Patient interview Flashcards
Do you have good balance?
?Tiene un buen equilibrio?
Do you have good sensation throughout your entire limb?
?Tiene una buena sensacio`n en todo su miembro?
How is your standing stability with the prosthesis?
Que fa
cil se puede parar con su pro`tesis
Can you stand without the use of a cane or without crutches?
?Se puede parar sin el uso de un basto`n o sin muletas?
Are you able to stand at a counter and do things such as brush your teeth or wash your hands without wearing the prosthesis?
?Se puede parar en un mostrador y hacer cosas como cepillarse los dientes o lavarse las manos sin la ayuda de la pro`tesis?
Do you currently receive any physical therapy?
?recibe actualmente asiste a la terapia fisica
How often do you go for physical therapy?
?Con que` frecuencia asiste a la terapia fisica?
Who is your physical therapist?
?quie`n es su fisioterapeuta?
What was the cause of your amputation?
?Cual fue la causa de su amputacio
Was it an accident?
?Fue debido a un accidente?
What was the date of the amputation?
?Me puede decir la fecha de la amputacio`n
Was anything else affected?
?Save si otra parte de su cuerpo fue afectada?
Are your arms strong?
Tiene brazos fuertes?
Are your hands strong?
?Tiene manos fuertes?
Is your other leg still working well?
?La otra pierna funciona bien?
Is there anyone at your house to assist you?
?Tiene alguien en su casa que le ayude?
Can you tell me a little bit about this prosthesis that you are currently wearing?
?Me puede decir un poco acerca de esta protesis que esta` usando actualmente?
How old is it?
?Cua`nto tiempo tiene?
Where was this prosthesis made?
?Donde se hizo esta pro
What are the problems that you have been experiencing with this prosthesis?
?Cuales son los problemas que ha estado teniendo con esta pro
Have you had a lot of adjustments made to it?
?La ha ajustado varias veces?
What do you like about this prosthesis?
?Que le gusta de esta pro
What are you hoping that a new prosthesis is going to allow you to do that your current prosthesis has not allowed you to do?
?Que espera que esta pro
tesis nueva le permita hacer que la pro`stesis actual no le ha permitido hacer?
Do you have any discomfort?
?Siente cualquier incomodidad?
How many hours a day do you wear the prosthesis?
?Cuantas horas al dia lleva puesta la pro
Would you mind taking off your prosthesis so that I can take a look at your limb?
?Podria quitarse la pro`tesis para que yo pueda ver su miembro?