pathology Flashcards
- ATPase 6
- point mutations - NADH dehydrogenase
- Demyelination of papillomacular bundle
Retinitis pigmentosa
- In AD - Chr3q + Chr6p
- poor VF from periphera to posterior pole
- bone spicules
- Advanced: SINGLE layer of cells at fovea with STRIATED PRs
Vitellifom dystrophy
- Best’s disease
- Lipofuscin at macula
- ATROPHY of PR layer in retina
Avellino Dystrophy
- Combined granular lattice dystrophy
- Chr5 - labrador keratophay
Down’s Syndrome
- keratoconus
- Iris SPINDLE cells
- Myopia
Presumed ocular histoplasmosis (POH)
- Scars + haemorrgagic detachment of macula
- Peripheral punched out chorioretinal atrophy
- Peipapillar chorioretinal scarring
Macular Dystrophy
- AR
- smudgy snowflake
- mucopolysaccharide deposited within keratocytes + endothelium
Lattice dystrophy
- AD
- fine lines criss crossing stroma
- Microscopy - Amyloid AA
Type 1: Loaclised to cornea
Type 2: widespread deposition of amyloid with dry, lax skin; cranial nerve palsies; abnormal ears; and mask-like facies
a. overlying LIQUEFIED vitreous
b. ATROPHY of the OUTER layer of the retina
c. adherence of vitreous to the MARGIN of the lesion
d. discontinuity of the ILM
Meesman’s dystrophy
Loops of Basement membrane
Granular corneal dystrophy
opaque granules
Hyaline bodies
Chr3 RETINAL hemangiomata CEREBELLAR haemangioma Phaeochromocytoma Pancreatic cysts Renal ca
Stargardt’s disease
ABCA4 gene Chr1
Small yellow flecks of macula
Fuch’s endothelial dystrophy
Hassal Henle warts
Bilatera; diffuse oedema
Cloudy stroma
THICKENING of Descemet’s membrane
Systemic Ophthalmitis
Dalen-fuchs nodules
Epithelioid giant cells between RPE and bruch’s membrane
Pthisis bulbi
Choriocapillaris is SPARED
Diabetic Retinopathy
Multilayering + thickening BM
Pericyte degeneration
Vacuolation of iris PIGMENT epithelium
Birefringent cystine crystals
Histology - need alcohol fixation
Risk of thromboembolic disease
Lens goes inferiorly and nasally
Histology - PAS on ciliary processes and pars plana
Sebaceous ca
Commoner in UPPER lid
pagetoid intraepithelial spread
Mimics blepharoconjunctivitis - masquerade syndrome
Spreads via LYMPH
well diff dysplastic PRICKLE CELLS with KERATIN NESTS
Uveal tract melanoma
Worse prognosis: Epitheliod, closed vascular loops, monosomy 3 + multiplication of chr8, anterior location
Mets to liver
Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes (lumen)
Homer-Wright rosettes (no lumen)
Risk of pineal tumour
Deep blue cells, little cytoplasm
Retinal Hamartomas
Malignant non-follicular lymphoma
Uniform sheets of small lymphocytes with mitotic activity
Worse prognosis- orbital (»conjunctival)
Wegener’s granulomatosis
- necrosis of muscular layers (necrotising vasculitis)
- Fibrinoid necrosis
- Croneoscleral erosion
- Smudgy necoriss containing nuclear dust in orbital fat and fibrous tissue
- Palisaded macrophages with MULTINUCLEATE giant cells
Temporal arteritis
inflammatory cells in the media and intima
presence of giant cells (not necessary for diagnosis)
ophthalmic, CRA, retinal and choroidal blood vessels
Retinal microinfarcts
Rare: Choroidopathy
Hard exudates
plasma leakage into OPL
eoisinophilic masses with foamy macrophages
Flame haemorrhage
Nerve fibre layer
Dot haemorrhage
Blot haemorrhages
Between PR + RPE
-TIGR gene Chr 1
collagen and mucopolysachharides in cribriform layer and within outflow system
Cup more enlarged in vertical > horizontal
Histology: atrophy of PR over eoisinophilic mounds beneath RPE
Bruch’s membrane - thickened/calcified
Diskiform degernation - fibrous metaplasia in RPE
Lacrimal gland tumour
- Pleomorphic adenoma
- ADENOID CYSTIC (most common) - painful, invades orbital nerves
a. may arise from pleomorphic adenoma
- ‘swiss-cheese’ characteristic histoloyg pattern
b. is not encapsulated
c. causes bony erosion
d. causes pain from perineural invasion
e. BASALOID cell is associated with the worst prognosis.
orbital has better prognosis than extraorbital type MOST COMMON MALIGNANCY IN CHILDREN Sensitive to radiotherapy Most common: Embryonal Worst: Alveolar Best: pleomorphic
Sturge-Weber syndrome
not inherited naevus flammeus of the facial skin MENINGEAL HEMANGIOMA CHOROIDAL HEMANGIOMA. GLAUCOMA seocndary to vascular proliferation
Devic’s syndrome
optic neuritis
Tranverse myelitis
Anti aquaporin abs
Retinal dyalyses
Between RPE and Bruch’s membrane
PAS positive
NF-1 eye pathology
Lisch nodules Optic nerve GLIOMA Absence of the GREATER WING of the sphenoid Ectropion uvea Eyelid neurofibromas
Age related changes of eye: Cornea
a. Hassal-Henle warts
b. Peripheral excrescences of the Descemet’s membrane
80% have ocular features
Snowbanking, vitreous snowballs - pars plana exudation
Candle wax phlebitis
Tx of fungal keratitis
Yeasts: Amphotericin
Filamentous: Natamycin
Eoisin stain
Nucleic acids
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Most common developmental disc anomaly
segmental ONH: maternal diabetes mellitus
Septo-optic dysplasia aka de Morsier syndrome
pituitary gland abnormality
Optic Nerve glioma Histology
Juvenile form = BETTER prognosis pilocytic (hair like) Fusiform appearance Can lead to meningeal hyperplasia Rosenthal fibres myxoid degeneration
Hard exudates
opl opl opl Outer plexiform Layer
Pathogenesis of AMD
LOSS Degeneration of RPE Loss of photoreceptors Thinning of OPL and choriocappilaris GAIN Accumulation of lipofuscin Drusen formation Thickening of Bruch's membrane
Reiss {B}uckler
affects {B}OWMAN’S LAYER
fine reticular opacities in the superficial cornea in early adult life
Gorlin Golzt
PTCH1 Chromosome 9
Autosomal dominant
Multiple BCC
Posterior vitrous detachement
protective in diabetic retinopathy
Coats Disease
Usually unilateral
Exudative RETINAL DETACHMENT - leakage of lipid-rich plasma into the retina and the subretinal space
Vascular abnormalities - the arteriolar and venular endothelium
CMV Retinitis complication
Retinal detachement
Hypertensive choroidopathy
Siegrist streaks
Choristomas represent NORMAL tissue in an abnormal location, e.g. dermolipomas and dermoids.
Hamartomas represent abnormal growth of tissue in its normal location, e.g. haemangiomas and lymphangiomas.
Malignant lymphoma of orbit
Most common: B cell lymphoma, non-hodgkin lymphoma
Bitot’s spots
a. occur in patients with FAT malabsorption
b. are commonest on the TEMPORAL side of the conjunctiva
c. usually precede keratopathy
d. resolve with oral vitamin A
Wilson’s disease
copper deposited in DESCEMET’S MEMBRANE
CALCIUM is deposited in the BOWMAN’S
Mittendorf dot
INFERONASAL aspect of POSTERIOR lens capsule
Trisomy 13
a. optic nerve hypoplasia
b. microphthalmia
c. iris coloboma
d. persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
Watershed area in retina
Soft drusen
removal of RPE from the Bruch membrane
Basal laminar drusen
small drusen found in macula
Reticular pseudodrusen
Found between IS/OS and RPE
Lipofuscin segment
Outer photoreceptor segment
Muille Torre Syndrome
Associated with internal malignancy - gastric ca
From neuroectoderm
Affects non-pigmentated epithelium of ciliary body
Touton’s giant cells
- Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- Tuberous xanthoma
- Liposarcoma
- Erdheim-Chesters disease
Orbital meningioma
- Arises from intracranial extension
- Assoc with NF-1
- Psamomma bodies
Wedl cells
Wedle bladder cells - chronic steroid use
Anterior lens epithelium surface
Acute glaucoma
OPL affected - watershed layer
Found nasally
invades cornea –> destruction of bowmans
Thinned conjunctival epithelium
Elastotic degenreation of stroma
How do you differentiate pleomorphic adenoma from adenoid cystic carcinoma?
slow (pleo) vs rapid
painless (pleo) vs painful
CT scan: appear encapsulated (pleo) vs uncapsulated
bone erosion vs bone destruction)
Dalen Fuch
Found between RPE and Bruch’s membrane
Superotemporal … what happens?
Dermoid cyst
Retinal dialysis
Treacher colins syndrome
Eyelid coloboma
Manidbular hypoplasia
Hermansky pudlak and Chediak Higashi syndromes
HP - platelet dysfunction
CH - leucocytic abnormalities
Gaucher’s syndrome
Reduced levels of glucocerbrosidase
Chromosome 1
Septic Shock
Gram negative BACILLI expressing endotoxin
Sampoeliesi’s line
pigmentation anterior to shwalbe’s line in retinal pigment dispersion syndrome
Albright syndrome
Fibrous dysplasia
Skin pigmentation
Precocious puberty in females
Meretoja syndrome
Systemic amyloid deposition
Type II lattice dystropphy
CN palsies
Conditions associated with macular dystrophy
Hurler’s syndrome
Sheie’s syndrome
Morquio syndrome
Causes of leukocoria?
Cream pigment: Cataract, Coats Retinoblastoma, ROP Endophthalmitis Astrocytic hamartoma Myelinated NFL Persistent fetal vasculatur Incontinentia pigmenti Granuloma Melanoma FEVR (Familial EXUDATIVE vitreoretinopathy) Norrie Toxocariasis
What does LUXOL BLUE stain?
Masson trichome staining
Stains COLLAGEN blue or green
Stains HYALINE red
What is the dose of exposure of ionising radiation that can cause cataract formation?
Macular telangectasia
Type 1 - unilateral parafoveal telangectasia
Type 2 - Bilateral parafoveal telangectasia
Type 3 - type 2 + retinal capillary obliteration
What is associated with keratoconus?
Retinitis pigmentosa Vernal keratoconjunctivitis Retinopathy of prematurity Down’s syndrome Marfan’s syndrome
Herpetic uveitis
Associated with high IOP
Merlin gene (22q12)
Where is the deep retinal capillary plexus found?
HIV retinopathy
Retinal haemorrhages
Thinner RNFL
Mild colour vision loss or contrast sensitivity
Mild visual field defects
Prognosis: Associated with increased mortality and bilateral visual impairment
Haemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis
Exposed to intraocular vancomycin
presents 8 days after second eye cataract surgery
Poor visual prognosis
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Difficulty in cataract extraction:
- incomplete pupillary dilation
- abnormally weak lens zonules
- a brittle anterior capsule
Difference between epidermoid and dermoid cysts?
Common features: keratinised and stratified squamous epithelium, eoisinophilic content
dermoid: structures from dermis present