Pathways Flashcards
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus conveys what info?
conscious proprioception
from the body
Dorsal Trigeminothalamic conveys what info?
conscious proprioception
from the head/neck
Dorsal Spinocerebellar conveys what info?
non-conscious proprioception
from LE & trunk below T1
Cuneocerebellar conveys what info?
non-conscious proprioception
from UE & trunk T1 and above
Spinolivary conveys what info?
non-conscious proprioception
from limbs
(just an additional pathway in addition to Dorsal Spinocerebellar & Cuneocerebellar)
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus cell body locations
- Caudal Medulla (Gracile or Cuneate nucleus)
- VPL in thalamus
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus (Lower Limb) pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord, ascends up Dorsal Column.
N1 synapse on N2 - Gracile Nucleus.
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Medial Lemniscus.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPL.
N3 - ascends up Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex (medially).
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus (Upper Limb) pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord, ascends up Dorsal Column.
N1 synapse on N2 - Cuneate Nucleus.
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Medial Lemniscus.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPL.
N3 - ascends up Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex (more laterally).
Dorsal Trigeminothalamic cell body locations
- Trigeminal Ganglion
- Main/Principle Trigeminal nucleus (in pons)
- VPM of thalamus
Dorsal Trigeminothalamic pathway
N1 - goes thru Trigeminal Ganglion, enters brainstem.
N1 synapse on N2 - Main/Principle Nucleus of Trigeminal.
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Dorsal Trigeminothalamic Tract.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPM.
N3 - ascends up Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex.
Dorsal Spinocerebellar pathway
N1 - afferent from muscle spindles, enters Clarke’s Nucleus (thoraco-lumbar dorsal horn of spinal cord).
N1 synapse on N2 - Clarke’s.
N2 - ascends ipsilaterally & passes thru Inferior Cerebral Peduncle to get to cerebellum.
Cuneocerebellar pathway
N1 - afferent from muscle spindles, enters dorsal column, ascends ipsilaterally.
N1 synapse on N2 - Accessory (External) Cuneate Nucleus (just above Cuneate Nucleus in medulla).
N2 - passes thru Inferior Cerebral Peduncle to get to cerebellum.
Spinolivary pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord, crosses over, ascends to Inferior Olive Nucleus (in medulla).
N1 synapse on N2 - Inferior Olive Nucleus.
N2 - crosses back over, passes thru Inferior Cerebral Peduncle to get to cerebellum.
What is #1? What pathway(s) travel here?
Dorsal Column
Path: Dorsal Column Med Lemniscus from Lower Limb
What is #2? What pathway(s) travel here?
Dorsal Column
Path: Dorsal Column Med Lemniscus from Upper Limb & Cuneocerebellar.
What is #3?
Lissauer’s Tract
What pathway travels through #4?
Dorsal Spinocerebellar
What pathway travels through #5?
What pathway travels through #6?
Spinothalamic Tract conveys what info?
Pain/temp from body
Spinothalamic cell body locations
- Dorsal horn of spinal cord
- VPL of thalamus
Spinothalamic pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord at dorsal horn.
N1 immediately synapses on N2.
N2 - crosses immediately (in spinal cord), ascends up Spinothalamic Tract.
N2 synapses on N3 - VPL.
N3 - passes thru Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex (LE more medial, UE more lateral).
Lissauer’s Tracts
Part of the Spinothalamic Pathway.
Once N1 hits dorsal horn, branches into collaterals.
Collaterals go up/down 1-2 segments.
Each collateral synapses on an N2 & follows the same remaining steps of the Spinothalamic Pathway.
Affective-Motivational Pain Pathways convey what information?
Unpleasent quality of pain
Affective-Motivational Pain Pathways originate from where?
Spinothalamic Pathway (branches off)
Affective-Motivational Pain Pathways project where?
- Reticular Formation (medulla)
- Parabrachial Nucleus (pons)
- Intralaminar Nuclei (thalamus)
Affective-Motivational Pain Pathways: after reaching the Parabrachial Nucleus, where is their final destination?
Hypothalamus & Amygdala (emotion)
Periaqueductal Gray Matter (monitors descending pathways)
Affective-Motivational Pain Pathways: after reaching the Intralaminar Nuclei, where is their final destination?
Frontal Lobe
Insula & Cingulate Cortex (emotion)
Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract conveys what info?
Pain/temp from face
Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract cell body locations
- Trigeminal Ganglion
- Spinal Nucleus of Trigeminal
Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract pathway
N1 - goes thru Trigeminal Ganglion, enters pons, descends down to medulla.
N1 synapse on N2 - Spinal Nucleus of Trigeminal (medulla).
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPM.
N3 - ascends thru Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex.
Horizontal Gaze pathway (looking to the RIGHT in this case)
- LEFT Frontal Eye Field & LEFT Superior Colliculus activate (receive info from retina).
- Projects to RIGHT PPRF (in brainstem).
- PPRF projects to RIGHT Abducens Nucleus.
4a. Abducens sends LMNs to RIGHT Lateral Rectus.
4b. Abducens sends Internuclear Neurons to LEFT Oculomotor Nucleus. - Oculomotor sends LMNs to LEFT Medial Rectus.