Foot & Ankle Flashcards
What are the three components of supination?
Inversion, adduction and plantar flexion
What plane does inversion of the foot occur in?
What plane does adduction of the foot occur in?
What plane does plantar flexion of the foot occur in?
What are the three components of pronation?
Eversion, abduction and dorsiflexion
What plane does eversion of the foot occur in?
What plane does abduction of the foot occur in?
What plane does dorsiflexion of the foot occur in?
What is the Chopart joint?
Transverse tarsal - talonavicular and calcaneocuboid
What is the LisFranc joint?
Tarsal-metatarsal joints
cuneiforms and cuboids - metatarsals
What ligament prevents anterior displacement of the talus relative to the mortise?
What ligament of the ankle is taut with inversion and adduction of the calcaneus relative to fibula?
What ligament is taut with ER of the talus relative to the ankle mortise?
Posterior talofibular ligament
What two ligaments work together to limit supination of the subtalar joint?
Calcaneofibular and cervical ligaments
Damage to this ligament can result in excessive supination of the subtalar joint?
Interosseous ligament
What bones constitute the midfoot?
Cuneiforms, navicular, cuboid
What ligament, with no attachment to the talus, prevents plantar flexion of the talus?
Calcaneonavicular or spring ligament
The Chopart joint joins which two parts of the foot?
Hind foot -> mid foot
The talonavicular joint is supported on the plantar surface by what ligament?
Spring or calcaneonavicular ligament
What bones create the transverse arch of the foot?
Intertarsal joints (cuneiforms, navicular, cuboid and navicular)
Which Lisfranc/tarsometatarsal joint is the most commonly injured joint?
2nd metatarsal with medial cuneiform - interosseous ligament
What muscle may have role in supporting transverse arch with an attachment at base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform?
Fibularis longus
Which muscle is the largest in surface area and strength for supination of the subtalar joint?
Posterior tibialis - supporters -> flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus
Which muscle has larger moment arm for subtalar supination - anterior or posterior tibialis?
Posterior tib -
Anterior tib has 1/5 the moment arm
With size/shape of talocrural joint - which motion is joint more congruent?
Wider anteriorly than posteriorly -> more congruent in dorsiflexion
What movements occur in weight bearing supination in reference to calcaneus and talus?
Calcaneus ->inversion
Talus -> abduction and dorsiflexion (ER of tibfib)
What movements occur in weight bearing pronation in reference to calcaneus and talus?
Calcaneus ->eversion
Talus ->adduction and plantar flexion (IR of tibfib)
NWB supination is a combination of: (only calcaneal movement)
Inversion, adduction, plantar flexion
NWB pronation is a combination of: (only calcaneal movement)
Eversion, abduction and dorsiflexion
What ligament supports calcaneocuboid joint?
Long plantar ligament - one of strongest in body = minimal movement
Which joint is more mobile: talonavicular or calcaneocuboid?
A loss of plantar fascial support inc the load on what two ligaments:
1) calcaneonavicular - spring
2) long plantar ligament (calcaneocuboid)
At IC of gait cycle: what position is the foot in?
Slight dorsiflexion
During gait cycle, when do plantar flexors start to become active? (what phase)
Late midstance -> pre-swing
What muscle decelerates tibia after flat foot/midstance?
What motions does the subtalar joint move from and then to at IC to flat foot and then terminal stance?
Pronation (at IC/flat foot) to supination (terminal stance)
What muscle eccentrically lowers MLL at IC and during midstance phase?
Tibialias anterior
What muscle becomes eccentrically active before flat foot to control for pronation of the MLL?
Tibialis posterior
How many degrees of motion occur at the MLL with walking?
10 deg
What is normal ROM for great toe/hallux/MTP motion duriing pre-swing?
40-60 deg dorsiflexion
During running/sprinting, what percentage of moment energy is contributed by the digits/toes?
When transferring energy from Achilles to and through the midfoot, what is more problematic: laxity of the midfoot or rigidity?
Laxity - excessive plantarflexion of talus results in subluxation of posterior facet of subtalar joint -> inc load on calcaneonavicular/spring ligament which can rupture
A variety of clinical conditions can contribute to excessive pronation(10 listed): what are examples?
Gastroc/soleus tightness PTT dysfunction midfoot laxity abduction of forefoot ER of hindfoot subluxation of alus traumatic deformities ruptured plantar fascia Charcot foot neuromuscular imbalance
Is there a strong correlation between static measurement of foot posture and foot kinematics?
Yes - McPoil found measurement of MLL statically and identical measure dynamically at midstance
What are believed to be causes of high arch/pes cavus?
Over activity of PTT or tib anterior or both - or ER of tibia with proximal control issue
What is the Coleman block test?
Identify foot posture with quiet, static standing and then have pt stand on 1” block with lateral foot and heel on block - does midfoot respond with rigidity or flexibility? (Looking at 1st-3rd metatarsals)
What is the peek a boo sign?
Observation of medial heel when looking at a person from the front due to excessive supination
What is the too many toes sign?
Observation of lateral toes (digits 3-5) when looking at a person from behind due to excessive pronation - PTT dysfunction
Which outcome measures are validated for ankle instability?
Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) and Ankle Instability Index (AII)
Which outcome measure looks at plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, CAI?
Foot and ankle ability measure (FAAM)
What exam is a valid and reliable assessment tool for foot posture?
Foot posture index
What are generalized outcomes for the Foot Posture Index?
Neutral = 0
Highly pronated > +10
Highly supinated < -10
In runners with higher arches, what two injuries are more prominent?
Ankle sprains, bony injuries to 5th metatarsal
What is the expected average change in height in the Arch height index from NWB to WB?
10 mm or 13.4%
In the navicular drop test, what is the cutoff for abnormal findings?
Difference of 10 mm between NWB and WB
> 10 mm = risk factor for medial tibial stress syndrome
When assessing the heel raise, what might a lower height indicate in terms of dysfunction? (Normative = 55-65% of length of foot)
1) weakness - dec ability to plantar flex body weight
2) dec length of PFs
3) midfoot instability (flat foot deformity)
What is considered to be more severely tight in terms of dorsiflexion AROM? (less than…)
5 deg - average is 18 deg
With a tight first MTP joint, where is the center of pressure shifted during walking?
Is MMT valid for plantar flexors?
No - need to do heel raise test
Name the special test: ankle in 10-20 deg of plantar flexion, gentle pull of calcaneus anteriorly and looking at amt of translation (positive outcome?)
Anterior drawer test - > 3 mm of translation or pain in region anterior/inferior to malleolus
(questionable reliability)
Name the special test: 20 deg of plantar flexion // 10 deg of dorsiflexion - apply maximal inversion (positive outcome?)
Talar tilt - plantar flexion looks more at ATFL // dorsiflexion looks more at CFL - but unable to distinguish which is injured - positive test is pain in region inferior to lateral malleolus, >15 deg or empty end feel
Name the special test: knee is flexed at 90 deg, flexion of ankle maximally in dorsiflexion and passive ER (positive outcome)
Dorsiflexion-ER test - positive is anterolateral pain in area of syndesmosis
Name the special test: squeeze fibula and tibia together (NWB) above midpoint of calf (positive outcome)
Squeeze test - positive test pain in area of syndesmosis (good specificity)
Name the special test: stabilize distal tibia and grasp rear foot, move talus and calcaneus medially/laterally (positive outcome)
Cotton test - positive test is translation of talus in mortise - syndesmotic injury
Name the special test: stabilize distal tibia and move lateral malleolus anterior to posterior (positive outcome)
Fibula translation test - positive is pain reproduced along syndesmosis
Name the special test: pt in prone, knee flexed to 90 deg, compress gastroc/soleus complex at middle third (positive outcome)
Thompson test - positive no associated ankle motion = Achilles tendon rupture - high sensitivity and specificity (90+)
Name the special test: pt in prone, palpation for most significant tender portion of Achilles, have pt actively dorsiflex ankle (positive outcome)
Royal London Hospital Test - positive test is repeated palpation of tender spot has decreased or absent pain in dorsiflexion = Achilles tendinopathy - highly specific
Name the special test: pt in prone, active pf/df with watching for area of maximal swelling (positive outcome)
Arc sign - positive is edema moves proximal to distal during motion = tendinopathy - high specificity
Name the special test: pt in prone, knee flexed to 90 deg - AROM for pf then df and follow with resisted eversion (positive test)
Fibularis subluxation - subluxation/dislocation of fibularis tendons - indicative of instability
Name the special test: observe foot/calcaneal position during stance -> have pt stnad with calcaneus and lateral foot (4/5) on one in step (positive outcome)
Coleman block test - looking at rigidity or flexibility of rear and forefoot deformity
Name the special test: pt standing with equal weight between feet, toes off edge of step -> passively extend 1st MTP until reproduction of sxs or end range df (positive outcome)
Winlass test - positive test reproduces sxs along plantar fascia - indicative of plantar fasciitis (high specificity)