice is also effective as it requires me to repeat the same correct technique over and over again. this means i will know exactly how to do it properly and it will become muscle memory. as a result i will be able to perform it automatically when under pressure in a game which allows me to focus on other things such as what shot i will play next
- conditioned games were an effective way to develop the physical factor because they were very enjoyable. this meant when playing the conditioned games where i scored double points for scoring a point with a drop shot, i always tried my hardest to play lots because i fun having fun and motivated. as a result i was able to get lots of practice of the drop shot in a game situation which lead to them getting much better and more consistent, developing my performance
- conditioned games were also effective as they were specific to the drop shot. for example i played a game were i scored 3 points if i won a point playing a drop shot. this meant i was more motivated to play drop shots as i got more points for playing them. as a result i got lots of practice of playing the drop shot in a game situation with more pressure than other approaches. therefore my drop shots improved in games and my performance developed for the physical factor
- conditioned games may not always be effective as the performer have forget the condition or just choose not to. for example if the condition was of you play a drop shot you get 2 points. this means if the performer is more confident just playing other shots they may decide not to play the drop shot even through it offers more points. as a result there performer in the drop shot will not develop as they won’t be getting enough practice in game situations.
describe conditioned games
one method i used to develop social factors was conditioned games to improve my ability and my non verbal communication skills
the first conditioned game i played was to improve my non verbal communication.
to do this we got into 2 netball teams all with players of similar ability in our preferred positions
we put the condition on the game that we were not allowed to speak during the 10 minute game and only being able to use hand signals to communicate.
if a player spoke there was a penalty of the team losing a point
limitations of conditioned games
- game may not be specific to the skill you are wanting to develop, may not get enough practice at skill to develop
- performer may not be confident enough to attempt skill in a game situation, don’t get practice to develop, will become demotivated if they feel they can’t do the skill, won’t try as hard
- performer may forget to play skill as they are too concentrated in winning the game
- takes too long to set up, minimised training time as lots is wasted setting up, don’t develop
describe a session you have completed during a PDP in the physical and emotional factor
to begin my session i did 4 laps of the hall to warm up
i then found a partner, and played 2 minutes of continuous badminton rally’s to warm up for badminton
me and my partner then completed stop shot shadow practice giving each other feedback as we did it based on the subroutines of a drop shot
we then moved into repetition drills where my partner did a high serve to the back of the court and i played a drop shot back using correct technique and trying to get it to land before service line on other side of court. repeated 10 times and recorded successful numbers
found quiet place on my own away from distractions and completed visualisation to increase my confidence before playing conditioned games
i visualised myself playing 3 successful different shots
i then played a conditioned game where i got 2 points for winning a rally with a drop shot
to finish my session i filled in my training first by writing in everything i did as well as giving my self feedback
then set a goal for the next session and rucked my diary with my coach
explain you would reprioritise
- if your initial weakness has been improved and a new weakness has been identified
- goals have been met early
- returning from injury or not training
- change of team/role/position
Describe shadow practice
Shadow practice involves mimicking the movements of your identified skill, for example a drop shot in badminton, over and over again. No equipment is used.
To begin this approach I found a partner, and we picked up a sheet of paper that had all the subroutines of the drop shot written on it.
We found a quiet space in the hall and my partner read out the subroutines to me one by one. After each one she read out I did what she said until we had done all the subroutines.
I then tried to do it on my own without her calling out the subroutines and my partner watched to see what I was doing well and what I needed to work on.
I did this 5 times in a row
My partner then gave me some feedback on how to improve, and I repeated this another 3 times.
To progress the approach you would increase the number of reps you did to make it start to become proper muscle memory
Explain the suitability of shadow practice
- does not require any equipment, so can maximise training time rather than wasting time setting up, get lots of practice of the drill allowing it to become muscle memory and your performance to develop
- feedback is provided after each attempt, this means you can make quick improvements as the feedback will still be fresh in your head and you can immediately implement it into your next attempt, this allows you to make progress each session as you do the drill helping performance to develop
- easy to progress the approach by making it harder as you have to remember the subroutines, this means it will ensure you do not hit a plateau as the drill is constantly becoming more demanding, allowing you to improve you technique of the drop shot by getting lots of practice, therefore developing performance
- however, it can be extremely boring as no game elements are involved, this may cause the performer to become very tedious during sessions meaning they will stop trying as hard, as a result they will stop thinking about completing the approach correctly and therefore pr#force the wrong technique, therefore performance will not develop