Exam 2 Flashcards
What is Orientation x 1,2,3?
(x1) - Person: If they know who they are
(x2) - Place: If they know where they are
(x3) - Time: If they know the date or the season
Why do we test for leg length?
To determine a descrepency from one side to another
How do you measure for leg length?
With patient in Supine
- ASIS to Medial Malleoli (true leg length)
- Umbilicus to Medial Malleoli (pelvic obliquity may scew results)
- Greater Trochanter to Lateral Malleolus
Why do we measure girth?
To measure atrophy or edema in an extremity
How do you measure for girth?
- With a tape measure wrapped around a specific point on an extremity
- With a volumeter
- Fill the volumeter with water till it overflows
- Allow the overflow to stop naturally
- Instruct the patient to slowly immerse the extremity into the volumeter with the hand open and relaxed. If there is a bar, the hand should rest on the bar in the web space between the 3rd and 4th digits. The foot should rest on the bottom
- Allow the water to displace into the measuring container until it stops.
- Read the measurement on a flat surface at eye level
What is a Dermatome?
The skin area that is supplied by the sensory fibers of a spinal nerve
What are the different types of Superficial Sensory Tests?
- Pain (pt. differentiates between sharp and dull pain)
- Tempurature (pt. differentiates between hot and cold)
- Light touch (pt. feels for light touch with a cotton ball)
- Pressure (pt. feels for pressure)
What is Monofilament Testing?
It is used for testing loss of protective sensation of the feet in diabetic patients and those at risk for developing neuropathic foot ulcers
What are the different types of Deep Sensory Tests?
- Kinesthesia (pt. can determine which direction the joint is moving)
- Proprioception (pt. can determine which position the joint is in)
- Vibration (pt. can feel vibration)
What are the different types of Cortical Tests?
- Stereognosis (pt. can recognize different objects by touch)
- Two-point descrimination (pt. can percieve two points when they both touch the pt. at the same time)
- Graphesthesia (pt. can recognize a symbol that is drawn on their skin)
What are the grades for Reflex Testing?
0 = No responce 1+ = minimal responce, no joint movement 2+ = Normal responce 3+ = brisk responce 4+ = hyperactive responce/clonus 5+ = sustained clonus
What are the different Reflexes, their spinal segment, and response?
- Biceps/ C5/ Elbow Flexion
- Brachioradialis/ C6/ Elbow Flexion
- Triceps/ C7/ Elbow Extension
- Quadriceps/ L4/ Knee Extension
- Achilles/ S1/ Plantar Flexion
What is Tone?
The resistance of muscle to passive elongation or stretch
What are the descriptors for abnormal Tone?
- Hypotonia: Flaccidity
- Hypertonia: Spacicity, rigidity, clonus, leadpipe, cogwheel
- Dystonia: Twisting/ writhing movement
What is a Myotome?
A group of muscles that one spinal nerve innervates.
Myotome for C5
“Stay Alive” Shoulder Abduction
Myotome for C5, C6
“Pick up Sticks” Elbow Flexion
Myotome for C7
“Up to Heaven” Elbow Extension
Myotome for C8
“Ulnar Deviate” Ulnar Deviation
Myotome for L1, L2
“Lift up your Shoe” Hip Flexion
Myotome for L3, L4
“Kick the Door” Knee Extension
Myotome for L4, L5
“Up to the Sky” Dorsiflexion, and Toe Extension
Myotome for S1
“The Race has Begun” Plantar Flexion/ Eversion
What are the Contraindications for Goniometry?
- Muscle contraction can cause injury (AROM)
- Joint motion can impede healing (PROM)
- Ex. immediately post-op, dislocation, non healed fx