Pax Romana Flashcards
In the late 18th century the English historian Edward ___ dubbed the stability and relative peace within the empire that ___ had created the ___ Romana.
Gibbon, Augustus, pax
During this time the Roman emperor Hadrian built a wall in ___, someof which still stands today.
The Roman system of roads grew to ___ miles, making it longer than the interstate highway system in the U.S. - some of the roads are still used today.
The city of Rome had a population of over a ___ people and may have been the largest city in the world.
Most people in Rome lived in shoddily constructed houses, and the Emperor’s kept the peace by providing free ___, ___ and ___.
oil, wine, grain
They entertained the masses with gladiatorial ___
The Romans were even more addicted to ___ racing than to gladiatorial shows.
The expansion of trade during the pax Romana made the Roman Empire an ___ as well as political force.
Egypt produced tons of ___ that fed the Roman populace
___ was still a major commodity - which came from the East - in return Romans traded ___, ___
Silk, glassware, gems, slaves
Word went back to China that Romans were wealthy, __ and strikingly similar to the Chinese.
During the reign of ___ in the Roman province of ___, Jesus of Nazareth ___, attracted a following and was executed on the order of a Roman prefect named ___,
Tiberius, Judea, preached, Pontius Pilate
The life of Jesus took place in a context in which some Jews were Zealots, who encouraged armed rebellion against ___ rule and in which many Jews believed that a final struggle was near that would lead to the coming of a savior or ___.
Roman, Messiah
The ___ belief was an old one among Jews.
The term ___ refer to all those who practiced religions other than ___ or ___.
pagan, Judaism, Christianity
There were also mystery religions that promised life after ___.
Into this climate came Jesus of ___,whose ministry began when he was about ___.
Nazareth, thirty
Like Socrates and Buddha, Jesus left no ___, and the principle evidence for his life and deeds are the four ___.
writings, gospels
The term gospel means
Good News
The textbook describes these Gospels as records of Jesus’ ___, but also claims that they were not meant to be ___, and argues that there are discrepancies among the four accounts.
teachings, biographies
To this day some see Jesus as a great moral ___ (Thomas Jefferson), some as a ___ (Islam’s view), and many see him as the son of ___, who ___ from the dead, and is himself ___. (Christian view)
teacher, prophet, God, rose, divine
The textbook claims that Jesus’ major deviation from orthodoxy was his insistence that he taught in his own ___.
To avert riot and bloodshed ___ condemned Jesus to death.
Soon after, some of Jesus’ followers ___ that he had risen from the dead.
The catalyst in the spread of Jesus’ teachings was __ of Tarsus, a ___ Jew who was comfortable in both the ___ and ___ worlds.
Paul, Hellenized, Roman, Jewish
Paul was the most important figure for changing Christianity from a ___ sect into a separate ___.
Jewish religion
Paul urged Jews to include ___ in the faith and this is what set Christianity on its way to becoming a world religion.
Christianity offered its adherents ___.
Christians often called one another ___ and ___.
brother, sister.
Some Roman officials considered the early Christians subversive because they objected the the cult of the ___.
The Roman Emperor ___ organized persecution of Christians
Christianity became more established, with buildings and a ___ of officials modeled of those of the ___ Empire.
Officials with jurisdiction over a certain area became known as___ who asserted that they had the right to determine the correct ___ of Christian thought.
Bishop, interpretation
Highly educated individuals developed complex theological interpretations of issues that were not clear in ___, such as how Jesus could be both ___ and ___. Given these changes, Christianity became more ___ in the 2nd century with power more ___.
scripture, divine, human, formal, centralized
During the crisis of the 3rd century, the emperors ___ and ___ tried to repair the damage.
Diocletian, Constantine
Diocletian recognized that the empire had become too large, so in ___ AD he split the Roman Empire into a ___ and ___ half.
293, eastern, western
Constantine eventually gained control over the whole empire, but ruled from the ___, where he established a new capital that was soon called ___.
East, Constantinople
In 476 AD, a German chieftain deposed the Roman emperor in the West - this date marks the official end of the roman ___ in the West - it survived as the ___ Empire in the East
Empire, Byzantine
Constantine ordered toleration of all religions in the Edict of ___ in 313 AD; ___ became a public holiday.
Milan, Sunday
In 380 AD Theodosius made ___ the official religion of the empire.
In Greek there is a word for the concept of ___ time and the concept of the ___ time.
measured, right
Christians believe that in Jesus ___ time became the ___ time.
measure, right
Even the measure of time is divided into ___and ___.
Christianity is not a philosophy or set of rituals, instead it is the story of what God has done in ___ and ___.
space and time
Christians believe that God entered human history in the form of Jesus - in theological terms this is known as the ___.
Christianity had a rapid rise from being a small ___ to a significant force by the end of the first century.
Christianity developed ina context that included ___, ___ and ___ elements.
Hebrew, Greek and Latin
The great early interpreter of Christianity was the Apostle ___, whose conversion is recorded in Acts 6.
Paul’s letters might be the first written Christian documents and he argued that non-Jews could become Christians without becoming Jews first, as ___ would replace ___.
baptism, circumcision
The Hebrew context was important because it provided the (1) language of the day, ___ (2) ___, which had created a mostly uniform culture in the Mediterranean area (3) a rich philosophical traditions since ___ and ___ ideas had been around for 400 years
Koine, Hellenism, Plato, Aristotle
Christianity came on the scene during the Pax ___ which meant that its message could be spread along the Roman roads and sea routes
Early Christians were persecuted because they were a threat to the prevailing religious ___ and because the refused to worship the ___.
pluralism, emperors
It was said that the ___ of martyrs became the seed of the ___.
blood, church
In 312 AD, Constantine converted to Christianity and historians debate whether his conversion was the result of ___ or ___ expediency.
divine intervention, political
By 313 AD Christianity was ___ and persecution ended, it was a lot easier to be a christian and the movement lost much of its zeal, this is sometimes referred to as the ____
legal, Constantine Shift
As the early Christian Church emerged it developed (1) a sense of ___ and (2) a new form of spirituality known as ___.
history, monasticism
St. Anthony practiced ___monasticism.
Christians were quickly required to define and defend their beliefs and so (3) Classic ___ was agreed upon in the midst of great debate.
Creedal type statements can be found in Paul’s letters, but the first official creed was the ___ Creed.
A major point of discussion was the nature of Christ. ___ argued that Jesus was a creature of God, while ____ maintained that Jesus was ___ and ___.
Arius, Athanasius, God, man
Constantine called for a meeting and it was known as the Council of ___, with the ___ Creed as its legacy: Christ was proclaimed ___ and ___ Athanasius had prevailed.
Nicea, Niceen, God, Man
The early synthesizer of Christian thought was ___
Augustine’s theology stressed God’s power and the impact of ___ on human nature.
original sin
Two of Augustine’s most famous books are ___ and the ____
The Confessions, City of God