PBL - Ottitis Media With Effusion Flashcards
Name the four tonsils.
What are the two folds surrounding the palatine tonsils?
Palatoglossal folds
What is the arterial supply of the palatine tonsils?
Facial artery
What is the epithelium of the palatine tonsil?
Non-keratinised squamous epithelium
What is another name for the pharyngeal tonsil?
Where is the pharyngeal tonsil located?
The upper posterior nasopharynx
What is the epithelial lining of the pharyngeal tonsil?
Pseudostratified squamous
Where is the tubal tonsil located?
Surrounds the opening of the Eustachian tube into the pharynx -tubal elevation
What is the epithelial lining of the tubal tonsil?
Pseudostratified squamous epithelium
Where is the lingual tonsil located?
The posterior aspect of the tongue
Describe the epithelium of the lingual tonsil.
Non-keratinised squamous epithelium invaginated to form a single crypt
What is Waldeyer’s ring?
An uninterrupted ring formed by the tonsil around the start of the respiratory tract
How do the tonsils protect against respiratory infections?
They hold a lot of micro-organisms that are around the throat area and mount an immune response against them
- protect respiratory tract from infections
Which bone does the external auditory canal lie in?
The temporal bone
What is the epithalamus lining for the tympanic membrane?
Simple cuboidal epithelium
What are ceruminous glands?
Specialised sweat glands that secrete cerumen
- helps prevent dust and foreign objects from entering the ear
Which window in the middle ear does the stapes articulate with?
What is the function and innervation of tensor tympani?
Limits movement and increases tension on the eardrum to prevent inner ear damage by loud noises
- innervated by mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
What is the function and innervation of the stapedius muscle?
This is the smallest skeletal muscle
Dampens large vibrations of the stapes due to loud noise - protecting the oval window
Innervated by the facial nerve
When does the Eustachian tube open?
It’s normally closed at the pharyngeal end
Opens during swallowing and yawning - allowing air to enter and leave the inner ear
What liquid is contained in the bony labyrinth?
Perilymph - surrounds the membranous labyrinth
Describe the bony labyrinth.
A series of cavities in the petrous portion of the temporal bone
Describe the membranous labyrinth.
A series of epithelial sacs and tubes within the bony labyrinth
- has same general form as bony labyrinth
- contains hearing and balance receptors
What liquid does the membranous labyrinth contain?
What are the two parts of the membranous labyrinth in the vestibule?
- connected by a small duct
What are the nerves that make up the vestibular nerve?
Ampullary nerves
Urticular nerves
Saccular nerves