Introduction Flashcards
I am the prosthetist that is going to be taking care of you today.
Soy el/la medico/a protesista que lo/la vera
I see that you are sent to see me by Dr. Smith with a prescription for an evaluation for a new prosthesis
Veo que el Dr. Smith lo/la envio a verme con una prescripcio
n para evaluar su pro`tesis nueva.
I am going to ask you a few questions
Le voy a hacer algunas preguntas
Can you describe your general health?
? Me puede describir su salud en general?
Is it good, fair, poor, or excellent?
?Es buena, ma`s o menos, pobre o excelente?
Would you consider yourself a very active person or a very sedentary person?
?Se consideraria usted una persona muy activa o muy sedentaria?
Do you participate in a lot of rigorous activity with work or with sport?
?Participa en bastantes actividades rigurosas en el trabajo o al hacer deportes?
Do you place a lot of high demands on your prosthesis?
?Pone bastante fuerza en su pro`tesis
What is your current height and current weight?
?Cua`l es su altura y peso actual?
Have you recently had any changes in weight?
?Ha cambiado recientemente de peso?
Do you have any other medical problems that I need to know about?
?Tiene otro problema me`dico que necesito conocer?
Such as heart problems, high blood pressure, history of stroke or diabetes, or any other medical conditions that you can tell me?
Coma problemas del corazon, presio
n alta de la sangre, historial de ataques cardiacos o diabetes, o cualquier otra condicio
n me`dica que me pueda decir?
Alright. Let’s talk about your general history.
Muy bien. Vamos a hablar de su historial en general.
What is your age adn your date of birth?
?Que edad tiene y cua
l es su fecha de nacimiento?