Hellenisitc Society Flashcards
The Greek city-states wore themselves out fighting one another and ___, the ruler of Macedonia, conquered one after another and took over their lands.
Phillip II
Phillip II was killed by an assassin in 336 BCE and his son, ___, went on to conquer the entire ___ empire.
Alexander, Persian
Phillip II death ushered in the ___era, in which Greek culture, language and thought spread as far as ___.
Hellenistic, India
In 30 BCE, the Roman conquest of Egypt is generally understood to have brought an end to the Hellensistic period, but many aspects of its culture continued to flourish under ___ governance.
Phillip II’s son had been tutored by ___.
Alexander’s armies easily defeated Egypt and he was proclaimed ___.
At the mouth of the Nile River, he founded a city and named it ___ which became the largest city in the world.
Alexander took the principal Persian capital of ___ and then set out to conquer much of Asia
Alexander took his armies across the ___ River in the area that is now ____.
Indus, Pakistan
Alexander died in 323 BCE from fever, wounds and excessive ____
He was just ___ years of age at death and as a result of the magnitude of his military conquests, he gained the title “the ___”.
- Great
Alexander’s most important legacy was not political unity, but the spread of ___ ideas and traditions across a wide area, a process scholars call ___.
Greek, Hellenization.
Another consequence of Alexander’s military conquests was the ___ became the common spoken language of the eastern Mediterranean area, and a new Greek dialect called ___ government officials, etc.
Greek, Koine
Alexandria had a the largest ___ in the world and the largest ___ community.
library, Jewish
It was in Alexandria that the Hebrew Bible was translated into ___ for the first time.
“Yet the spread of Greek culture was wider than it was ___ as it generally did not extend far beyond the reaches of the cities.”
The spread of the Greeks eastward also created new ___ causing ___ to flourish.
markets, trade
The Koine dialect of Greek facilitated trade as did the coining of ___.
Hellenisitc trade networks extended into China in order to obtain ___ which became the most valuable overland commodity, and the major east-west trade route became known as the Great Silk ___.
silk, Road
The Greeks had to import grain, which they paid for by exporting many things, such as olive ___ and fish. ___ were a staple of Hellenistic trade, traveling all directions on both land and sea routes.
oil, slaves
In the realm of religion many people wee attracted to mystery ____ that blended Greek and non-Greek elements.
When Hellenisitc Kings founded cities, they also built ___ – staffed by priests and supported by taxes - for the old Olympian gods.
Worship of other goddesses also developed such as ___ the personification of luck, fate, chance and fortune.
The new mystery religions were not tied to a particular ___. Most taught that by rites if initiation, in which the ___ of the religion were shared, devotees became united with a deity who had also ___and risen from the ___.
place, secrets, died, dead
The Egyptian cult of ___ took the Hellenistic world by storm and ___ became the most important ___ of the Hellenistic world.
Isis, Isis, goddess
Definition: A system of philosophy based on the teaching of Epicurus, who viewed a life of contentment, free from fear and suffering , as the greatest good.
Definition: A philosophy, based on the ideas of Zeno, that held that people could only be happy when living in accordance with nature and accepting whatever happened.
Aristarchus of Samos is often credited for arguing against Aristotle’s view that the ___ is the center of the universe. Instead he propounded the ___ theory, a view that was much later resurrected by Nicolaus ___.
earth, heliocentric, Copernicus
The greatest thinker of the age was ___.