PC-21 Flight Management System (FMS) Flashcards
What page is displayed on power up?
What does RTE function page do?
- Brings up route pages
- ORIGIN and DEST can now be entered.
What does DEP ARR function key do?
Opens the DEP/ARR INDEX page where a list of available departure and arrival procedures is displayed when the associated LSK is pressed.
What can be done on the LEGS page?
Waypoint creation
How can you toggle through the LEGS pages?
PREV and NEXT keys
What does the INIT REF function key do?
Opens the INIT/REF 1/2 page
What does PLAN DATA LSK do in INIT/REF page?
Transition altitude, transition level, cruise wind and cruise true airspeed can be entered.
What does NEAREST LSK on INIT/REF INDEX 1/2 page do?
Possible to list of the displayed items, for example nearest airports.
What is the slash key used for?
To separate two items of data that are entered into the same field, such as wind direction and velocity
When are leading zeros required?
When entering:
- Direction
- Lat and long coordinates
- Runway identifiers
What is a flight plan made up of?
- ORIGIN and DEST airports
- Procedures
- Waypoints
- Legs between waypoints
Can two separate routes be created?
What must a route contain before it can be activated?
1) ORIGIN airport
2) DEST airport
3) One waypoint (at least)
When does cyan MOD indication and green EXEC illuminated?
When a modification to active route is in progress and has not been executed (activated)
How is a route activated on the FMS?
By pressing the EXEC function key.
How many routes can be active at any one time?
Only 1
What does the inactive route be used to prepare?
1) Departure using an alternative runway
2) Return to the origin airport in case problems are experienced
3) En-route diversion
4) Alternative arrival and/or approach procedure
5) Diversion after missed appraoch
How are extensive changed to the active route best made?
By copying the active route into the inactive route and then modifying the inactive route and checking it carefully before activating it.
What occurs if the FMS does not know how to proceed between two waypoints?
A ROUTE DISCONTINUITY will be inserted into the route.
Can STAR arrival transitions and approaches be selected from the navigation database on the DEP/ARR INDEX page?
How can airfield published RNAV GPS approaches be accessed?
On the arrivals page.
What does PROG function key show?
The progress along the route can be monitored
What are the 3 type of holding entries the FMS can produce?
1) Direct hold entry
2) Teardrop hold entry
3) Parallel hold entry
What does the DEP/ARR index page provide ?
SID and STAR from the navigation database.
What does the PROGRESS page show?
1) Distance to go and ETA of waypoints entered
2) RTA at waypoints and required
3) TAS related flight data
How can holding patterns be added?
Manually or included automatically from the database.