essays (important) Flashcards
- definitions of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax
- suspected of being infected
- were in contact with animal which died of/ was diseased with/ was suspected of being diseased with anthrax during the 20 days prior to confirmation
- consumed feedstuffs or water of the same origin as feedstuffs or water of an animal which died of/ was diseased of/ suspected of being diseased with anthrax
- grazed on pasture infected with anthrax without vaccination (vaccination being required at least 2 weeks and not more than 6 months prior to grazing)
- definition of animals diseased with anthrax
- typical clinical signs
- characteristic lesions in the organs at PM or meat inspection
- demonstrating the disease by laboratory findings
- official measures in case of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax
- Animals suspected of being infected must receive vaccination for anthrax followed by 14 days observation:
- for cattle and horses: rectal temperature must be taken and recorded every day
- for sheep, goats, and pigs: daily observation
- in case of fever of clinical signs (suspected as being infected): immediate obligatory treatment
- definition of positive single intradermal tuberculin test
- positive:
- if clinical signs are observed
- there is an increase of 4mm or more in thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site
- definition of negative single intradermal tuberculin test
- negative:
- limited swelling is observed
- an increase in skin fold thickness of not more than 2mm
- without clinical signs such as:
- diffuse or extensive oedema
- Exudation
- necrosis
- pain or inflammation of the lymphatic ducts of that region or of the lymph nodes
- definition of a negative comparative intradermal tuberculin test
- A negative bovine tuberculosis reaction is observed, or a positive/ inconclusive bovine tuberculosis is observed which is equal to or less than a positive/ inconclusive avian tuberculosis
- clinical signs are absent in both cases
- definition of bovine tuberculosis free herd
- No clinical signs observed for at least 12 months
- All animals > 6 weeks have tested negative to two official intradermal tuberculin tests
- 1st: 6 months after the removal of infected animals
- 2nd: 6-12 months later
- All new animals introduced from officially free herds or tested negative in 30 days prior to their introduction
- All meat inspection required compulsory investigation of any lesions
- yearly or two-yearly tuberculin testing is carried out on all animals aged over 12 months
- definition of officially enzootic-bovine leucosis free herd
- there is no clinical or laboratory evidence if any cases of enzootic-bovine leucosis in the herd and no such cases have been confirmed in the previous 24 months
- all animals > 24 months have reacted negatively during the preceding 12 months to two tests carried out at an interval of at least 4 months
- animals introduced into the herd:
- from officially enzootic bovine leucosis free herds
- originate from establishments where there has been no evidence of enzootic bovine leucosis within 24 months of their dispatch
- all animals > 24 months have:
- have reacted negatively to two tests carried out at an interval of 4 months while in isolation
- or have tested serologically negative within 30 days prior to their introduction
- all animals < 24 months have:
- have been born to dams that have tested negatively in the preceding 12 months to two serological tests carried out at an interval of at least 4 months
- All germinal products of bovine animals introduced into the establishment come from establishments free from enzootic bovine leucosis or from man approved germinal product establishment
- definition of IBR-virus free bovine herd
- during the past 12 months there have been no confirmed cases of IBR/ IPV in bovines kept on the holding
- during the past 2 years none of the bovines kept on the holding have been vaccinated against IBR/ IPV
- serologically negative results:
- A blood, milk, meat juice sample taken from each bovine animal over a period of not more than 12 months
- blood, milk, meat juice taken on at least 2 occasions at an interval of 2-12 months from:
- all female bovines > 12 months (sampled on at least 3 occasions at intervals of not less than 3 months)
- all male bovines used for/ intended for breeding > 12 months of age
- a random sample of male animals not intended for breeding > 12 months
- All animals introduced into the herd:
- originate from establishments free from IBR/ IPV and have tested negative in a serological test
- have been quarantined prior to their introduction and tested negative in a serological test
- All germinal products of bovine animals introduced into the establishment originate from establishments free from IBR/ IPV or from approved germinal product establishment
- definition of “cohort” in case of conformation of BSE
- a group of bovine animals EITHER:
- born in the same herd as the affected animals (within 12 months preceding or following the birth of affected animal)
- or reared together with affected animal at any time during the first year of their lives such that they may have consumed the same feed as that of the infected animal during the first year of their lives
- definition of Aujeszky disease infection free swine herd
- there have been no infections for 2 years
- Isolation, movement control, laboratory examination, and record keeping standards are sufficient
- none of the pigs have been vaccinated against Aujeszkys for 12 months
- All breeding sows, boars, and a representative sample of fattening pigs have tested negative for Aujeszky’s disease
- All insemination or natural breeding is undertaken using Aujeszky-negative semen/ boars
- definition of animal’s diseased with equine infectious anaemia
- typical clinical signs or:
- those displaying non-typical clinical signs, but demonstration of the virus and/ or testing positive serologically on two occasions at an interval of 21 days
- those demonstrated by pathology or histopathology to be diseased
- definition of potentially rabid animal
- shows symptoms of the disease
- animal that is symptomless but has been bitten by a rabid/ potentially rabid animal
- wild mammal that acts strangely or attacks humans
- definition of rabies risky animals
- mammal that has bitten or attacked humans
- any dog that has not recieved an anti-rabies vaccination in accordance with EU ragulations
- official measures with potentially rabies-infected animals
- put under official monitoring for 90 days
- potentially rabies infected carnivores shall be monitored, with inspection once every three weeks
- inspection either:
- in isolation at place of keeping
- if safe isolation is not possible, in isolation at official location
- Potentially rabies infected non-carnivores shall be inspected once every three weeks and during the monitoring period the animals shall be tied and separated to avoid their contact with humans or other animals
- rules of preventative vaccination of dogs against rabies
- Animal keepers shall arrange at own cost, for the vaccination of all dogs > 3 months of age by a private veterinarian responsible for supervising their animal’s health:
- within 30 days after reaching 6 months
- the second within 6 months of the first vaccination
- booster vaccination is administered every year afterwards