Pathology - NZ Q's - 90 questions across the board Flashcards
A preformed mediator of inflammation is A. Prostaglandin B. Histamine C. Leukotriene D. Nitric oxide E. Platelet activating factor
In normal haemostasis
A. Factor V inhibits thrombosis
B. Alpha 2 microglobulin is antithrombotic
C. PGI2 favours platelet aggregation
D. Platelet aggregation is inhibited by von Willebrand factor
E. Tissue plasminogen activator is responsible for prothrombotic events
Mononuclear phagocytes
A. Are the predominant cells in three day old wounds
B. Are common in liver, spleen and pancreas
C. Produce fibroblast growth factor
D. Secrete interferon Y
E. Have a half life of one day
Normal endothelial cells decrease platelet aggregation by secreting A. Interleukin 1 B. von Willebrand factor C. Prostacyclin D. Factor V E. Thromboplastin
Interleukin 1 causes A. Neutropaenia B. Decreased sleep C. Decreased prostaglandin synthesis D. Increased collagen synthesis E. Decreased leukocyte adherence
Thrombosis is potentiated by all of the following except A. von Willebrand factor deficiency B. Protein S deficiency C. Antithrombin III deficiency D. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia E. Acute leukaemia
Acute compensatory mechanisms in shock include all of the following
A. Baroreceptor reflexes
B. Reverse stress-relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
C. The effects of increased aldosterone secretion
D. Activation of the renin-angiotensin system
E. The central nervous system ischaemic response
The following are primary mediators of type I hypersensitivity reactions except A. Adenosine B. Neutrophil chemotactic factor C. Heparin D. Platelet activating factor E. Acid hydrolases
Malignant neoplasms
A. Are independent of hormonal influence
B. Are always composed of homogeneous cell lines
C. Arise from differentiated cells by a process of anaplasia
D. Display abnormal nuclei with pale nucleoli
E. Typically grow more rapidly than benign
Regarding metastasis
A. All carcinomas have the ability to metastasise
B. Highly invasive carcinomas rarely metastasise
C. Carcinomas typically spread via lymphatics compared with
haematogenous spread
D. Tumour cells develop increased cohesiveness of their cell surface in the
formation of cancer cell emboli
E. Cells involved in lymphatic dissemination release degradative enzymes
HIV infection
A. Is caused by rhinovirus
B. Results in increased CD4 and T cell memory
C. Results in inversion at the CD4-CD8 ratio
D. Increases immature precursors of CD4 and T cells
E. Causes a CD4-CD8 ratio close to 2
A typical feature of AIDS
A. Decreased delayed type hypersensitivity reaction
B. Lymphocytosis
C. Hypogammaglobulinaemia
D. Increase CD4 and T cells
E. Increase chemotaxis and phagocytosis
In reversible cell injury, all are true except
A. ATP depletion is responsible for acute cellular swelling
B. Can cause myocardial cells to cease contraction within 60 seconds
C. ATP is generated anaerobically from creatine phosphate
D. Mitochondrial swelling and degranulation of ER are the hallmarks of
irreversible cellular damage
E. Is associated with myelin figures
A. Is irreversible
B. Is commonly a change from squamous to columnar epithelium
C. An example is the transformation of epithelial cells into chondroblasts
to produce cartilage
D. Retinoids may play a role
E. Even if the stimuli is persistent, it is a benign lesion
In apoptosis
A. It involves physiologic and pathologic stimuli
B. Histologically, it involves coagulation necrosis
C. Its DNA breakdown is random and diffuse
D. Its mechanism involves ATP depletion
E. It involves an inflammatory tissue reaction
A. Occurs after partial hepatectomy
B. Refers to an increase in the size of cells
C. Is always a pathologic process
D. Often occurs in cardiac and skeletal muscle
E. Usually progresses to cancerous proliferation
Metastatic calcification
A. Causes widespread tissue damage
B. Occurs with normal calcium levels
C. Can be caused by systemic sarcoidosis
D. Occurs in hypothyroidism
E. Is caused by drinking large quantities of milk
Mumps virus is a A. Adenovirus B. Herpes virus C. Paramyxovirus D. Pox virus E. Picornavirus
Prothrombotic characteristics of endothelium include A. Plasminogen activator B. Prostacyclin C. von Willebrand factor D. Thrombomodulin E. Heparin like molecules
Regarding giant cell arteritis, which statement is not correct
A. Affects medium arteries
B. Affects small arteries including vertebral
C. Affects small arteries including ophthalmic
D. Has an increased prevalence of HLA-DR4
E. Has no gastrointestinal manifestations