Pathology Of The Airways And Lungs Flashcards
A condition in which one or more areas of the lungs collapse or do not inflate properly. Can be caused by conditions that prevent deep breathing and coughing.
A progressive obstructive lung disease that produces abnormal dilation of a bronchus. Associated with chronic infections, aspiration, cf, or immune system impairment. The Bronchial walls weaken over time due to infection and allow for permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles. Signs and symptoms include productive cough, hemoptysis, weight loss, anemia, crackles, wheezing, and loud breath sounds
Condition with Inflammation of the bronchi characterized by hypertrophy of the mucus secreting glands, increased mucus secretions, and insufficient oxygenation due to mucus blockage.
Condition characterized by a productive cough for three months over the course of two consecutive years
Chronic bronchitis
Pt with bronchitis experience a cough that is worse when?
Worse in the morning and in damp weather
Rest, fluids, breathing warm and moist air, cough suppressant, and acetaminophen or aspirin is treatment for?
Acute bronchitis
Pt with which condition have an increased total lung capacity with significant inc in residual volume
What condition causes the alveoli to become permanently overinflated and dead space to increase within the lungs?
1.Inflammation 2.Hyperreactivity of smooth muscle in response to a stimulus 3.Bronchoconstriction
These three characteristics of what disease?
Asthma - reversible obstructive
Deep inspiration followed by full expiration?
An autosomal recessive ( one faulty gene from each parent) genetic disease of the exocrine glands that primarily affects lungs, pancreas, liver, sex organs, intestines, and sinuses.
Cystic fibrosis
Salty tasting skin, persistent and productive coughing, frequent lung infections, wheezing, sob, poor growth/weight gain in spite of a good appetite, and frequent greasy, bulky stools.
Build up of fluid btw the visceral and parietal pleura.
Pleural effusion
If build up of fluid is large might need a a chest tube to drain fluid
Inflammation of the lungs and alveoli
Sob, fever, cough, sweating, chest pain fluctuations with breathing, and fatigue
Cardiac pulmonary edema cause
Left ventricle is unable to pump blood adequately ie chf
Non cardiac pulmonary edema cause
Fluid leaks from the capillaries within the alveoli since the capillaries themselves become more permeable
Signs and symptoms of acute pulmonary edema.. Medical emergency (6)
Extreme sob Bubbly/wheezing sound during breathing Cough c frothy sputum that may be tingled c blood Cyanotic skin color Rapid, irregular pulse Severe drop in bp
A condition in which microscopic damage to the alveoli causes irreversible scarring of the interstitial tissue. Scaring makes the interstitial tissue stiff and thick and the alveoli less flexible making it more diff to breathe
Pulmonary fibrosis
Restrictive disease
Doe, non productive cough, inc rr, hypoxemia, dec VC, abnormal breath sounds, reduced exercise tolerance
Restrictive lung dysfunction
A sudden respiratory failure due to fluid accumulation in the alveoli. Severe sob develops within a few hours to a few days after the original disease or trauma
Acute respiratory distress syndrome ards