Pathology Flashcards
Reductio on oxygen to the cell for short periods of time
Loss of oxygen
Lack of blood supply to an area of tissue or part of an organ
Liquid that is made from leukocytes and dead cell debris
Death of cells
Reduction in cell size
Increase in cell size
Increase in number of cells
Decrease in number of cells
Change of cell from one type to another
What does RICE stand for
Rest, Ice , Compression, Elevation
… occurs when cells die and become liquid. Often caused by infarcts in the brain.
Liquefactive Necrosis
A type of necrosis which is so called because the cytoplasm has a coagulated appearance. This often occurs in the heart in response to a myocardial infarction when the cells experience anoxia.
Coagulative Necrosis
A type of necrosis which occurs in fat tissue due to special lipolytic enzymes that only act on fat.
Fat Necrosis
Type of inflammation that is of sudden onset and short duration.
Type of inflammation that is a sequal to acute inflammation and occurs as a result of PROLONGED healing.
Type of inflammation which occurs when an injury never fully heals and the area is reinjured
Acute on Chronic
Category of healing of a clinical or surgical wound or of a skin-penetrating injury with clear, clean margins that have not become separated or that can be closed using sutures, staples, or Steristrips
First Intention Healing
Category of healing which consists of delayed healing of a surgical wound or healing of a nonsurgical wound
Second Intention Healing
Tissue found in a wound which is characterized by a red dotted effect and indicates that the wound is healthy and healing.
Granulation Tissue
Type of scar tissue that spreads beyond the borders of the original wound, resulting from the formation of excessive amounts of granulation tissue and thus too much collagen production
Keloid Scarring
Type of scarring frequently found in persons who have been burned
Hypertrophic Scarring
Scar tissue that connects structures together that are not normally linked.
The removal of necrotic tissue so that the underlying tissue can heal