Past Paper Questions Flashcards
What evidence is there for ports-of-trade associated with the Phenician expansion to the Central and Western Mediterranean between 900-700 BC?
Discuss the evolution of anthropoid coffins during the New Kingdom
Discuss the private tombs of the Old Kingdom
Discuss the royal tombs of the Third Intermediate Period
Discuss the development of funerary books used in private burials
Discuss the evolution of the shabti figure
Discuss New Kingdom royal mortuary temples
In what ways is the reign of Senwosret III significant in the history of Egyptian funerary monuments?
What elements and items went to make up the idea tomb for a Theban noble in the New Kingdom? How do they fit into the overall context of Egyptian funerary archaeology?
What is the significance of the orientations of the various elements of Egyptian tombs?
Assess the place of the funerary monuments of Hatsheput in the overall context of royal tomb development during the New Kingdom
Give an overview of the development of royal funerary monuments during the Old Kingdom: how far do they reflect changes in conceptions of the king’s posthumous destiny, and how far are they simply a case of architectural evolution?
The Amarna Period is a fault line in the evolution of the funerary monuments of the New Kingdom: discuss.
Can we talk of a single, homogenous Minoan-Mycenaean religion?
Discuss the evidence for the invocation of deities in the iconography of the Aegean Bronze Age
How important were temples for the religions of ancient Greece?
Discuss private tombs of the New Kingdom
Discuss the evolution of the funerary mask
Discuss Old Kingdom royal mortuary temples
What elements and items went to make up the ideal tomb for a noble in the Old Kingdom? How do they fit into the overall context of Egyptian funerary archaeology?
Give an overview of the development of royal funerary monuments during the first three dynasties: how far might they reflect changes in conceptions of the king’s posthumous destiny, and how far are they simply a case of architectural ‘evolution’
What can Linear A and Linear B inscriptions tell us about the extent of literacy in the Aegean Bronze Age?
What processes underlie the ‘Minoanization’ of the Aegean in the Neopalatial period?
What were the effects of the Thera/Santorini eruption on the development f Minoan society?
What are the current hypothesis to explain the Pheonician expansion to the western Mediterranean from 900-700 BC?
Discuss tombs of the Early Dynastic Period
Discuss the royal tombs of the Middle Kingdom
Discuss the changes in the practice of mummification down to the end of the Third Intermediate Period
Describe the development of royal coffins and sarcophagi during the Eighteenth Dynasty
Discuss the evolution of the royal mortuary temple
Discuss the New Kingdom rock cut private tombs at Thebes
Give an overview of the history of the Thebes necropolis
Give an overview of the history of the Saqqara necropolis
Give an overview of the Abydos necropolis
Why has the Bronze Age civilization of Crete been dubbed ‘Minoan’?
Discuss the objects famously worn by Sophia Schliemann
-Jewellery dubbed ‘Priam’s Treasure’, excavated by her husband Henry Schliemann in the 19th century at Hisarlik, Turkey/Anatolia, thought to be the site of Troy. Named after a Homeric King, although the site and the Jewels have now both been found to be too early to fit in with Homer’s stories of Troy.
Discuss boar tusk helmets
Who was the architect of the first pyramid?
Name two of the protective goddesses of the dead
Who was the architect of the first tomb to be built in the Valley of the Kings?
Name one proposed meaning of the rishi coffin
Where was the first ‘yellow’ coffin apparently made?
At which site were the last pyramids in the Egyptian tradition built?
Which was the earleist of the ‘Books of the Underworld’ to appear on a burial chamber wall?
What is unusual about some tomb-chapels at Beni Hasan?