Factors Impacting Performance Flashcards
Identify the four factors
Identify 4 mental sub factors
Decision making
Identify 4 emotional sub factors
Identify 4 social sub factors
Communication (verbal and non-verbal)
Team dynamics
Roles and responsibilities
Identify 4 physical factors
How do you answer a factors impacting on performance question?
- specific situation (include position, score, time in game)
- impact on performer (include buzz words)
- impact on performance (logical ending)
Impact of decision making on performance
S - being able to make good decisions has a positive impact on my trampoline performance. The day before a competition, I made the decision to perform 2 easier routines in the qualification round and then 2 harder routines if I made it into the final.
I - this meant I was more likely to perform my qualification routines successfully and therefore qualify myself into the final. Then for the final my more difficult routines, if completed successfully, would give me a good chance at placing in the top 3.
I - as a result I managed to qualify through to the final in 5th place and then move up to 2nd after completing my more difficult routines
Impact of motivation on performance
S - staying motivated has a positive impact on my trampoline performance in the 4 weeks between 2 competitions where the first one went badly.
I - because I wanted to do better at the next competition, I got back in the gym and started training harder
I - this resulted in me improving my skills and getting more consistent which lead to be performing much better in the next competition and managing to secure myself a place at the British championships
Impact of concentration on performance
S - having good concentration levels has a positive impact on my trampoline performance during a competition
I - this meant I was able to stay totally focussed on myself and block out all the other competitors performances and any noise around me.
I - as a result going in to my routine I was focussed so when performing my routine which contained somersaults with lots of twists I was able to stay completely focussed during the skill and therefore was able to complete the routine successfully.
Impact of anxiety on performance
S - being unable to control my anxiety has a negative impact on my performance during a big competition
I - before competing I become really nervous which caused my muscles to tense up
I - as a result I had a bad warm up of my routines which made me even more nervous for the actual competition. Therefore when it came to me doing my competition routine, I was so anxious and these that it caused me to fall on my first skill as I didn’t fully commit to it. This meant I scored very low and wasn’t able to qualify into the British championships
Impact of anger on performance
S - being unable to control my anger has a negative impact on my trampoline performance after falling in my first routine at the British championships
I - this caused me to become frustrated with myself as the fall was very uncharacteristic and could have been easily avoided
I - as a result, I knew I had to do well in second routine and put to much pressure on myself. This caused me to put too much effort into the first skill because of adrenaline leading to me having too much power and falling. I did not get the scores I needed to qualify through to the next round
Impact of fear on performance
S - a high level of fear has a negative impact on my trampoline performance when completing a new skill for the first time in a competition setting
I - this meant I was worried before competing the skill as I still wasn’t performing it consistently in training. I started to overthink how to do the skill
I - as a result when it came to doing it in my competition routine I didn’t fully commit to it which lead to me landing badly and hurting my ankle. I was then too scared to try the skill again in the future in training meaning I had to use lower difficulty and perform safer and easier skills at the next competition
Impact of confidence on performance
S - having a high level of confidence has a positive impact on my trampoline performance hen going into the British championships
I - this meant I was able to trust in my training as I knew I had worked hard and therefore believed in myself that I could do well
I - as a result when I was about to compete I can perform a fast run up to the trampoline which provides me with lots of power and height to perform the skills well and land on my feet. In the qualification round I managed to score well enough to get me through to the final round.
Impact of resilience on performance
S - resilient has a positive impact on my trampoline performance after falling in my first routine in a competition and scoring very low
I - because I didn’t give up, I tried my best to move on and forget about the fall before starting my routine as I knew I could do much better
I - as a result I had a clear positive head and was able to perform my second routine much better competing all 10 skills. I scored much higher which gave me a chance to qualify into the final round.
Impact of communication on performance
S - having good verbal communication has a positive impact on my netball performance while I was playing centre whilst my team was 11-10 up in the last 5 minutes of the game
I - because I was able to talk and communicate effectively with my teammates this meant I was able to call for the ball whenever I was in a space
I - as a result my teammates knew they could pass to me and we were able to make a successful pass without interception meaning our team kept possession and the lead in the final moments of the game
Impact on team dynamics on performance
S - having good team dynamics helped our netball team during a league match when I was playing centre while the score was 12-2 down after the first 2 quarters of the game.
I - during half time me and my teammates were able to work together effectively without blaming anyone for the current score and start deciding on some new tactics for the remainder of the game
I - as a result we were able to start the next 15 minutes of the game with a new, clear game plan which helped us score another 5 points as well as preventing the opposing team from scoring any
Impact of roles and responsibilities on performance
S - knowing my roles and responsibilities has a positive impact on my netball performance when I was playing wing attack, then the score was 15-12 up in the last quarter of the game
I - this meant I knew that my job as a wing attack was to get the ball into the shooting circle and that I wasn’t allowed in to defensive third of the court or the shooting circle
I - as a result I was able to help my team create scoring opportunities and never gave away my teams possession of the ball due to being offside. This meant we were able to keep our lead in the final 15 minutes of the game
Impact of agility on performance
S - being agile has a positive impact on my netball performance when playing centre in a league match while the score was 4-5 up going into the 2nd quarter of the game
I - this means I can change direction quickly and sidestep into spaces to create an option for my teammates to pass to me, when we are in possession of the ball
I - therefore I can get away my my markers and receive a pass will low pressure leading to me keeping possession for my team so we can keep trying to create scoring opportunities
Impact of speed on performance
S - having high levels of speed has a positive impact on my netball performance whilst playing centre in a league match, while the score was 6-7 down going into the last quarter of the game
I - this means that when my team are in possession I am able to quickly get into a space and get away from my markers
I - therefore I can call for a ball and successfully receive a pass without interception, keeping possession for my team. I can then start to help creating scoring opportunities my passing the ball towards a GA/GS.
Impact of CRE on performance
S - having low levels of CRE has a negative impact on my netball performance whilst playing centre in a league match, when the score was 14-12 up in the last 5 minutes of the game
I - because I started to fatigue towards the end of the game it meant I wasn’t able to keep up with the pace of the game and therefore couldn’t effectively man to man mark anymore
I - as a result my opponent was able to easily get into a space when their team is in possession as I am not there to put them under pressure and possibly intercept the pass. Therefore I am not able to gain possession of the ball for my team and am possibly risking our lead in the final moments of the game
Impact of accuracy on performance
S - being accurate has a positive impact on my netball performance when playing centre while the score was 8-6 up in going into the 3rd quarter of the game
I - this meant I was able to make precise passes to my teammates when we are in possession of the ball
I - as a result I can make consistently successful passes to my teammates without interception and therefore can help my team to create scoring opportunities by passing the ball towards attacking positions
What is the difference between factors impacting performance and factors impacting performance development?
Performance is how different factors impact you in a competition or match
Performance development is how different factors impact you at training
How do you answer a pinball question
S - which factor is impact on which other factor, name both factors, give specific example in sporting situation
I - how does factor 1 cause factor 2 to impact you as a performer
I - what is the outcome in performance? Show how factor 2 now impacts the result of this specific situation
Impact of team dynamics in performance development
- social factors have a positive impact on the development of the drop shot in badminton in a recent PDP
- during the reception practice, my partners good team dynamics helped me keep going and not give up
- in the beginning of the practice I was making lots of errors and missing the targets. My partner was encouraging me telling me “it’s okay” and “you can do this”
- this helped me to calm down and keep going, so by the end of the drill I was making successful drop shots into the target boosting my confidence and developing my performance
Impact of communication on performance development
- social factors have a positive impact on the development of my drop shot in badminton during a recent PDP
- when carrying out a shadow practice for the drop shot, my partners communication helped me to improve my knowledge of the subroutines
- they were icing me constant corrective feedback to which of the subroutines I was doing incorrectly which allowed me to make immediate changes to how I was doing them
- as a result I was able to learn the proper technique of hoe to play a drop shot and it became muscle memory meaning my performance developed and I could start practicing further drills to keep improving my drop shot
Impact of co-operation on performance development
- good co-operation has a police impact on the development of my drop shot during a recent PDP
- when carrying out a feeder practice, me and my partner worked together and they were always helping me to collect shuttles, count how many I played successfully and give me high serves where I needed them to go on the court
- this allowed me to maximise my training time actually carrying out the drill rather than arguing with my partner because they weren’t helping enough if they were away chatting with someone else
- as a result my drop shot developed as I was getting constant practice of playing them correctly allowing it to become muscle memory
Impact of fear on performance development
- having a high level of fear has a negative impact on my trampoline performance development when learning a new still and attempting it for the first time in training.
- because I was scared to try the skill, it meant my muscles started to become tense
- as a result when attempting the full skill for the first time I didn’t fully commit to it which caused me to land badly on my ankle as I didn’t have enough power to complete the whole skill
- this lead to me being too scared to try this skill again in the suture which meant my performance didn’t develop as I can’t start introducing more complex skills into my routine
Impact of anger on performance development
- being unable to control my anger has a negative impact on my trampoline performance development in the weeks before a competition
- when completing a repetition drill at training, where i attempted to complete my full routine 5 times in 15 minutes
- I kept falling on the same part of the routine every time I tried the routine
- this caused me to become angry with myself as I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong
- as a result I stormed out of training as I didn’t want to keep failing at completing my routines
- this lead to my performance not developing as it meant I wasn’t getting the practice I needed to help get my routines more consistent and improve the part that kept going wrong
Impact of confidence on performance development
- having a high level of confidence after doing well at a recent competition has a positive impact on my trampoline performance development
- because I done so well at the competition, I now fully believed in myself and my confidence levels were high
- this allowed me to set new goals to start increasing my difficultly levels by introducing more complex skills into my routine
Impact of resilience on performance development
- being resilient has a positive impact on my performance development in trampolining after having a bad fall on a skill during repetition practice at training
- because I never gave up, after my fall, I took a few minutes to calm myself down and then got back on the trampoline to try again
- because I bounced back quickly, it meant I didn’t become scared and as a result I was able to perform the skill successfully to keep developing
Impact of motivation on performance development
- one way the mental factor impact my performance development in trampolining is through motivation
- this meant that after a bad completion I started motivated at training as I wanted to do better at the next one
- this meant I got back into training the week after, set some new short-term goals, and started to train harder to reach these goals
- as a result my routines started to become a lot more consistent and therefore my performance developed
Impact of decision making on performance development
- another way the mental factor impacted my trampoline performance development was through decision making
- at training I noticed my male was starting to become quite sore in a place that I had injured previously
- this meant I made the decision to stop training for the night to make sure I didn’t make my injury worse again
- as a result, I rested lots over the next few days and my ankle started to feel much better again allowing me to get back to training
- therefore my performance was bark to keep developing as I didn’t risk an injury they might have taken me out of training for a much longer period of time
Impact of anxiety on performance development
- the mental factor impacted my trampoline performance development through anxiety
- being unable to control my anxiety at training has a negative impact on my performance development when attempting a new skill for the first time
- because I was nervous to try the skill it caused my muscles to tense up
- this meant when I started jumping before the skill I didn’t get as much height as usual which meant when attempting the skill, I didn’t have enough height to perform it successfully
- as a result I landed badly on my ankle which lead to me being to scared to try the skill again in the future which meant my performance didn’t develop as I wasn’t able to start introducing more complex skills into my competition routines
Impact of concentration on performance development
- being able to stay concentrated has a positive impact on my trampoline performance when performing a skill that is sill relatively new to me
- this means I am able to stay completely focused before performing this skill that contains lots of somersaults and twists and I am able to visualise and remember everything I need to do to perform the skill safely and successfully
- as a result I am able to do the skill successfully multiple times leading to it becoming muscle memory
- therefore my performance has developed as I am able to start increasing the difficulty of my routines with my new, more complex skills