past questions general Flashcards
during slaughter the domestic farm animals must be stunned before bleeding?
during the slaughter the domestic animals always must be stunned before bleeding?
(stunning must not be carried out unless it is possible to bleed the animals immediately, or for home/ ritual slaughter)
World trade organisation is the international body dealing with the rules of trade between nations?
the laboratory examinations with the aim of diagnosing notifiable or zoonotic diseases shall be carried out only on samples which are appropriate for the examinations?
(always try to carry out by using the material when notified/ soon)
calves shall be provided with an appropriate diet with sufficient iron and a minimum of dried feed containing digestible fibre?
Stamping out policy means that on the infected farm all susceptible animals shall be killed?
if the animals are slaughtered outside of the slaughterhouse for private domestic consumption, stunning is not obligatory in case of poultry, rabbits, pigs, and small ruminants?
F (only true for poultry and rabbits)
disinfection is used to produce total destruction of every microorganism on the holding?
after the termination of the experiment, an animal shall humanely be killed when it is likely to remain in moderate or severe pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm?
the carcass of farm animals in which the presence of a TSE has been officially confirmed to belong to category 1 by-products (animal waste)?
World organisation for animal health gives priority to welfare of animals used in agriculture and aquaculture?
Directives, regulations, and decisions are obligatory directly applied EU legislations without the need for national measures to implement them?
regulation is directly applied in the EU without the need for national measures to implement them?
directive is an obligatory legislation binding the member states as to the objectives to be achieved while leaving the national authorities the power to choose the form and the means used?
Decisions are binding EU norms in all their aspects upon those whose they are addressed?
Tail docking shall never be performed on a dog?
human disease may serve to monitor the presence of certain zoonotic infections in animals?
standing veterinary committee of the EU has been chosen by GATT/ WTO as the reference international organisation for problems of animal health encountered in international trade in animals and products?
genetic screening is a possible disease control strategy in the eradication of certain notifiable diseases?
the GATT/ WTO sanitary and phytosanitary agreement prohibits any health barrier in international trade of animals?
(the aim is to reduce to a minimum the negative effects of health barriers on international trade)
castration of piglets over the age of 1 week shall not be performed unless there is evidence of injury?
(the castration or tail docking of piglets > 1 week can only be conducted with the use of anaesthetic)
sentinel animals may be used for monitoring zoonotic infections in certain areas?
Hypochlorites are corrosive, easily neutralised by organic materials and decompose readily?
in the case of suspicion of a notifiable or zoonotic disease the public laboratories accept only sample material sent to them by a veterinarian?