Pathology Flashcards
What are the major diseases causing malnutrition?
Celiac disease Tropical Sprue Whippel's disease Lymphangeactasia Crohn's enteritis
Define malabsorption
A condition characterized by suboptimal absorption of fat, fat- soluble and other vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, electrolytes and minerals, and water.
What functions, when affected, would lead to malabsorption?
Intraluminal digestion
Terminal digestion
Transepithelial transport
Describe the clinical presentation of Malabsorption
Abnormal greasy, yellow/gray stools
Weight loss
Abdominal distention
Why can a patient with celiac disease be misdiagnosed?
can present with extra GIT symptoms
What is another name for celiac disease?
Celiac Sprue
Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy
Epidemiology of Celiac disease
Pathophysiology of Celiac Disease
Cell mediated immunity against the gluten [alcohol soluble protein component [Gliadin]]
Gluten taken into small intestine → ↑ intraepithelial cytotoxic T cells and ↑ large number of lamina propria T-helper cells that are sensitized to gliadin → cytokine release → damage to the intestinal enterocytes. HLA DQ XIB heterodiamer genetic trend → confer susceptibility through interaction with gliadin.
Hypothesis behind the immune reaction in Celiac Disease
Gliadin cross- react with a fragment protein
The E1b protein of type 12 adenovirusàraise possibility that this disease might be resulted from exposure to this virus earlier in life.
Gross morphology of Celiac Disease
Flat mucosa [Loss of normal villous architecture → atrophy of mucosa]
Microscopic features of Celiac Disease
Surface epithelial layer is packed by T- lymphocytes and lamina propria
Crypts are hyperplastic, ↑ in number, tortuous with ↑ mitotic figures → overall mucosal thickness remains the same
Loss of microvilli + brush borders
What are the symptoms of Celiac Disease
Diarrhea Unexplained weight loss Abdominal pain Failure to thrive Skin Rash Arthritis Unexplained malaise and fatigue
What does Celiac disease increase the risk of?
T-cell lymphoma
GI carcinoma
Breast carcinoma
What genetic factors are associated with Celiac Disease?
What is a diagnostic finding of Celiac disease?
Mucosal mosiac changes seen on endoscopy