Data Collection Flashcards
Why should data be collected on your performance
- identify strengths and weaknesses, create appropriate PDP and select approaches relevant to weaknesses, performer get the most out of PDP (relevant to them), improve
- baseline measurement, can compare to future retests to see if improved, evaluate effectiveness of PDP
- set realistic goals and targets, appropriate to their ability levels, motivation boost as goals are within reach, try hard every session
Identify 2 method of data collection for the mental factor
SCAT test
Identify to method of data collection for the emotional factor
POMS test
Identify 2 methods of data collection for the social factor
Communication observation schedule
Identify to method of data collection for the physical factor
Illinois agility test
Identify the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data
Qualitative data is based on opinions and could be unreliable
Quantitative data is based on facts and figures and is more reliable
Why would you use qualitative methods to collect data
- based on own opinions, only they know how they truly feel, as long as performer is honest provides accurate data, can set appropriate PDP
- permanent record, can make comparisons to future tests to look for improvements, evaluate effectiveness of PDP
Why would you use quantitative methods to collect data
- standardised tests provide an accurate numerical score, compare score to NORMS, correctly identify S&W, plan PDP and set realistic goals based on score to keep motivated
- overview of current abilities, set appropriate initial sessions at correct intensity, find sessions difficult but not to challenging, keep motivation levels high to try improve
Describe a PPW
Piece of paper with wheel
8 sections with sub factor on each
10 segments rates 1-10
Played game of badminton to 21 against equal skill level opponent
Immediately after game, on my own away from distractions
Rated myself on each sub factor and shaded it in on wheel
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Describe a SCAT test
In form of questionnaire
15 statements about how performer feels during a competition
3 potential responses : rarely, sometimes, often
At bottom of page SCAT score and set of NORMS
Over page was a table which gave a score for each answer I selected
Played a game of badminton to 21 against equal skill level opponent
Immediately after, on own away from distractions
Considered how to answer each statement based on game and ticked answer in box
Identified score for each answer and then added up total SCAT score
Compared to NORMS to identify if strength or weakness
Describe an Illinois agility test
8 cones and measuring tape were used for set up
4 cones set up in rectangle (10m vertically, 5m horizontally)
Down middle of rectangle (2.5m in), other 4 cones placed all 3.3m apart
Start at bottom left cone lying on stomach, head behind line, arms by side
On timekeepers signal, ran towards and around top left, ran down to bottom middle cone, weaved in and out of middle cones up and down and then ran up and around the top right cone
Time was stopped as I ran directly past the bottom right cone
I then recorded my time and compared it to NORMS
Identified whether strength or a weakness
Describe a POMS test
I accessed the POMS test online
In form of questionnaire containing 65 statements which each related to a feeling
Each statement put into one of 6 groups such as anger, fatigue and confusion
Next to statements was drop down menu with 5 possible responses between not at all and extremely
To fill it out I found a partner I trusted and they read out each statement to me
Considered how I’d felt based on statement in the last week and gave one answer from drop down menu
My partner selected my answer
After each statement was answered, partner hit analyse button at bottom of page to calculate total mood disturbance score
A score was also given for each of the 6 groups
Identified strengths and weaknesses
Explain suitability of PPW
- reliable, based on own opinions, only I know how I truly feel for each sub factor, accurate data, correctly identify strengths and weaknesses
- practical, results were easy to interpret, highlighted clearly where I rated myself, could easy identify strengths and weaknesses just by looking at wheel, see what aspect of my performance was worst
- measurable, permanent record, compare to future tests of PPW and look for improvements, evaluate effectiveness of PDP
- appropriate, variety of different sub factors, overview of whole performance, can easily see what I am good at and what I need to work on, correctly identify strengths and weaknesses, plan training to focus on area having biggest negative impact on performance
Explain suitability of SCAT test
- reliable, based on my own opinions, only I know how I truly feel during sports competitions, accurate data for anxiety levels, correctly identify strengths and weaknesses
- valid, used by professional athletes to measure anxiety levels, trust method is accurate as long as truth told, reliable data, identify strengths and weaknesses
- practical, statements easy to understand, know exactly what’s being asked of me, able to fill out correctly, accurate representation of anxiety levels, correctly identify if strength and weakness
- measurable, permanent record, compare to future SCAT tests and look for improvements, evaluate effectiveness PDP
Explain suitability of the Illinois agility test
- measurable, permanent record, compare to future tests of my agility and look for improvements, evaluate effectiveness of PPW
- reliable, repeated test 3 times and took an average, minimised chance of any scores being flukes, accurate data to compare to NORMS, correctly identify if agility is a strength or weakness
- valid, method used by professional athletes to measure agility levels, trust method would be accurate as long as protocols followed correctly, accurate representation of agility, identify if strength or weakness
- practical, results easy to interpret, simply compare the time I got to the NORM times, easy identify if agility is strength or weakness
Explain suitability of POMS test
- measurable, permanent record, compare to future POMS tests and look for improvements, evaluate effectiveness of PPW
- valid, method used my professional athletes to get her emotional data, trust method, knew results would be accurate so can focus on completing it correctly and honestly, accurate representation of total mood disturbance, correctly identify strengths and weaknesses
- too many statements, got bored half way through and didn’t properly think about each statement, score at end will be inaccurate, incorrectly identify strengths and weaknesses
- didn’t understand all the statements, didn’t know how to answer statements because I didn’t know how to score myself because I didn’t know what it meant, some answered won’t be accurate representation, incorrectly identify strengths and weaknesses
- also based on own opinions
Analyse suitability of PPW
- important you fill it out on your own, won’t be distracted or influenced by others scores, fill out honestly based on your own abilities, get accurate representation of performance, correctly identify S&W
- important you fill it out immediately after performance, game still fresh in head, know exactly how you felt for each sub factor, fill in accurately, correctly identify S&W
- important you know what each of the sub sub factors mean before filling out, know exactly what is being asked of you, correctly rate yourself based on how you showed sub factor in performance, accurate results, correctly identify S&W
- important you play against someone who is a similar ability to you, play natural game, correct impression of typical performance based on sub factors, rate myself honestly and correctly, allows me to identify my S&W
Analyse suitability of SCAT test
- important you fill it out on your own, won’t be distracted or influenced by others answers, fill out honestly based on how you feel, get accurate representation of anxiety levels correctly identify S&W
- important you write score down and keep it somewhere safe, when retesting can compare to initial test, look for improvements, evaluate the effectiveness of PDP
- important you fill it out immediately after performance, game still fresh in head, remember exactly how you were feeling, fill in statements accurately, accurate representations of anxiety levels, correctly identify S&W
- important you play against someone who is a similar ability to you, play natural game, anxiety levels won’t be influenced by if performer is much better than me, fill in statements correctly of how I usually feel during sports competitions, accurate score, correctly identify S&W
Analyse suitability of Illinois agility test
- important you follow protocols correctly, if you don’t eg altering distance between cones it would change your results, inaccurate representation of agility levels, by following correctly have accurate data to compare to NORMS, correctly identify S&W
- important you write score down and keep it somewhere safe, when retesting can compare to initial test, look for improvements, evaluate the effectiveness of PDP
- important to repeat 3 times and take an average, minimises risk of one of scores being a fluke, builds up more accurate representation of agility, reliable score to compare to NORMS, correctly identity S&W
Analyse suitability of POMS test
- important to fill it out with a partner you trust, won’t lie about scores due to embarrassment or feeling like they will judge you, statements answered correctly, accurate representation of total mood disturbance, correctly identify S&W
- important you know what all words mean before filling it out, know exactly what is being asked of you, can answer it accurately based on how you feel, data reliable, correctly identify S&W
- important you write score down and keep it somewhere safe, when retesting can compare to initial test, look for improvements, evaluate the effectiveness of PDP
- important you are completely honest about answers, opinions are qualitative meaning you may lie to impress someone or because you feel self conscious, telling truth leads to accurate results, correctly identify S&W, plan training specific to improving weaknesses
Why should model performers be used
- provides you with visual of what high level performance looks like, compare own performance and see what I do like them and what they are better than me at, start planning training to improve areas I need to work on to be more like them, helps overall performance
- motivation boost when aspiring to reach their levels, put in 100% effort into each training session, make quick improvements because of constant effort at training
- they can give you advice (if in class such as pupil or teacher), can give you verbal feedback immediately after you performance, can act on advice straight away whilst fresh in you head
- can be inspired by drills they used, for example if they used team building games to impress their team dynamics you wanted to do the same, training becomes more effective as it has beneficial drills that you know work, try hard at them to improve
What are the 2 main types of feedback
Intrinsic - comes from within performer (kinaesthetic, thoughts and feelings)
Extrinsic - comes from external sources (verbal, written, videos)
What makes effective feedback
Source - who provided feedback? (Someone knowledgeable)
Timing - when is feedback given? (Straight after performance or when had time to calm down)
Order - what comes first positive or negative? (Positive, negative, positive)
Volume - how much information is given at one time? (Small amounts)
explain how feedback you received could be considered useful in the physical factor
- useful because received in small manageable amounts, wasn’t overloaded with things u needed to change and instead given 3 simple things to try and work on in the next game. meant i could easily focus on the 3 things which lead to me improving on them in my next game
- received any positives before negative, gave me a confidence boost after hearing the good parts of my performance and also made me more open to accepting the negatives and taking them on board. as a result i was able to try and make improvements into the next game
- came from my coach who was knowledgeable in my sport, means feedback will be reliable and accurate due to their high knowledge. as a resulted i trusted the information they gave me and tried my best to implement it into my next game