Pathology Flashcards
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hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
apical lung cancer that invades neural structures around the trachea, including the cervical plexus, manifesting as ulnar pain & Horner syndrome
Pancoast Tumor
small hyperplastic nests of neuroendocrine cells seen in areas of scarring or chronic inflammation
presents as peripheral coin lesion of cellularity reflective of the tissue it is present in (in the lung, often connective tissue with interspersed epithelial cells)
pulmonary hamartoma
noninflammatory accumulation of pleural fluid most commonly caused by right heart failure
causes of hemothorax
ruptured aortic aneurysm or vascular trauma
post operative complication
milky lymphatic fluid in the pleural cavity due to thoracic duct damage (possibly from malignancy)
common causes of pneumothorax
asthma, emphysema, TB, trauma to the chest wall, spontaneous idiopathic pneumothorax
edematous mucosa causing focal protrusions; caused by recurrent attacks of rhinitis
nasal polyps
refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane, esp of the head and throat
opportunistic infection of the sinuses caused by “bread mold fungi” such as Mucor & Rhizopus
Typically in immunocompromised & diabetics -> spread to the orbit and then to the brain
rhinocerebral mucormycosis
necrotizing vasculitis with acute granulomas of the upper respiratory tract, lower resp tract or both; affects small to medium vessels in the lungs and upper airways
-T cell mediated hypersensitivity reaction
-ulcerative lesions of the nose, palate or pharynx
Classic: persistent pneumonitis with bilateral nodular & cavitary infiltrates
Wegener granulomatosis
Tx: steroids, cyclophosphamide, TNF-antagonists
benign vascular tumor of adolescent males that bleeds profusely
nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
uncommon malignant tumors with small round cells that resemble neuroblasts;
arise from neuroendocrine cells in olfactory mucosa
express: enolase, synaptophysin, CD56, chromogranin
olfactory neuroblastoma
most frequent childhood cancer in Africa, associated with EBV, diets high in nitrosamines, smoking, chemical fumes
-mets in cervical lymph nodes
nasopharyngeal carcinoma
cystic lesions lined by keratinizing squamous epithelium or metaplastic mucus-secreting epithelium filled with amorphous debris
forms from chronic inflammation & perforation of the eardrum with ingrowth of squamous epithelium
abnormal bone deposition in the middle ear about the rim of the oval window
usually affects both ears
usually begins early in life & slowly progresses over decades, leading to marked hearing loss
presence of discrete mass of lung tissue without normal connection to airway system
If it is extralobar, it is located anywhere within the thorax or mediastinum.
If it is intralobar, it is associated with localized infection or bronchiectasis (can occur in older children)
pulmonary sequestration
causes of pulmonary hypoplasia
diaphragmatic hernia
impaired alveolar septation in the setting of hyperoxia, hyperventilation & inflammatory cytokines
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
decreased VEGF expression causing endothelial cell apoptosis in hyperoxia; return to relative hypoxia of room air causes retinal vessel proliferation
Retinopathy of Prematurity
necrotizing hemorrhagic interstitial pneumonitis caused by autoantibodies against alpha3 chain of type IV collagen, resulting in inflammatory destruction of the basement membrane in renal glomeruli & alveoli
Mostly occurs in teens or 20s in males
HLA-DRB1 association (genetic)
Goodpasture Syndrome
Note: uremia is most common cause of death