CPRs/ Lists Flashcards
What are four key factors in those with spinal pain due to anklylosing spondylitis?
Morning stiffness > 30 minutes Improvement with exercise, not rest Waking due to back pain 2nd half the night Alternating buttock pain
Characteristics of those with CTS (5)
Shaking hands alleviates sxs
Wrist ratio index greater than 0.67
Symptom severity score >1.9
Reduced median nerve sensory field of digit 1
Age >45
What are five key components to a diagnosis of cervical myelopathy?
Gait deviation
+ Hoffman
+ Babinski
+ inverted supinator
Age > 45
What are four key components to diagnose cervical radiculopathy?
+ ULTT 1a
< 60 deg cervical rotation to affected side
+ Spurlings
+ distraction test
What are five key components for diagnosis of hip OA?
Pain with squatting
Pain with active hip flexion
Pain with active hip extension
PROM for IR <25
Scour test with adduction causes lateral hip pain
What are five key components for diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis?
Bilateral sxs
Leg pain > back pain
Pain with walking/standing
Pain relief with sitting
Age > 48 y.o.
What are the five components of the meniscal pathology score?
Joint line tenderness
Hx of catch/locking
Pain with hyperextension (bounce home -modified)
Pain with maximal passive flexion
Pain or audible click with McMurray’s
What three signs help identify those who may have full-thickness RTC tear?
Painful arc sign
Drop-arm sign (ER lag more specific)
Infraspinatus MMT
What is the cluster testing for both Laslett and van der Wurff to identify those affected with SIJ dysfunction?
ASIS distraction ASIS compression Thigh thrust Gaenselns test Sacral thrust (Laslett) // FABERs (van der Wurff)
What are three cardinal signs for those who likely have subacromial impingement?
Positive Hawkins-Kennedy
Painful arc
Infraspinatus MMT weakness
Puentedura cervical manipulation for those who will demonstrate favorable outcomes: (4)
Sxs less than 38 days
Positive expectation manip wil help
Side to side difference > 10 deg
Pain with PA test of middle cervical spine
CPR for shoulder pain that may benefit from tspine manipulation: (5)
Pain free shoulder flexion to 127 deg
IR of < 53 deg at 90 deg abd
Negative Neers test
Not taking medication for shoulder pain
Sxs < 90 days
Currier CPR for hip mobilizations for knee pain (5)
Anterior thigh pain
Hip/groin pain or paresthesia
Passive knee flexion <122 deg
Passive hip IR < 17 deg
Pain with hip distraction
Childs/Fritz CPR for low back pain to benefit from manipulation: (5) - which two did Fritz find most associated with good outcome?
Sxs <16 days
No sxs below knee
Hip IR >35 deg
Lumbar hypomobility
FABQ - W < 19
** Fritz found sxs <16 days, no sxs below knee **
Whitman’s CPR for manual therapy for lateral ankle sprains: (4)
Pain worse in PM/evening
Pain worse with standing
Navicular drop > 5 mm
Distal tibfib hypomobility