PCI Domain 2: Investigative Techniques and Procedures Flashcards
What steps should the security professional take before an evidence search?
Discuss the search with involved personnel before arriving at the scene, if possible. Ensure that personnel are aware of the types of evidence usually encountered and the proper handling of the evidence. Make preliminary personnel assignments before arriving at the scene, if possible.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.1, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3.1, page 221
In physical evidence searches, what are the main tasks that the on-site search team should perform?
Secure and protect the scene, conduct a preliminary survey, evaluate evidence possibilities, produce narrative, photograph the scene, make sketches, collect physical evidence, conduct a final survey and release the scene.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.1, pages 245-249 POA, Investigations, 6.3.1, pages 222-226
What are the two requirements of physical surveillance?
Something to watch and someone to watch it.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 33
What is needed for physical surveillance to be effective?
Physical surveillance should- have a clearly defined purpose and goals; not interfere with what is being observed; record and document what the investigator is observing; and support the objectives of the investigation.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 33
This investigative method uses technology such as cameras and software to observe people, places, things or activites for the purpose of gathering information, corroborating or disproving testimony, providing additional leads and possibly providing evidence.
Electronic surveillance.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 34
A suspect is a person who is believed to have committed an offense based on what?
Accumulated evidence, proximity to the incident, motive, access to restricted areas, and/or witness statements.
Sources: PIM, 5.1, page 195 POA, Investigations, 5.1, page 177
Non-accusatory questioning of a person to gather information that pertains to the matter under investigation is referred to as what?
General interview.
Sources: PIM, 5.1, page 195 POA, Investigations, 5.1, page 177
Confrontational questioning of a person suspected of committing an offense or serious breach of corporate policy is referred to as what?
Confrontational interview.
Sources: PIM, 5.1, page 195 POA, Investigations, 5.1, page 177
What investigative method involves the collection and examination of information from both public and private sources?
Information review.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 34
Who should conduct a forensic analysis?
Individuals with demonstrated expertise in the field.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 34
What investigative method is a conversation in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person?
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 35
What investigative method is the inspection of items or areas for information that may be useful in furthering the investigation and/or as evidence?
Physical examination.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 35
What investigative method is the structured, detailed, and careful examination of an area for the purpose of locating specific items or materials that are suspected to be in the area examined and that will be useful in furthering the investigation and/or as evidence?
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, pages 35-36
What is the most important factor for a successful interview?
Establishing a favorable rapport with the subject.
Sources: PIM, 5.2.3, page 198 POA, Investigations, 5.2.3, page 180
What should the interviewer optimally know before an interview?
Who will be interviewed, what the interview is about, and the conditions under which the interview will be conducted.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.1, page 199 POA, Investigations, 5.3.1, page 181
When reviewing facts of the case in preparation for an interview, where should special attention be placed?
Particular attention should be paid to facts that have not been revealed to employees or the public. The interviewee who has knowledge of such facts is obviously a witness to or participant in the crime.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.1, page 199 POA, Investigations, 5.3.1, page 181
What are key factors in planning an interview?
Location, time, questioning order, questions to ask, and persons present.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.2, pages 201-203 POA, Investigations, 5.3.2, pages 183-186
What is the ideal setup in an interview room?
A private room free of distractions with a straight chair with a padded seat and back. The interviewer and subject should be seated across from each other, separated by a distance of five feet. There should be no barrier between the interviewer and the subject and the interviewer should not be seated so that they are impeding the exit. Any witnesses should be seated to the side of the subject.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.2, pages 201-202 POA, Investigations, 5.3.2, page 184
In what type of investigation should interviews be conducted as soon as possible to capture witnesses’ recollections while they are fresh?
Incident investigation.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.2, page 202 POA, Investigations, 5.3.2, page 185
In what type of investigation should interviews be conducted when convenient for the interviewee?
Routine investigation.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.2, page 202 POA, Investigations, 5.3.2, page 185
In what priority order should witnesses be questioned?
Persons who are not likely to be readily available later.Persons believed to have the most pertinent information.Persons who are likely to be hostile witnesses. The offender or offending group.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.2, page 203 POA, Investigations, 5.3.2, page 185
In what situations would additional people in the interview room be helpful?
A second person is helpful to insulate the interviewer from potential accusations and corroborate statements. Examples include when the interviewee is not proficient in the language or when the interviewee is a different sex than the interviewer.
Sources: PIM, 5.3.2, page 203 POA, Investigations, 5.3.2, page 186
What should an interview recording (electronic or on paper) capture?
Consent of the interviewee at the beginningDate, time, and place of the interviewComplete identification of the interviewee Identification of all persons present Statement of possible uses of the information furnished Identification of persons entering or leaving the room and time of entry or exit Start time, stop time, and purpose of any breaks Reaffirmation of the interviewee’s consent to the interview and recording
Sources: PIM, 5.4.1, page 204 POA, Investigations, 5.4.1, page 187
What are subject factors in an interview?
Intoxication, physical and psychological condition, prejudice, perception and age.
Sources: PIM, 5.5, pages 206-207 POA, Investigations, 5.5, pages 188-189
What are key steps to take at the beginning of an interview?
Identify the interviewee, identify the interviewer, clarify the interview topic, and establish rapport.
Sources: PIM, 5.6.1, page 208 POA, Investigations, 5.6.1, page 190
What is the best way to clarify the interview topic?
Ask for the interviewee’s understanding of the reason for the interview.
Sources: PIM, 5.6.1, page 208 POA, Investigations, 5.6.1, page 190
What type of questions should the interviewer begin with?
Broad, general questions.
Source: POA, Investigations, 5.6.2, page 191
What are considered verbal responses?
Spoken words and gestures that serve as word substitutes (such as nodding or shaking the head) and vocal characteristics such as tone, speed, pitch and clarity.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.1, page 210 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, page 192
What are some examples of nonverbal responses?
Body movements,Position changes, Gestures, Facial expressions, Eye contact.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.1, page 210 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, page 192
What should the assessment of a subject’s truthfulness be based on?
The overall behavioral pattern displayed, not on any single observation.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.2, page 210 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, page 193
What are verbal characteristics of a truthful person?
The truthful person makes general, sweeping denials; offers unqualified, direct, and spontaneous answers; exhibits a reasonable memory; and responds to questions in a rational manner and a clear tone of voice.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.3, pages 211-212 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, page 195
What are verbal characteristics of a deceptive person?
The deceptive person offers very specific denials; avoids realistic words; makes seemingly irrelevant comments; gives delayed, evasive, or vague answers; exhibits an unusually poor, selective, or remarkable memory; qualifies answers or uses religion or aoths to support statements; and speaks in an irrational, fragmented, mumbled, or subdued manner.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.3, pages 211-212 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, page 195
What are nonverbal characteristics of a truthful person?
A truthful person sits upright but not rigid; positions himself or herself in front of the questioner; leans toward the questioner when making a point; appears relaxed and casual; and are not defensive in their looks or actions and can easily maintain eye contact.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.3, pages 213-214 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, pages 196-197
What are nonverbal characteristics of a deceptive person?
A deceptive person slouches or leans back in the chair; sits unnaturally stiffly; sits off to the side, not directly in front of the questioner; pulls elbows close to the side, arms folded and locked in front, with legs crossed; exhibits rapid and erratic posture changes; and either avoid eye contact with the interviewer or compensate by staring in a challenging manner.
Sources: PIM, 5.7.3, pages 213-214 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, pages 196-197
What is an important factor in evaluating the behavior displayed in an interview?
Sources: PIM, 5.7.3, page 215 POA, Investigations, 5.6.4, pages 197-198
What is a Behavior Analysis Interview?
A systematic evaluation of a subject’s verbal and nonverbal behavior during the course of a structured interview in qhich both investigative and behavior-provoking questions are asked.
Sources: PIM, 5.8, page 216 POA, Investigations, 5.6.5, page 198
What types of questions are designed to draw out specific verbal responses or behavior that can be studied to distinguish between a truthful person and a person who is lying?
Behavior-provoking questions.
Sources: PIM, 5.8, page 216 POA, Investigations, 5.6.5, page 198
Who is a witness?
Any person, other than a suspect, with information concerning an incident.
Sources: PIM, 5.1, page 195 POA, Investigations, 5.1, page 177
When should a confrontational interview or interrogation be conducted?
When all the appropriate general interviews have been conducted and the accumulated evidence points to a specific person as the likely perpetrator.
Sources: PIM, 5.8.1, page 217 POA, Investigations, 5.6.6, page 199
What are the Reid Nine Steps of Interrogation?
Positive confrontation, Theme development, Handling denials Overcoming objections Keeping a suspect’s attention Handling a suspect’s passive mood Presenting an alternative question Having the suspect relate details Converting an oral confession
Sources: PIM, 5.8.1, pages 217-219 POA, Investigations, 5.6.6, pages 200-203
What are the four formats for a written confession?
Statement written by the suspect, statement authored by the interrogator but read and signed by the suspect, statement taken down by a secretary or stenographer and transcribed into a typed document for the suspect to read and sign, or an audio or video recorded statement by the subject.
Sources: PIM, 5.8.1, pages 219-220 POA, Investigations, 5.6.6, page 202
Is the written confession the capstone of the investigation?
No. Every effort should be made to verify the statement and obtain supporting evidence necessary for trial.
Sources: PIM, 5.8.1, page 220 POA, Investigations, 5.6.6, page 203
What is the difference between an admission and a confession?
An admission as the simple admission to the commission of an offense, work rule or policy violation, or violation of the law. A confession is a comprehensive admission that contains all of the elements of the offense or crime in question.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015, 3.5 and 3.14, page 2
What are the three forms of evidence?
Oral, documentary, and physical.
Sources: PIM, Chapter 6 Introduction, page 231 POA, Investigations, Chapter 6 Introduction, page 210
What are the two classifications of evidence?
Direct and indirect.
Source: POA, Investigations, Chapter 6 Introduction, page 210
What type of evidence is a spoken statement regarding a person’s knowledge, which may be direct or indirect and gained through any manner?
Oral evidence.
Sources: PIM, 6.1, page 232 POA, Investigations, 6.1, page 210
What type of evidence is usually in the form of letters, figures, or other marks contained on or in such items as paper products, rubber stamps, plastic bags, typewriters, and seals?
Documentary evidence.
Sources: PIM, 6.2, page 238 POA, Investigations, 6.2, page 216
What are the three types of false signatures?
Traced, simulated, and freehand.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.1, page 239 POA, Investigations, 6.2.1, page 217
How should investigators obtain exemplars that link a photocopy to the machine that produced it?
At least 10 examples with: No document and the cover down, No document and the cover up, Document and the cover down, Document fed through automatic document feeder.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.3, page 240 POA, Investigations, 6.2.3, page 218
How should photocopies NOT be stored or shipped?
In plastic envelopes.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.3, page 240 POA, Investigations, 6.2.5, page 220
How should burned or charred paper by shipped?
In the container in which it was burned, in polyester film encapsulation, or between layers of cotton in a rigid container.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.4, page 241 POA, Investigations, 6.2.4, page 219
How must documentary evidence be preserved?
In the condition in which it was found. It must not be folded, torn, marked, soiled, stamped, written on, or handled unnecessarily.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.5, page 242 POA, Investigations, 6.2.5, page 220
How must documentary evidence be shipped?
Via registered mail or a registered carrier to preserve the chain of custody.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.5, page 242 POA, Investigations, 6.2.5, page 220
How should evidence collectors mark documents?
Unobtrusively with the collector’s initials, date, and other information in pencil.
Sources: PIM, 6.2.5, page 242 POA, Investigations, 6.2.5, page 220
What are the six types of physical evidence?
Corpus delicti, Associative, Identifying, Tracing, Trace, Impression.
Sources: PIM, 6.3, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3, pages 220-221
What type of physical evidence proves a crime has been committed?
Corpus delicti.
Sources: PIM, 6.3, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3, page 220
What type of physical evidence links a suspect with the scene of a crime?
Sources: PIM, 6.3, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3, page 220
What type of physical evidence assists in the possible identification and location of a suspect?
Sources: PIM, 6.3, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3, page 220
Where should trace evidence such as fibers, paints, dyes, and glass be examined?
In a crime lab.
Sources: PIM, 6.3, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3, page 221
What type of physical evidence is the associative evidence that establishes the identity of a suspect?
Sources: PIM, 6.3, page 243 POA, Investigations, 6.3, page 220
What is the most common types of physical evidence?
Sources: PIM, 6.3.1, page 247 POA, Investigations, 6.3.1, page 225
What precautions should collectors take to preserve physical evidence during collection?
Wear latex or cotton gloves, handle the evidence as little as possible, seal all evidence packages at the scene, and record time and temperature at collection.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.1, page 248 POA, Investigations, 6.3.1, page 225
What precautions should collectors take to preserve physical evidence during shipping to a laboratory?
Call the laboratory before packing for specific instructions, wrap and seal each item separately to avoid contamination, please items in clean, dry, previously unused containers, seal containers to prevent tampering.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.1, page 250 POA, Investigations, 6.3.3, page 227
How should electronic or digital evidence be labeled for shipping?
Sources: PIM, 6.3.4, pages 253, 255, 259, 275 POA, Investigations, 6.3.4, page 230
What can happen if DNA evidence is not properly handled?
Improper documentation results in questioning the origin.Improper collection results in potentially losing biological activity.Improper packaging results in contamination. Improper preservation results in decomposition and deterioration.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.4, pages 255-256 POA, Investigations, 6.3.4, page 230
What are the four ways hazards from a contaminated incident scene may enter the body?
Inhalation, skin contact, ingestion, and injection.
Sources: PIM, 6.4.1, page 276 POA, Investigations, 6.4.1, pages 246-247
How should appropriate precautions for incident site safety be determined?
A hazard-risk assessment should be completed by trained and qualified personnel. This assessment will identify the possible contaminants, hazards, and make recommendations for personal protective equipment.
Sources: PIM, 6.4.3, page 280 POA, Investigations, 6.4.3, page 250
What protective equipment might be used at an incident scene?
Hand protection, eye protection, foot protection, respiratory protection, and head protection.
Sources: PIM, 6.4.3, pages 280-281 POA, Investigations, 6.4.3, pages 250-252
How is evidence defined?
Evidence is any type of proof that, when presented, is materially capable of proving or disproving a contention or fact.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015, 3.26, page 3
What precautions should be taken when storing records electronically?
Secure backup copies should be stored off-site and should be immediately accessible and the original documents, photographs, and other items may need to be preserved in some instances.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 39
How should electronic files be retained at the completion of the investigation?
Electronic folders and files should be downloaded and safely stored. Digitial images, spreadsheets and databases can also be safely stored. Duplicate files can be deleted.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 39
What are the requirements for evidence to be used or admissible?
Evidence must be competent, relevant and material.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 60
What are six factors affecting the type of evidence?
Direct evidence, circumstantial or indirect evidence, forensic evidence, hearsay evidence, admissibility of evidence, and materiality of evidence.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015, Tip #25, page 61
What is hearsay evidence?
Hearsay evidence does not come from an interviewee’s or other individual’s first hand personal knowledge but rather from what the witness has heard others say or from a secondary source.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 61
What is spoilation of evidence?
Intentional or negligent destruction of evidence or the destruction or significant and meaningful alteration of a document or instrument.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 62
What are two methods to lifting two-dimensional impressions?
Electrostatic lifts and gelatin and adhesive lifts.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.4, page 271 POA, Investigations, 6.3.4, page 242
What can toolmark examinations determine?
The type of tool that produced the toolmark.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.4, page 273 POA, Investigations, 6.3.4, page 244
In addition to the computer, what should be seized as evidence?
Any items that can store information, any devices connected to the computer, and any software and related manuals.
Sources: PIM, Appendix B, page 287 POA, Investigations, Appendix 6B, page 256
What are the three levels of the internet?
Surface or clear web,Deep web,Dark web.
Source: POA, Investigations, 8.1.1, pages 268-269
What are some examples of online information sources?
Databases, collaboration tools, automated analysis tools, and information on vendors.
Sources: PIM, 1.6.1, page 70 POA, Investigations, 8.1.1, pages 269-273
What are some sources for online research?
Search engines, library resources, industry and professional association resources, and internal, commercial, and law enforcement databases.
Source: PIM, 1.6.1, pages 70-71
What is the sampling method used in information gathering?
Sampling examines selected items and elements from the overall population.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015, 6.3.4, page 51
How are liaisons established?
Through introductions, references, formal and social contacts, and mutual assistance.
Sources: PIM, 1.6.2, page 73 POA, Investigations, 8.1.2, page 275
What is a joint task force?
A joint task force is a highly structured liaison.
Sources: PIM, 1.6.2, page 76 POA, Investigations, 8.1.2, page 278
When are joint task forces used?
Joint task forces often address complex issues that cross jurisdictions, such as cybercrime, fraud, and terrorism.
Sources: PIM, 1.6.2, page 76 POA, Investigations 8.1.2, page 278
What is needed to maintain a liaison relationship?
Professional trust, periodic exchange and mutual benefit.
Sources: PIM, 1.6.2, page 75 POA, Investigations, 8.1.2, page 277
At which level should liaison relationships be established?
Liaison relationships should be established at different levels within each function of the organization.
Source: POA, Investigations, 8.1.2, page 277
What is an undercover operation?
An undercover investigation involves the surreptitious placement of a trained and skilled investigator for the purpose of gathering information.
Source: ANSI/ASIS INV.1-2015,, page 35
What is corporate undercover investigation?
The secret placement of a properly trained and skilled investigator, posing as an employee, into an unsuspecting workforce for the primary purpose of gathering information.
Sources: PIM, 2.3, page 101 POA, Investigations, 2.1, page 83
When should an undercover investigation be used?
When the information sought can not be achieved in any other way.
Sources: PIM, 2.4, page 102 POA, Investigations, 2.3, page 85
Under what circumstances should an undercover investigation NOT be considered?
When the purpose is to investigate any activity permitted or protected by any governmental statute, rule or regulation; to replace some other form of investigation that will likely produce the same results; to investigate protected union activities.
Sources: PIM, 2.5, page 103 POA, Investigations, 2.4, page 86
What are the five phases of a workplace undercover investigation?
Planning and preparation, information gathering, verification and analysis, disciplinary and corrective action, and prevention and education.
Sources: PIM, 2.6, page 104 POA, Investigations, 2.6, pages 90-103
What activities occur in the first phase (planning and preparation) of an undercover investigation?
Forming a team, setting objectives, selecting an agency, and selecting and placing an investigator.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.1, pages 104-106 POA, Investigations, 2.6.1, page 90
Who should be included on a workplace undercover investigation team?
A corporate decision maker, A representative from human resources, A corporate security professional, An attorney familiar with state and local employment law.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.1, page 104 POA, Investigations, 2.6.1, page 91
What actions should be taken when selecting an undercover agency?
Request a copy of the agency’s license and required permits.Ask to see an agency’s training curriculum and operative training files.Elicit answers to questions regarding the agency’s knowledge of an experience with similar investigations. Ask for and thoroughly check references. Find out about the firm’s litigation and claims experience. Ask for and review sample reports. Require a Certificate of Insurance. Ask for police references and cases where law enforcement assisted during past investigations.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.1, pages 105-106 POA, Investigations, 2.6.1, page 92
What factors should be considered to ensure the undercover investigator fits in with the target audience?
Sex, age, job experience, education, and ethnicity. The investigator should also mirror the socioeconomic and lifestyle of the workers.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.1, page 106 POA, Investigations, 2.6.1, page 93
What details should be included in a cover story for an undercover operative?
A connection with the operative’s actual past. A sound ‘back story’ that includes personal details that are not true but are known to the target employee Back-up for the actions contemplated in the investigative plan. Documents that support the cover story.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.1, page 108 POA, Investigations, 2.6.1, page 95
What two assets are involved in the second phase (information gathering) of an undercover investigation?
People (those involved in the project management team) and processes (how information will be communicated, reported, and preserved in case files).
Sources: PIM, 2.6.2, page 108 POA, Investigations, 2.6.2, page 95
Who should be included in the undercover investigation project management team?
The undercover investigator,The project manager, The client representative, A corporate attorney, A representative from law enforcement (if necessary).
Sources: PIM, 2.6.2, page 108 POA, Investigations, 2.6.2, page 95
In an undercover investigation project management team, what is the project manager’s role?
Responsible for day-to-day administration of the case, daily care and maintenance of the operative, maintaining regular contact with the employer, and updating the rest of the team with the operative’s progress.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.2, page 109 POA, Investigations, 2.6.2, page 96
In an undercover investigation project management team, what is the client representative’s role?
The client representative:Acts as the primary point of contact for the employer,Passes all information to and from the organization, Has decision making and spending authority.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.2, page 109 POA, Investigations, 2.6.2, pages 96-97
What is the most fundamental form of communication used in undercover assignments?
Written reports.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.2, page 110 POA, Investigations, 2.6.2, page 97
What typically occurs in phase three (verification and analysis) of an undercover investigation?
Employee interviews and compiling information from all sources.
Sources: PIM, 2.6.3, page 113 POA, Investigations, 2.6.3, pages 100-101
What are the two most common types of undercover investigations?
Drug investigations and theft investigations.
Sources: PIM, 2.8, page 116 POA, Investigations, 2.8, page 104
What should guidelines for undercover drug investigations address?
Qualify the dealer, coordinate with law enforcement, buy down not up, make purchases on company time, and avoid actual drug use.
Sources: PIM, 2.8.1, pages 116-117 POA, Investigations, 2.8.1, pages 104-105
Does the lack of a drug purchase undermine the drug investigation?
No. Investigations should also use other techniques, for example, drug testing or narcotics dogs.
Sources: PIM, 2.8.1, page 117 POA, Investigations, 2.8.1, page 105
What determines the cost of an undercover investigation?
The size, scope and nature of the investigation.
Sources: PIM, 2.9, page 121 POA, Investigations, 2.9, page 111
What is the PEACE Model interviewing technique?
PEACE stands for Preparation and Planning, Engage and Explain, Account, Closure, and Evaluate.This technique puts the focus on fairness, openness, accountability, and fact finding to reduce the number of false confessions.
Source: POA, Investigations, 5.6.7, page 204
What is the WZ Non-Confrontational Method interviewing technique?
It is a structured, conversational approach that results in fewer denials and objections and eliminates conflict in the interview.
Source: POA, Investigations, 5.6.7, page 204
How is an interview structured in the WZ Non-Confrontational model?
The interview begins by building credibility with an introductory statement, builds rapport with the subject by rationalizing the motives behind the event, and encourages truth telling.
Source: POA, Investigations, 5.6.7, page 204
What types of questions are posed in the Kinesic interview technique?
The technique employs hypothetical questions, such as soliciting the subject’s opinion on the eventual punishment for the crime in question.
Source: POA, Investigations, 5.6.7, page 204
Where is DNA present?
In bodily fluids, stains, and other biological specimens.
Sources: PIM, 6.3.4, page 255 POA, Investigations, 6.3.4, page 230