Pathways Flashcards
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus conveys what info?
conscious proprioception
from the body
Dorsal Trigeminothalamic conveys what info?
conscious proprioception
from the head/neck
Dorsal Spinocerebellar conveys what info?
non-conscious proprioception
from LE & trunk below T1
Cuneocerebellar conveys what info?
non-conscious proprioception
from UE & trunk T1 and above
Spinolivary conveys what info?
non-conscious proprioception
from limbs
(just an additional pathway in addition to Dorsal Spinocerebellar & Cuneocerebellar)
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus cell body locations
- Caudal Medulla (Gracile or Cuneate nucleus)
- VPL in thalamus
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus (Lower Limb) pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord, ascends up Dorsal Column.
N1 synapse on N2 - Gracile Nucleus.
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Medial Lemniscus.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPL.
N3 - ascends up Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex (medially).
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscus (Upper Limb) pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord, ascends up Dorsal Column.
N1 synapse on N2 - Cuneate Nucleus.
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Medial Lemniscus.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPL.
N3 - ascends up Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex (more laterally).
Dorsal Trigeminothalamic cell body locations
- Trigeminal Ganglion
- Main/Principle Trigeminal nucleus (in pons)
- VPM of thalamus
Dorsal Trigeminothalamic pathway
N1 - goes thru Trigeminal Ganglion, enters brainstem.
N1 synapse on N2 - Main/Principle Nucleus of Trigeminal.
N2 - crosses over, ascends up Dorsal Trigeminothalamic Tract.
N2 synapse on N3 - VPM.
N3 - ascends up Internal Capsule to primary sensory cortex.
Dorsal Spinocerebellar pathway
N1 - afferent from muscle spindles, enters Clarke’s Nucleus (thoraco-lumbar dorsal horn of spinal cord).
N1 synapse on N2 - Clarke’s.
N2 - ascends ipsilaterally & passes thru Inferior Cerebral Peduncle to get to cerebellum.
Cuneocerebellar pathway
N1 - afferent from muscle spindles, enters dorsal column, ascends ipsilaterally.
N1 synapse on N2 - Accessory (External) Cuneate Nucleus (just above Cuneate Nucleus in medulla).
N2 - passes thru Inferior Cerebral Peduncle to get to cerebellum.
Spinolivary pathway
N1 - enters spinal cord, crosses over, ascends to Inferior Olive Nucleus (in medulla).
N1 synapse on N2 - Inferior Olive Nucleus.
N2 - crosses back over, passes thru Inferior Cerebral Peduncle to get to cerebellum.
What is #1? What pathway(s) travel here?
Dorsal Column
Path: Dorsal Column Med Lemniscus from Lower Limb
What is #2? What pathway(s) travel here?
Dorsal Column
Path: Dorsal Column Med Lemniscus from Upper Limb & Cuneocerebellar.