Pathology of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands Flashcards
What things can cause goitre?
- euthyroid: normal function (diffuse in younger/multinodular in older)
- hypothyroidism: iodine deficiency, goitrogens (drugs eg. lithium/amiodaron, diet eg. cabbage and turnips) - interfere with normal thyroid function
What are the pathogeneses of goitres?
- reactive
- iodine block
- genetic
Contrast the signs of a benign vs possibly malignant mass in the neck
- soft
- moveable
- non-tender
- hard
- fixed to surrounding tissue
- tender with regional lymphadenopathy
If someone presents with a neck mass and hoarseness and dysphagia, what are we worried about?
possible damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (supplies intrinsic muscles of larynx and sensation below level of vocal cords)
List some diagnostic tests you would want to do if suspicion of thyroid disease
- thyroid function tests: measure TSH (high - thyroiditis, low - aautonomous/hypoerfunctioning nodule)
- antithyroid antibodies: good test for Hashimoto’s disease
- FBC: good for testing for abscesses
- fine needle aspiration for cytology
List some imaging studies you can do for neck masses
- ultrasonography (determine if cystic/solid/mixed)
- radioiodine scintigraphy (determine if cold/warm/hot)
- chest radiography (if malignancy suspected to check for metastases)
- CT
What are the immune and genetic associations with Graves disease?
Immune: IgG against TSH on thyrocytes
Genetic: HLA-DR3 and CTLA-4
What are the immune and genetic associations with Hashimoto’s disease?
- autoreactive CD8 T lymphocytes
- autoreactive antibodies
- blocking TSH antibodies
Genetic: family history of Hashimoto’s or other autoimmune diseases
List the types of thyroid tumours
Benign: follicular adenoma
Malignant: - papillary (from thyroid epithelium and forming papillae) - follicular - anaplastic (undifferentiated) - medullary (from C cells) ^ form carcinomas - lymphoma (common in Hashimoto's) - metastatic lymphoma
What are the causes of papillary carcinomas?
- radiation
- family history
- unknown
Contrast the feeling of a papillary carcinoma vs follicular carcinoma in clinical practice
Papillary carcinoma spreads to local lymph nodes - so patient presents with local lymphadenopathy
Follicular carcinoma does not spread to lymph nodes - so patient presents with hard nodule but no lymph node enlargement
- can spread to bone through the blood
Describe the clinical signs of hypercalcaemia
- muscle atrophy
- emotional disorders
- parathyroid adenoma/hyperplasia
- peptic ulcer
- pancreatitis
- kidney stones
- nephrocalcinosis
What are the causes of hyperparathyroidism?
Primary: adenoma (most), hyperplasia, carcinoma
Secondary: low calcium (eg. chronic renal failure/vit D deficiency)
Tertiary: raised calcium in secondary