Patellofemoral pain CPG Flashcards
In AKP, what two regions are typically painful?
Retro- and peripatellar regions
What two age groups are AKP typically associated with?
12-19 y.o.
50-59 y.o (PFOA)
What is the most accurate clinical diagnostic test for a diagnosis of AKP/PFP? (High sensitivity)
Squatting - high -LR 0.1-0.2
What are three other highly sensitive tests for exclusion of PFP?
Stair climbing
Sitting with knees flexed
What are two highly specific tests for inclusion of PFP?
Patellar tilt
Eccentric step down test
What two ways are quadriceps affected in those with AKP/PFP?
1) Atrophy (visible only on MRI)
2) arthrogenic inhibition
True/false: hip weakness is a direct cause of PFP
False - may be a result, not a direct cause
True/false: those with PFP have an increased FPPA with single leg squat, hop landing, SLS (frontal plane projection angle)
True - tend to have more knee valgus
Six factors for PFP: (6)
1) female gender
2) single sport athletes
3) isometric knee extensor weakness **predictor
4) weakness in hip ext/abd/ERs
5) dec flexibility of quad/HS/gastroc
6) hip/foot mechanics ** inconclusive
What are factors as it pertains to a negative outcome with PFP? (3)
1) longer duration sxs
2) higher baseline pain
3) poorer function/ strength
What are the 4 subcategories of PFP?
1) overuse/overload
2) muscle performance deficits
3) movement coordination deficits
4) mobility impairments
What are the Ottawa / Pittsburgh knee rules: 5 factors/ 3 factors
1) age > 55
2) isolated tenderness patella
3) tenderness of fibular head
4) unable to flex > 90 deg
5) unable to take 4 WB steps, limping counts
1) age <12, >50
2) MOI - blunt trauma, fall
3) unable to take 4 WB steps, limping counts
What two outcome measures are most applicable to PFP/AKP?
Knee injury and OA outcome scale - PFJ (KOOS -PJF)
Anterior knee pain scale (AKPS)
Which intervention has more beneficial outcomes for AKP: targeted knee strengthening or combined hip and knee strengthening ?
Combined hip and knee targeted exercise program reduces pain, improves outcome measure with function in all phases
True/false: taping has good long term outcomes for PFP
False - only beneficial in short term, with immediate pain relief
For PFP, what other intervention should taping and/or foot orthoses be combined with?
Exercise - critical component to success with any approach
Do foot orthoses have short- or long-term pain reduction in AKP/PFP?
Short-term; aid with pain reduction and only with combination of exercise
What 3 treatment approaches were recommended against use in the PFP CPG?
1) needling
2) biofeedback
3) biophysical agents
Is manual therapy beneficial for PFP?
Yes but only as adjunct to exercise