Heel pain CPG Flashcards
In regards to foot pain, what is the most common condition diagnosed in patients by health care providers?
Plantar fasciitis
Does plantar fasciitis affect athletic or non-athletic populations?
Describe nonathletic and athletic population trends in those affected with plantar fasciitis:
Non-athletic with limited df and higher BMI
Athletic runners esp with varus hind foot posture, workers with hard surfaces and much jumping on/off equipment
Classically, what are four subjective/objective factors leading to diagnosis of plantar fasciitis:
1) pain with palpation at medial plantar heel region
2) highest pain with first few steps in AM/ after long periods of inactivity
3) worse pain with prolong WB
4) pain is precipitated by inc in WB related activity
Do those with plantar fasciitis typically have a high or low score on the Foot Posture Index according to the CPG?
Typically have high FPI score = more pronated foot
How can you differentiate between plantar fasciitis and fat pad syndrome?
1) pain at night
2) no pain after first few steps in AM
True/false: calcaneal spur is necessary to make radiographic diagnosis of plantar fasciits
False - not a key radiographic feature
What outcome measure has been validated for physical therapy practice in regards to plantar fasciitis?
Foot and ankle ability measure - FAAM
What is the MDC / MCID for the FAAM?
MDC - 5
MCID - 8-9
In terms of exercise prescribed for plantar fasciitis, what has the most positive effect and highest weighted evidence?
Stretching esp for plantar fascia and gastroc/soleus
Weaker evidence for strengthening and motor control for MLL, corrective movement
Does taping provide short- or long-term pain relief for plantar fasciitis?
What group of patients may respond better to either prefab or custom orthoses for plantar fasciitis?
Those who had positive response to taping
Do prefab or custom orthoses have short- or long-term relief for plantar fasciitis?
Both - depending on study looked at
When and for how long should night splints be used for plantar fasciitis?
With diagnosis > 6 months and should be worn for 1-3 months for best outcome
What two modality applications may be useful for plantar fasciitis?
Phonophoresis with ketoprofen gel