Past grammar unit 1 Flashcards
How to form pluscuamperfecto
Haber in imperfect
Plus past participle (verb +ido/ado)
How to form present perfect
Haber in present
Plus past participle (verb+ido/ado)
Irregular participles
Abierto Escrito Puesto Visto Descrito Cubierto Hecho Resuelto Huelto Frito Dicho Muerto Roto Impreso Satisfecho
Past participles with accents
Caer-caído Reír-reído Leer-leído Oír-oído Traer-traído Creer-creído
Past participle uir verbs
Imperfect uses
Description Action in past without specific time or beginning or end Habitual action Background or setting Time Age Mental/physical state
Verbs that are normally in imperfect in past
Saber Concocer Querer Estar Creer Tener
Forming imperfect
Irregular imperfect
Uses of preterit
Action completed
Beginning or ending of an action in the past
Saber preterit vs imperfect meaning
P: to know
I: found out
Conocer pretierit vs imperfect meaning
P: to know
I: to have met
Poder preterit vs imperfect meaning
P:to be able
I: succeeded in/managed to do
Querer preterit vs imperfect meaning
P:to want
I: to tried
Neg I: to refuse to
Verbs that go I to y in preterit (el/Ellos forms) with accents over i’s
Leer Caer Creer Oír Poseer
Verbs that go I to y in preterit (el/Ellos forms) with outaccents over i’s
Car Gar zar in preterit
Car: c-qu in yo
Gar- g-gu in yo
Zar- z-c in yo
Irregular verbs in preterit Poder, Decir Poner, traer Saber, producir Andar, conducir Estar, traducir Caber, reducir Hacer Querer Tener Venir Satisfacer
Poder-pud Ponder-pus Saber-sup Andar-anduv Estar-estuv Caber-cup Hacer-hic (hizo él) Querer-quis Tener-tuv Venir-vin Satisfacer-satisfic (satisfizo) Decir-dij Traer-traj Producir-produj Comducir-conduj Traducir-traduj Reducir-reduj
Irregular verbs in preterit
Common endings
E Iste O Imos Isteis Ieron