Patient Management and Decontamination Flashcards
Witnessed Exposure Questions
What is the substance?
How much?
How long ago?
First priority with any patient?
No Witnessed Exposure Questions
When were they last normal?
How long have symptoms lasted?
Any initial signs you’re not seeing now?
Other pets? Are they showing any signs?
Other important history questions
Where does the pet live?
What do they have access to?
Is there a magic antidote?
very rarely
If there isn’t a magic antidote, what is the goal with toxicities?
Solution to Pollution is __________
What sorts of stuff can cause ocular irritation/corrosion?
superglue, medicated shampoos, wrong eye med, or even an ear med, plus many more
What would you flush eyes with, and how, for how long?
Large quantities of neutral solutions (normal saline, tepid tap water, artificial tears) for 20-30 minutes with and eyedropper for smaller patients or a plastic cup for larger, with breaks of course
Why should you never use Visine or “get the red out” products?
they contain alpha-2s which cause sedation, and the animal may lick it!
What else might you do after an ocular exposure and why?
Fluorescein staining after flushing to check for a corneal ulcer (treatable)
Goal of dermal decontamination?
prevent percutaneous absorption
What can you use to remove toxins from the surface of the skin or fur?
dishwashing liquid (like Dawn) OR keratolytic shampoo; can use oily substances (olive oil/peanut butter/mayo/mineral oil/vegetable oil) on non-water soluble compounds as well
Keratolytic shampoos
made to get rid of grease in the coat
What products shouldn’t you use on dermal exposures?
gentle shampoos (they won’t do anything), automatic dishwasher detergents
The answer to sticky is ______
What should you NEVER use on birds?
Mineral oil!
only use food based oils as needed because birds will preen their feathers