Patient with medically unexplained physical symptoms Flashcards
In what circumstances might you consider a medically unexplained symptoms (3)
Features do not correspond with/not in accordance with known illness
Signs not present
No indication on laboratory, imaging etc
Broad categories of “medically unexplained”
Factitious and malingering
Define somatiform disorders and types (3)
Symptoms are suggestive or/take form of physical illness without detectable structural/neurophysiological abnormality
Somatic symptom
Illness anxiety
Body dysmorphia
Define somatic symptom disorder
One + somatic symptoms->significant disruption in life
+Thoughts, feelings, behaviours
- disproportionate/persistent thoughts about the significance
- ++anxiety about health symptom
-++time and energy devoted to symptoms
State of being symptomatic >6 months
Common somatic complaints
• Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation,
food intolerance, abdominal pain.
• Sexual or reproductive: loss of libido, ejaculatory or
erectile dysfunction, irregular menses, menorrhagia,
• Urinary: dysuria, frequency, urinary retention,
• Neurological: paralysis, paraesthesia, sensory loss,
seizures, difficulty swallowing, impaired coordination
or balanc
Illness anxiety disorder
Preoccupation will acquiring a serious disease Somatic complaints not present, or minor Excessive anxiety Excessive health related behaviours >6 months Not better explained by something else
Conversion disorder
Functional neurological symptom disorder->psychic stressors present as somatic
One + motor or sensory function
Evidence on physical exam of incompatibility
Not better explained by something else
Causes significant distress
Specific symptom types in conversion disorder
Weakness/Paralysis Abnormal movement Swallowing Speech Attacks/seizures Anaesthesia/sensory Special sensory
Factitious disorder on self and by proxy
Falsification of S&S, or induction of injury
Presents themselves to be ill/impaired/injured
Deception in absence of identifiable external reward
Not better explained by anything else
By proxy->when falsify illness of other
Secondary gain
Differential diagnosis
Somatoform disorders • Somatization disorder • Hypochondriacal disorder (including body dysmorphic disorder) • Somatoform autonomic dysfunction • Persistent somatoform pain disorder Factitious disorder Malingering Other psychiatric conditions • Anxiety disorders • Mood disorders • Psychotic disorders • Dissociative disorders Insidious multi-systemic disease
Possible systemic disease
SLE MS HIV \+PTH Malignancy Chronic infection
• Do you often worry about your health?
• Are you bothered by many different symptoms?
• Are you concerned you may have a serious illness?
• Are you concerned about your appearance?
• Do you find it hard to believe doctors when they tell
you that there is nothing wrong with you?
Complete examination
Childhood sexual abuse
Physical distress rewarded
Course and prognosis
Waxing and waning
Conversion can resolve on its own
Is there a role of pharmacotherapy
When co-existing psychological disorders ameniable to medications
Role of the GP
• Arrange to see patients at regular fixed intervals, rather than reacting to the patient’s frequent requests to be seen
• Increase support during times of stress for the patient
• Take symptoms seriously, but also encourage patients to talk about emotional problems, rather than just focusing on
physical complaints
• Limit the use of unnecessary medication, especially those that may be abused (e.g. benzodiazepines, opiates)
• Treat coexisting mental disorders (e.g. anxiety, depression)
• Limit investigations to those absolutely necessary
• Have a high threshold for referral to specialists
• If possible, arrange that patients are only seen by one or two doctors in the practice to help with containment and to
limit iatrogenic harm
• Help patients to think in terms of coping with their problem, rather than curing it
• Involve other family members and carers in the management plan
• Consider referral to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist
What os La Belle indifference
Inappropriate lack of concern for one’s disability
Difference between conversion, factitious and malingering
In conversion, production of symptoms is unconscious, in the other two it is conscious.