Borderline personality Flashcards
1-2 % population
+In women
FHx of depression and substance abuse
- The good mother, who provides for, loves, and remains close to the child
- The hateful, depriving mother, who unpredictably punished and abandons the child.
- Attribute -ve feelings to environment
- Separation from mother, early child abuse
- Disruption of early attachments + trauma= hyperresponsiveness. Poor affect regulation, information processing, memory negatively impacted
- No reactive capacity mentalisation->ability to understand mentation of others->cannot mind read, Xunderstand mental states, emotions and motivations of others.
- Distorted attachment: Unpredictable, dangerous
- Disorganised
- Ineffective strategies to engage with attachM figure
- Mood instability, unstable relationships,
manipulative, controlling
Clinical features AM SUICIDE
Abandonment issues Mood and affect instability Suicide Unstable/intense relationships Impulsive Control of anger poor Identity disturbance, unstable self image Depression Emptiness
- Affect
- Cognition->paranoia, quasi-psychosis
- Behaviour->substance, suicidality, impulsive
- Interpersonal relationships->instability, dependency, fear abadonment
Psychosis in BPD
Brief, no thought disorder.
What is projective identification
Intolerable aspects of self are projected on therapist.
Need to react neutrally.
Provoke people to behave in a way which keeps with their beliefs
Feelings congruent with one’s owns are induced in another, thereby creating a sense of being understood by or being “at one” with the other person
What is splitting
Splitting off a persons good and bad characteristics into two separate and nonoverlapping views of a person which alternate
Will characterise person as all good or all bad depending on which side the split is on
Pharmacotherapy Psychotherapy -Transference focused -Mentalisation based therapy -Dialectical based in first line
When might pharmacotherapy be appropriate
For co-morbid aspects->depression, anxiety, impulsive, psychotic episodes
Community health management
Crisis management->collaboration with patient, family, identify triggers/risk factors, behaviours, identify key contact person
Case management
-Long term goals
-Pharmacotherapy->SSRIs, atypical antipsychotics, mood stabilisers
Acute inpatient
Brief, goal, avoid negative reactions, stabilise internal environment (counselling, supportive) Stabilise external (psychosocial, OP treatM, address stressors)
ED management
Managing affect storm--> Project calm, confidence Engage Clarify emotions Precursor/trigger ID Posiitive and -ve solutions
Risk assessment-
Remember to consider
Chronic vs acute,
dynamic vs stable->recent change in social network, life events, change in alcohol and drug use
Manage own counter-transference
Overall management goals
Effecting change->IPT, emotional insight, defense mechanisms
Risk management
Symptoms relief stabilisers
Improve coping
What is reactive capacity mentalisation
Ability to mind read, understand others mental states, emotional awareness
Reasons to admit in ED
Uncontainable affect storm Suicide risk Crisi intervention Not to admit- Calm, ongoing therapy, viable social support, Community, risk regression as in patient
What is mentalisation therapy
helps to regulate their
thoughts and feelings by
being attentive to mental
state of self and others
What is dialectical based therapy
- mindfullness->present foccussed, overcome unwanted intrusive thoughts, images and behaviours
- interpersonal effectiveness
(assertive), negotiating interpersonal challenges, confrontation - emotional regulation->skills to replace unhelpful destructive emotion coping,
- distress tolerance (skills to
tackle extreme emotional
pain) associated with crises
Does dialectical based therapy delve into childhood
No, tends to be regressive, and may +suicidal behaviour and acting out
Defense mechanisms
Projection Splitting Projective identification Devaluation Idealisation Distortion Acting out
What is transference
- Conflictual thoughts and feelings that constitute the centre of the patient’s difficulties are transfereed to the therapist who becomes the object of intense longing, love or hate
- Recaptulates the experiences with significant others in early childhood
- Facilitates understanding of how the patient’s difficulties arose and their relationship to significant others now