Past Papers Flashcards
Haversian canals DO NOT contain
Osteocytes processes
Which leukocyte has azurophillic granules and well developed RER and Golgi apparatus?
It is NOT TRUE that defensins
cooperate with myeloperoxidase in the chlorination of bacterial proteins
Which leukocyte contains three different types of cytoplasmic granules?
Functions of eosinophils DO NOT include
Neutralization of mediators produced by mast cells
In the blood platelet, granulomere DOES NOT contain
Tubules storing calcium ions
Elasticity of elastic fibers results from
Expansion of the cross-links between elastin molecules
In proteoglycan aggregates, proteoglycan molecules are connected by
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)
It is NOT TRUE that procollagen molecules
Can aggregate with other procollagen molecules
Indicate a common feature of fibroblasts and plasma cells
Well developed RER
In the smooth muscle cell, binding of myosin to actin requires
Phosphorylation of myosin
Which cells can spontaneously (without external signal) depolarize their cell membrane?
Interstitial cells of canal
FIlaments which protect sarcomere from too excessive stretching are built of:
In the skeletal muscle fiber, voltage-sensitive protein:
Is located in thin myofilament and pulls tropomyosin away from actin
The quadriceps muscle of 100 meter world record holder is built mostly of
White muscle fibers
In nerve cells, RER, free ribosomes and dictusomes of the Golgi apparatus are:
Poorly developed because nerve cells are not capable of proliferation and differentiation
Neurosecretory cells release peptide hormones at axon terminals. What makes it possible?
Suggest the correct arrangement of structures in myelinated nerve fiber (inside-out)
Axon - myelin sheath - layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm - basal lamina
Which cells have unusual apical cell membrane built of thick protein plates (plaques) interconnected by flexible areas of normal cell membrane?
Dome-shaped cells of urothelium
In stratified epithelia, dividing cells are located
In the basal layers
In the microvillus, actin filaments are connected to the cell membrane by
It is NOT TRUE that stereocilia
Contain 9 peripheral doublets and 2 central microtubules
Ciliated epithelium can transport objects along its surface because
Bending (active phase) is unidirectional but slightly delayed in successive cilia
Which transmembrane linker protein occurs in anchoring (mechanical) cell-cell and cell-ECM junctions?
Cadherins & integrins
What filaments are transmembrane linker proteins connected by?
Actin filaments
Does the basal lamina control the passage of small molecules?
No, it’s function is intense transport of molecules (ions) across the basal cell membrane. It limits the transport of big (!) molecules passing across the membrane.
Hemapoietic stem cells first differentiate into
Stem cells for lymphopoetic lineage and stem cells of other lineages
The most numerous cells present in the hematopoetic bone marrow belong to
Granulopoetic lineage
Which cell of the granulopoetic lineage is the first to contain specific granules?
Nerve cells with pyriform bodies and dendritic trees immensely branched in one plane are typically observed in:
Cerebellar cortex (Purkinje cells)
In the choroid plexus, ependymal cells covering the villi are interconnected by:
Tight junctions
What is responsible for highly selective permeability of the BBB?
Endothelial cells
Integrins are NOT present in:
Intercalated disks
Name a pair of cells that have different initial origin
Osteoclasts & Osteoblasts
Continuous conduction in axon is unidirectional because:
After opening, sodium channels close and for some time are insensitive to voltage
In the myelinated nerve fiber, voltage gated sodium channels are present in
The initial segment of axon and the regions of Ranvier nodes
Do macrophages produce their own basal lamina?
Which band DOES NOT change during sacromere contraction?
Where is Alpha actinin located?
In Z-lines of sacromeres, at sites of thin myofilament interconnections in smooth muscle, at sites of thin myofilaments attachments to the cell membrane in smooth muscles
Are mast cells activated by detachment or binding of IgE from/to their receptors?
In which type of cell of CT do cells predominate over the ECS?
In adipose tissue
Type 3 collagen is predominant in:
Reticular CT
The cytoplasm of reticulocyte contains hemoglobin and
Clusters of ribosomes
What is the single lipid droplet in unilocular adipocytes surrounded by?
A network of intermediate filaments
Cancellous bone is formed by
Intramembraneous ossification
Does cancellous bone contain vascular canals or bone marrow in its trabeculae?
Bone marrow
Cancellous bone is built of
Parallel bone lamellae
Very small skeletal muscle fibers associated with numerous afferent and efferent nerve terminal are:
Intrafusal fibers and are located in muscle spindles
What is located in the meshes of 3-dimensional network formed by the contractile apparatus in the cardiac muscle cell?
Very numerous mitochondria
In the cardiac muscle, all Cardiomyocytes are interconnected by
Gap junctions
Apart from different shape, pseudounipolar neurons differ from other nerve cell types in
Pathway of impulse conduction and morphology of dendrites
What does the activity of osteoclasts’ proton pump result in?
Local demineralization of resorbed bone
What do osteoblasts do using their receptor mechanism?
Influence formation and recruitment of osteoclasts
What is the first event in endochondral ossification?
Degeneration of hyaline cartilage in the central area of the shaft
Which plasma component is produced by a cell of CT proper?
What is mainly responsible for the resistance of hyaline cartilage to pressure?
Proteoglycan aggregates
In the elastic cartilage, elastic fibers are located:
Inside chondral territories
Haversian canals do NOT contain
Osteocytes processes
Which leukocyte contains 3 different types of cytoplasmic granules?
Functions of eosinophils DO NOT include
Neutralizations of mediators produced by mast cells
In the blood platelet, granulomere DOES NOT contain
Tubules storing calcium ions
Elasticity of elastic fibers results from
Expansion of the cross-links between elastin molecules
Can procollagen molecules aggregate with other procollagen molecules?
Which membrane proteins transport substances by rapid cyclic changes of conformation?
Carriers and pumps
The F0 component of the mitochondrial ATP-synthase contains?
Proton transporter
The mitochondrial matrix does not contain
enzymes responsible for ATP synthase
The activity of sodium-potassium pump (NA, K-ATPase) is an example of a
The glycocalyx is composed of
Sugar residues of membrane glycoproteins and glycolipids
The ion channels cannot be opened by
Energy from ATP
The number of ribosomes in a polyribosome depends on
Molecular weight
Which adhesion molecules bind to the extracellular substance?
The signal sequence targeting a protein to the nucleus never occurs together with
Signal sequence for SRP
The membrane of RER is continuous with
Outer membrane of the nuclear envelope
What is transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm through nuclear pores?
The membrane of trans-face of the dictyosome is most similar to
Cell membrane
Trans Golgi network does not produce these vesicles:
Processes occurring in the dictyosome are:
Glycosylation of proteins, phosphorylation of some sugar residues, increase in membrane thickness
In the nucleolus, granular component contains mainly
Large ribosomal subunits
The first stages of receptor-mediated endocytosis are most similar to
Which process occurs in both early and late endosomes
Separation of ligands to receptors
During formation of autolysosomes digesting of a mitochondrion the mitochondrion is first
Enclosed by ER membrane which next fuses with hydrolase vesicles
Receptors responsible for binding lysosomal enzymes in trans Golgi networks recognize
Mannose 6 phosphate residues
Products of lysosomal digestion are transported
Across the lysosomal membrane to the cytoplasm
Following ubiquination proteins are digested in
What is a common feature for phagocytosis and pinocytosis?
Membrane fusion
Aggregation of coating protein (clathrin, COP) under a membrane is necessary for
Aggregation of receptor and invagination of the membrane
What is a common function of smooth ER and peroxisomes?
Synthesis of lipids
Intermediate filament occurring in epithelial cells are built of
Plus end of microtubule undergoes frequently
Polymerization and depolymerization
The compact arrangement of nucleosides in the chromatin fiber results from aggregation of
H1 his tones
A vesicle moving towards cell nucleus is transported by
During apoptosis mitochondria
Release cytochrome c which activates caspases
Pumps are
Transporters and enzymes
Abundant noncoding DNA sequences are present in
Constitutive heterochromatin
How many microtubules will you find in the centrosome
In the nucleolus pre-rRNA is
Cleaved into shorter fragments
What is the correct definition of the nuclear lamina
The inner membrane of the nuclear envelope
New peroxisomes originate from vesicles formed by
ER and their enzymes are produced on free ribosomes
Which process requires involvement of micro filaments?
The ERGIC allows
Some proteins to return to ER
Caveolae and lipid rafts are specialized areas of
Cell membrane
Which lipid present in biological membranes participates in cell signaling?
Coating proteins surround ALL vesicles that
Participate in vesicular transport of ligands bound to receptors
The early endosome allows recirculating of receptors to
The cell membrane
What happens to receptors for man-6-P present in hydrolase vesicles?
They recirculate to the dictyosome
Which protein is produced on RER
Histone H1
Hydrolase vesicles contain
Inactive enzymes
All mitochondrial proteins are produces
On ribosomes not attached to ER
Nucleosome is composed of
DNA and his tones
The “head” of ATP synthase complex (F1) contains
ATP synthase
Which mitochondrial membrane shows high selective permeability?
The inner one
Which function is performed by both SER and peroxisomes?
Synthesis of cholesterol
Kinesin and myosin both
Walk in the same direction
The major role in the formation of new microtubules is played by
After completion of the translation process on RER small ribosomal subunit
Dissociated from the large one and the large one dissociates from ER membrane
Import of protein into the target location depends on
Amino acid sequence of a small protein fragment
Which adhesion molecules bind sugar residues of adjacent cells
In the nucleus granular component contains mainly
Large ribosomal subunits
Sorting of secretory proteins from lysosomal processes takes place in
trans-Golgi network
Transformation of chromatin from “beads on a string” into chromatin fiber is
Condensation of chromatin induced by H1 histone
Hydrolase vesicles are initially coated with
Autolysosomes are formed by fusion of hydrolase vesicles with
Cell constituents surrounded by ER membrane
Mitochondrial DNA encodes
Some proteins of the inner membrane
Erythrocytes and blood platelets have no nuclei, what does it result from?
The same mechanism of differentiation in the bone marrow
What cells of granulopoietic lineage are the first to occur in 3 variants (neutrophilic, eosinophilic, basophilic)?
What cells do platelets come from?
Which leukocyte is the most abundant in a peripheral smear of blood? (Excluding erythrocytes)
Which leukocyte has a multi-blood (3-5) lobed nucleus?
Approx. what percentage of the volume of blood do the formed elements compromise?
Which cells are described to have a central pallor?
What is the smallest leukocyte?
What is the largest leukocyte?
Is it true that the bactericidal system in neutrophils is oxygen dependent and uses defensins and O2?
What triggers exocytosis in a mast cell?
Binding of antigen to receptor IgE complex
Antigens of ABO blood groups are…
Glycocalyx oligosaccharides of erythrocytes
How is heterochromatin distributed in a plasma cell?
There is no specific distribution
Which granules of neutrophil DO NOT participate in killing of bacteria?
All granule types contain components of the bacteria-killing system
Hyalomere of the blood platelet DOES NOT contain granules with
clotting factors
Which leukocyte has azurophilic granules and well developed RER and Golgi apparatus
In the blood platelet, the Hyalomere does not contain which organelle?
Leukocyte granules which stain with eosin contain
Major basic protein
Which blood cells have a common CFU progenitor cell in bone marrow?
Neutrophils and monocytes
How do mature blood cells enter the blood coagulation in the bone marrow?
Through transient, large pores in the endothelial cells of blood vessels
Azurophilic granules in leukocytes are a special kind of
Hydrolyse vesicles
Blood platelets aggregate at a site where:
Collagen of the vascular wall is exposed to the bloodstream
What is common for fibroblasts and plasma cells
Characteristic pattern of heterochromatin in the cell nucleus
Which sarcomata protein DOES NOT occur in I band?
Which band DOES NOT change during sarcomata contraction?
What is located in the meshes of 3-dimensional network formed by the contractile apparatus in the cardiac muscle cell?
Very numerous mitochondria
After binding Ca ions, troponin…
Pulls tropomyosin away from actin
Which fiber is made up of fast-twitch muscle?
White fibers
What is myosin
Muscle fibers
Which type of tissue is a tendon composed of?
Dense regular CT
Smooth muscle cells DO NOT contain
T tubules in the skeletal muscle fiber contain…
Membrane receptors for acetylcholine
During contraction of the skeletal muscle which element does not undergo shortening?
In the sacromere, M line is formed by…
Transversian protein bridges between thick myofilaments
What cells are capable of spontaneous depolarization of cell membrane?
Interstitial cells of Cajal
Filaments which protect sarcomere from too excessive stretching are built of…
What is common for skeletal and cardiac muscle?
Structure of the contractile apparatus
Smooth muscle cells are not striated because…
The contractile apparatus has no sarcomeres
In the smooth muscle cell, binding of myosin to actin requires
Phosphorylation of myosin
Thin filaments of ALL muscle types contain
I band of the sarcomere DOES NOT contain
Which bands shorten during sarcomere contraction?
I and H
Where is alpha-actin located?
- In Z lines of sarcomeres, 2. At sites of thin myofilaments interconnection in smooth muscle, 3. At sites of thin myofilament attachments to the cell membrane in smooth muscle
Inside the myofibril, the first event leading to contraction is
Binding of calcium to troponin
What is the common feature between skeletal muscle fiber and Cardiomyocyte?
The presence of voltage-sensitive protein in T tubule membrane
Which junction is NOT a component of the intercalated disk in cardiac muscle?
Tight junction
Small single terminal cistern are of SR and wide T tubules located at the levels of Z lines are characteristic features of…
Cardiac muscle cells
Which structure propagates the stimulus inside the skeletal muscle fiber?
T tubule
What is a muscular triad
T tubule flanked by two cisternae of SR
Myofibroblasts are…
Contractile fibroblast-like cells of mesenchymal origin
Smooth muscle cells in the adventitious of large arteries form
Circular bundles
Some neurotoxins enter axons at their terminals and then get to perikaryon to kill the nerve cells. This results from the activity of
In the node of Ranvier, the cell membrane of the axon contains
Numerous voltage-gated sodium channels
What surrounds axons of UNMYELINATED nerve fibers in the CNS?
Processes of astrocytes
Nerve cells with dendrites immensely branched in one plane receiving as many as up to 200 000 synapses per cell are located in:
Cerebellar cortex
In the synapse, the postsynaptic membrane contain neurotransmitter-gated chloride channels. This synapse is:
Ionotropic inhibitory
What are the supporting cells in the CNS called?
What type of neurons is the most numerous in the body?
Which cell is a macrophage found in the CNS?
Which meninx is made of delicate web-like CT?
What provides tensile strength to a neuron?
Which cells are involved in the BBB?
What is the tissue which surrounds a nerve fascicle?
What type of neuron are interneurons?
Nissl bodies are related to
Protein production
Which cells are capable of ameboid movement and phagocytosis?
Microglial cells
In the vast majority of nerve cells, dendrites DO NOT differ from axons in
Cytoskeletal components
Apart from different shape, pseudounipolar neurons differ from other nerve cell types in:
Pathway of impulse conduction and morphology of dendrite
Neurosecretory cells release peptide hormones at axon terminals. What makes it possible?
What is the correct arrangement of structures in a myelinated nerve fiber? (inside-out)
Axon-myelin sheath-layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm-basal lamina
The presynaptic part NEVER contains
So-called basket - a plexus of nerve fibers and terminals surrounds the periokaryon of…
Purkinje cells
A single Schwann cell produces
Cytoplasmic (Schwann) sheaths for several axons
So-called grand postsynaptic potential opens…
Sodium channels in the initial segment of axon
Respiratory pseudostratified epithelium changes into a simple cylindrical one within
Brush border, numerous endocytotic vesicles and peribasal stration are typical features of:
Proximal tubule of the nephron
Which segment of the salivary excretory ducts manifests the strongest capacity for ions transport?
Pyramidal cell with clear cytoplasm in HE staining and nasally located irregular nucleus represents the following element of the salivary gland:
Mucous tubules
Surface epithelium changes its character at the border between pylorus and
Upper, middle and lower segments of the esophagus differ in
Type of muscle in tunica muscularis
Thick adventitious with longitudinal smooth muscle bundles is characteristic for
Vena cava
Thymus-dependent areas are
Periarterial sheets of spleen white pulp
The capillaries with numerous uniform pores without diaphragms are found in
Renal glomerulus
In the parotid gland, secretory units are
What type of epithelial cells do taste buds consist of
Elongated epithelial cells
A transition from squamous stratified to simple columnar epithelium takes place on the border of esophagus and
Gastric cardia
Vasa vasorum are localized in
Adventitia of large arteries
The transfer of fatty acids from intestinal lumen to lymph takes place via
Diffusion across the apical membrane of enterocytes followed by resynthesis and association with proteins
Normal erythrocytes can penetrate the wall of
Spleen sinusoids
Which epithelium reveals the highest dynamic of its normal renewal?
Intestinal epithelium on the surface of villi
Lymphatic follicles are NOT present in which lymphoid organs?
Lymph flowing through the lymph node gains which components?
B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, Immunoglobulins
Secretory granules CANNOT be found in which cells of the epidermis?
Keratinocytes from granular layer
Basket cell CANNOT be found in which glands?
Sebaceous glands
In which lingual papillae are taste buds not present?
Filliform papillae
What structures DO NOT regularly accompany branches of the bronchial tree?
Branches of pulmonary veins
What elements are essential for the function of tonsils?
Both epithelium and lymphatic tissue
Thick muscular media and the presence of internal and external elastic laminae is typical for
Distributing artery
olfactory receptors are localized in the membrane of
Modified cilia of the olfactory cells
Alveolar macrophages are located …. And are covered by …
On the luminal surface of pneumocystis and are covered by surfactant layer
Lymph is carried to lymph nodes by
Lymphatic vessels penetrating the capsule
Lamina muscularis mucosae in the GI tract first occurs in
The most permeable blood capillaries can be found in
Liver lobule (sinusoids)
Which part of the oral mucosa reveals unique features?
Dorsal lingual mucosa
Which segment of the salivary excretory ducts manifests the strongest capacity for ion transport?
Striated duct
Pyramidal cell with a clear cytoplasm in HE staining and basally located irregular nucleus represents the following element of the salivary gland:
The cell of mucous tubule
Upper, middle, and lower segments of the esophagus differ in
Type of muscles in tunica muscularis
The stomach is lined by which epithelium?
Simple columnar
Thick adventitia with longitudinally arranged smooth muscle bundles is typical for
Vena cava inferior
Vasa vasorum may open into
The lumen of nourished vessel
Intestinal M cells are numerous at sites with
Peyer’s patches
In what direction does bile flow in the classic liver lobule?
From center towards periphery
In the cortical region of the lymph node you WILL NOT find
Secondary lymphoid nodules
Which is larger, trabecular arteries (of the spleen) or central arteries (of the spleen)?
Central arteries
Red pulp of the spleen DOES NOT contain
Mitochondria containing a unique protein channel not associated with ATP synthase complex occur in:
Multilocular adipocytes
The inter systemic bone lamellae are remnants of
Former osteons destroyed during bone remodeling
Which cells are NEVER interconnected by gap junctions?
Chondrocytes in the isogenous group
What contains several layers of flat fibroblasts connected by tight junctions?
What is a mesaxon
Double fold of Schwann cell membrane
In metabotrophic inhibitory synapse, neurotransmitter causes
Sequence of biochemical reactions leading to opening of chloride channels
The first response of presynaptic part to stimulus (depolarization) is
Opening of calcium channels
Which cells have unusual apical cell membrane built of thick protein plank interconnected by flexible areas of normal cell membrane
Dome-shaped cells of urothelium
The presence of brush border on the apical surface and mitochondria-associated basal cell membrane suggest that the function of epithelial cells are
Resorption and transport control
What is common for macrophages and mast cells?
Production of interleukins
What cells directly originate from mesenchymal stem cells?
FAP - fibrocytes/fibroblasts, adipocytes, pericytes
In the hyaline cartilage, condensed basophilic ground substance is located:
Inside chondral territories
Inside the myofibril, the first even leading to contraction is
Opening of calcium channel
Histological structure of fibrocartilage is most similar to that of
How many connexin molecules are connexons built of?
Fibrillin is found in
Reticular CT, elastic cartilage, bone lamella
Which one can divide and differentiate, granulocytes or agranulocytes?
In the microvillus, actin filaments are connected to the cell membrane by
In the neutrophils, lysozyme is found in
Azurophilic and specific granules
Migration of leukocytes from blood to tissue DOES NOT require participation of
Actin filaments in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells of blood vessels
Which matrix components liberated during bone resorption induce formation of new bone?
Bone morphogenic proteins
Synoviocytes A are
Synoviocytes B are
What is responsible for location of sarcomeres in all myofibrils of skeletal muscle fibers at the same levels?
Dense tubulars system of the blood platelet stores
Calcium ions
In cardiac muscle, all muscle cells are interconnected by
Gap junctions
An extensive labyrinth of cell membrane invaginations dividing cell cytoplasm into discrete areas are observed in
What CANNOT be found in both cerebral and cerebellar cortex
Pyramidal layer
The endothelial cells building the wall of hepatic sinusoids contain
Fenestrations of different size without diaphragms
The wall of post capillary venues (postcapillaries) is composed of endothelial cells and
Very thick adventitious containing numerous lolngitudinal bundles of smooth muscle is a characteristic feature of
Large veins of thorax and abdomen
In capillary vessels, endothelial cells interconnected by tight junctions DO NO have
Endothelial cells help leukocytes to migrate from blood tissues by
Expression of adhesion molecules keeping leukocytes in contact with the vasculization
What do you call the simple squamous epithelium that lines the blood vessels
Blood vessels of the sinusoid type are characterized by
- Presence of pores in endothelial cells, 2. discontinuity of endothelial cells, 3. Discontinuity of basal lamina
In a large artery, loose CT is found in
Vasa vasorum are more numerous in
Veins (than arteries)
Passage of leukocytes across a blood vessel DOES NOT require
Disappearance of the basal lamina
Continuous capillaries halved a diameter smaller than
Large veins are characterized by
Presence of smooth muscle cells in adventitia
Prominent internal elastic lamina is typical for
All arteries
Weibel-Palade bodies contain
Von Willebrand factor of coagulation
Elastic fibers and laminae in the arterial wall are produced by
Smooth muscle cells
Fenestrated capillaries occur in
Small intestine
T lymphocytes recognize antigen presented by dendritic cell by
Binding antigen-MHC II complex to T-cell receptor
Which structural component can be found in all regions of the lymph node (cortex, paracortex, medulla)?
Reticular CT
In the initial phase of humoral immune response, B lymphocyte presents
Antigen to Th2 lymphocyte
What is common for paracortex of lymph node, periarterial lymphatic sheath in the spleen and thymic lobule?
The presence of T lymphocytes
In the lymph node, lymph flows from medullary sinuses directly to
Efferent lymphatic vessels
Which process takes place in the red pulp of the spleen?
Elimination of old erythrocytes
Lymph is carried to lymph nodes by
Venules with high endothelium
In the cortical region of lymph node, you WILL NOT find:
Secondary lymphoid nodules
The scanty cytoplasm of lymphocytes contains
Azurophilic granules
Lymphatic nodules are the site of
B lymphocyte proliferation
In the thymus, the cortex contains more lymphocytes than
What is the common feature of neutrophils and lymphocytes?
Presence of azurophilic granules
What is the correct description of antigen processing by a professional antigen-presenting cell?
Partial digestion of antigen and its binding with MHC II molecule
The Hassall’s corpuscles control
Maturation of Treg lymphocytes
What is the common feature of lymph node cortex, white pulp of the spleen, and Peyer’s patches?
Presence of lymphoid nodules
In the spleen, pariarterial lymphatic sheaths contain mostly
T lymphocytes
In the spleen, blood from sheathed arterioles flows directly to
Intercellular spaces of the splenic cords
In the dermis, dermal papillae contain
Capillary vessels
In the eccrine sweat gland, the terminal portion of the duct if lined with
What is the correct definition of apocrine secretion?
Formation and release of cell membrane vesicles containing secretory material
The cell envelope of keratinized keratinocyte (corneocyte) is composed of cell membrane and
A layer of proteins associated with the inner surface of the cell membrane
The papillary layer of dermis contains blood vessels and
Meissner’s corpuscle
What is the common feature of eccrine and apocrine sweat gland?
The least mineralized tissue of the tooth is
The periodontal ligament is built of
Collagen fibers
The largest lingual papillae are
Circumavaliate papillae
Cells responsible for taste perception are
Columnar (fusiform) epithelial cells
Which component is not found in the secretory portions of the salivary gland?
Smooth muscle cells
Cells responsible for release of K+ ions to saliva are located in
Striated ducts
Serous demilunes are located in
Mucous tubules
Which salivary gland contains only serous acini?
Parotid gland
Lamina propria of mucosa is built of
Nonkeratinized epithelium covers
Inner surface of the cheek
The dentinal canaliculi contain
Blood vessels, nerve bundles, processes of odontoblast s
The most numerous lingual papillae are
Filiform papillae
In taste buds, taste receptors are located in
Microvilli of the taste buds
Salivary amylase is produced by
serous secretory cells
Which segment of the salivary ducts is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium?
Intercalated duct
Which salivary gland contains both serous acini and mucous tubules?
Submandibular gland
Which tooth tissue shows the lowest level of mineralization?
What is the predominant organic component of dentin?
Collagen type 1
Dentinal tubules contain
Processes of odontoblasts and nerve fibers
Periodontal ligament is built of
Dense and loose CT
Dentogingival junction contains
Numerous hemidesmosomes
What element is absent from the lingual tonsil?
CT capsule
Taste buds a span the entire thickness of
Striated squamous epithelium
Epithelium of the oral cavity is partially
Keratinized on the dorsal surface of the tongue
The borders between cells are better visible in
Mucus secretory units
Intercalated ducts start inside of acini, yes or no?
Which salivary gland has the longest intercalated duct?
Parotid gland
Which segment of the salivary excretory ducts manifests the strongest capacity for ion transport?
Striated duct
Pyramidal cell with clear cytoplasm in HE staining and basally located irregular nucleus represents which element of the salivary gland?
The cell of mucous tubule
Taste buds have exposed
Microvilli in the taste pore
Interlobular glands of the salivary glands are surrounded by
Minor salivary glands do not contain which ducts?
Striated ducts
Which part of the tooth has the structure most similar to bone?
Cellular cementum
What is located in the dental pulp area adjacent to dentine?:
Cell bodies of odontoblasts
Fold shaped lingual papillae containing 3 regular secondary papillae is termed
Foliate papillae
Areas of the oral cavity mucosa involved in mastication are characterized by
Absence of submucosa
Which mineralized tissue contains canaliculi with cell processes, but does not contain lacunae with cell bodies
What is the common feature of serous acini and mucous tubules of the salivary glands?
The presence of myoepithelial cells
Epithelium of Dentogingival junction covers
Richly vascular CT
Cementum is built of morphological subunits termed
Which glands usually associated with skin can also be found in oral cavity mucosa?
Sebaceous glands
What DOES NOT influence mineralization of dentin?
Formation of HA crystals in adjacent enamel
Predentin DOES NOT contain
HA crystals
Ameloblasts are supplied with oxygen and nutrients by the vessels located
Close to enamel organ
The presence of IgA in saliva results from
Presence of plasma cells in the interstitial CT
Areas of interlobular dentin are distributed according to
Owen lines
Secondary dentin forms
The inner layer of dentin
In the periodontal ligament, the capillaries
Are wider than normal
The periodontal ligament contains collagen fibers capable of
Rapid remodelling
In the course of tooth development, transformation of preodontoblasts into odontoblasts is associated with
Morphological polarization of the cells
In the enamel, the superficial layer is built of
Interprismatic substance
Ruffin corpuscles occur in
Periodontal ligament
In dentin, collagen fibers do not form
Tome’s fibers can be accompanied by
Processes of antigen presenting cells
Stratum intermedium in the oral cavity is
A layer of cells inside enamel organ, adjacent to its inner epithelium
Stratified ducts are often not stratified in
Sublingual glands
The earliest form of mineralized substance produced by ameloblasts is
Interpriasmatic substance
In the taste bud, gustatory receptors are located
In the apical membrane of gustatory cells
In the tooth pulp capillaries form
A network around odontoblasts
Invasion of blood vessels during tooth development DOES NOT mark
Transition from primary dental papilla
Gustatory receptors are NOT located in the are of contact with
Nerve cells
In chronic intoxication with lead, the metal is released to saliva and patients show black rims on gums. The effect results from activity of cells present in
Striated ducts
The length of enamel rods is equal to
Enamel thickness
What is NEVER found in the developing tooth at early bell stage?
Dental calculus is formed by
Mineralization of dental pellicle
During mineralization of dentin, the morphological units of mineralization are
In the secondary cementum, the cementocyte processes are mostly directed towards
Periodontal ligament
Differentiation of the inner epithelium cells of enamel organ into ameloblasts proceeds under the influence of
Stratum intermedium cells
In salivary glands, intercalated duct cells release
Bicarbonate ions
Hyaline membrane initiating formation of cementum
Epithelial root sheath cells
What starts earlier, the vascularization or Innervation of the tooth pulp?
Which is more mineralized, peritubular dentin or intertubular dentin?
In the oral cavity, areas lined with keratinized epithelium ALWAYS show
The absence of submucosa
The fastest turnover of collagen fibers takes place in
Periodontal ligament
The common feature of ALL salivary glands is the presence of
Intercalated ducts
The earliest morphological symptom of dental organ development is
Formation of epithelial dental lamina
Which part of the periodontal ligament prevents pressing the tooth into alveolar bone during mastication?
Oblique fibers
Which has larger HA crystals, enamel or dentin?
In the TMJ, the articular disk is built of
Dense CT
Water-binding properties of dental pulp result from presence of
Hyaluronic acid
Gustatory cells of taste buds DO NOT have
Activities of enamel organ DO NOT influence
Formation of primary cementum
Cells of enamel knot secrete
Morphogenic proteins and growth factors
What is NOT FOUND at the late cap stage of tooth development?
Axons of dentinal tubules
Are naked without sheaths
Which tonsils have the most numerous and deepest crypts?
It is NOT true that enamel proteins during development are partially transferred to
The course of enamel development:
Initially deposited enamel has amorphous structure, without division into prisms and interprismatic substance
Mantle dentin
Is the first dentin formed, is less mineralized than the other dentin types, is located in the crown adjacent to the inner surface of enamel
Gustatory receptors associated with ion channels allow reception of which tastes?
Salty and sour
In the secretory portion of the sublingual gland, the main secretory cells have
Nasally located cell nuclei
Periodontal ligament fibers are anchored to which type of cementum?
Both acellular and cellular
What is the origin of cementum and periodontal ligament?
Both originate from dental sac
What is NEVER found in the cell rich zone of dental pulp?
Are capillaries of the dental pulp continuous or fenestrated?
What is the definition of the granular layer of Tomes?
Dilated terminal segments of dentinal tubules
Initial segments of intercalated ducts are surrounded by
Myoepithelial cells
Mucosa always contains
Lamina propria