PAST Flashcards
Definition of avian influenza
• an infection of poultry or other captive birds caused by any influenza A virus
o of the subtypes H5 or H7 or
o with an intravenous pathogenicity index in six-week old chickens greater than 1.2
• can be highly pathogenic- or low pathogenic avian influenza
Official measures in case of confirmation of African Swine Fever on holdings where the occurrence of disease has been linked to vectors
• restocking shall not take place for at least 6 years unless
o specific operations to eliminate the vector from the premises and
places where the pigs are kept or areas that pigs have access to
o it has been possible to show that the vectors no longer represent a
significant risk to transmit the disease
Official measures in infected areas following the eradication of anthrax:
• pasture or other area where anthrax was confirmed or which was the origin of infection (e.g. water, feedstuff source)
• village, farm, holding where Anthrax was confirmed
• burying ground or pond
• fence, no grazing, feedstuff production, only vaccinated animals
• Min 25 years!!
Lifting restriction in case of Anthrax
- observation period: 20 days
* no surveillance in the village
Public health measures in case of Anthrax *
- notifications of the state medical service
- informing the keeper, owner
- personal disinfection
- protective clothes, gloves and footwear
- keeping the floor wet, prevent dust formation
Animals diseased with Brucellosis
- typical clinical signs + typical pathological lesions or bacteriology
- movement restrictions, castration or slaughter
Public Health Measures in case of Bo. Brucellosis * (and Bo TB)
- informing the keeper, owner (especially if pregnant)
- personal disinfection
- protective clothing, gloves and footwear
- control of products
Withdrawal of the free status in case of Bo. TB
- isolation of M. bovis
* or on the basis of epidemiological and/or pathological investigation
Restoration of free status in case of Bo. TB
- cleaning, disinfection
- 2 tests
- 1 min. 60 days and the other 4-12 months after removal of the reactor
BSE monitoring system (Which groups of animals shall be monitored) #
• all bovine animals over 24 months sent for emergency slaughter or with
observations at ante mortem inspection
• all bovine animals above 30 (48) months of age slaughtered normally of human consumption
• all bovine animals above 24 months of age which have died or been killed
on the farm, during transport or in a slaughter house (fallen stock)
• all ovine or caprine animals over 18 months of age or which have more than 2 permanent incisors erupted through the gum
• all ovine and caprine animals which are over 18 months of age or have more than 2 incisors erupted, which died or were killed not as past of an eradication campaign
Measures in case of BSE suspected animals
- any animal suspected of being infected with a TSE is placed under official movement restriction until the results of clinical and epidemiological examinations are known or must be killed for lab exam
- if BSE suspected at a holding in a Member State, all other bovine animals are also put under movement restrictions until results of lab exams
- the same applies for ovine and caprine animals
Measures in case of BSE infections
• inquiry to identify the possible origin of the disease and all animals and their products which may be contaminated
• in case of confirmed BSE: killing and complete destruction of bovine
animals identified by the inquiry
• in ovine and caprine: killing and complete destruction of all animals,
embryos and ova identified
• only certain ovine and caprine animals of a known genotype may be
introduced onto a holding where destruction has taken place because of a TSE outbreak
• pending results of the inquiry the infected holding is placed under official control and movement restricted
Free status suspension in enzootic Bo. leucosis
- the conditions are no fulfilled
- results of lab tests
- on clinical grounds
- suspected animals are immediately slaughtered
IBR Eradication methods #
- classical selection method
- selection with the use of marker vaccines
- generation shift
- herd change
IBR Classical Selection Method
- seronegatives
- blood test in every 3-6 weeks
- min 2 negative test with an interval of 21 days for all animals
- elimination of positive animals
- seropositives
- vaccination with inactive vaccine 2X (3-5 week interval) and late in every half year
Diseased animals in case of Teschovirus Encephalitis
• typical clinical signs + histopathology or laboratory examination
Suspected of being diseased in case of Teschovirus Encephalitis
• non-typical clinical signs
Suspected of being contaminated in case of Teschovirus Encephalitis
• 40 days
Teschovirus Encephalitis on a small holding #
- all diseased and suspected of being diseased pigs are killed on the spot
- suspected of being contaminated: separate slaughter, heat treatment
Teschovirus Encephalitis on a large scale holding
- all diseased and suspected of being diseased pigs are killed on the spot
- suspected of being contaminated
- observation for 40 days
- if slaughtered, heat treatment
Lifting restrictions in case of Teschovirus Encephalitis
- strict disinfection (repeated 14 days)
- observation period: 40 days
- protection zone: 40 days
Slaughtered technique in case of Teschovirus Encephalitis
- removal of the intestinal tract
- intact nervous system (special paravertebral cut of the carcass)
- heat treatment: 70 C for 20 min
Confirmation of Swine Vesicular Disease * #
- virus isolation from the pigs or from the environment
- seropositive pigs + characteristic legions
- clinical signs + direct epidemiological connection with a confirmed outbreak
Confirmation of Swine Vesicular Disease in a slaughterhouse
- all pigs in the slaughterhouse are slaughtered without delay
- the carcasses and offal of infected and contaminated pigs are destroyed
- cleaning and disinfection
- epidemiological inquiry
- no pigs are re-introduced for slaughter until at least 24 hours after completion of the cleaning and disinfection operations
Restocking of Infected holding in case of Swine Vesicular Disease
• four weeks after completion of the first full disinfection of the premises • outdoor pig holdings • negative sentinel piglets: examined clinically and sampled for serological testing after 28 days • full restocking • other forms of rearing • within a period of 8 days • seronegative pigs • no pig may leave the holding for a period a 60 days after the arrival of the last pigs • clinical and serological examination: 28 days after the arrival of the last pigs
Animal diseased (or suspected) with Scabies
- typical clinical signs
* non-typical clinical signs and laboratory confirmation
Animal suspected of being contaminated with Scabies
• direct or indirect contact diseased or suspected of being diseased animals
within 42 days
• no yearly treatment carried out in sheep
• sheep introduced into the herd without isolation
Protection zone in case of African Horse Sickness
- minimum 12 months
- a min. radius of 100 km
- taking into account epidemiological, geographical, climate conditions
- inform the public about the restrictions
- disinsectisation
- visit of all holding keeping equidae and take samples
- movement of horses: only for emergency slaughter
Surveillance zone in case of African Horse Sickness
- minimum 12 months
- a min. radius of +50 km
- taking into account epidemiological, geographical, climate conditions • inform the public about the restrictions
- disinsectisation
- visit holdings keeping equidae and take samples
- movement of horses only for emergency slaughter
- vaccination is prohibited
• Diseased animal
- Suspected of being diseased
- Suspected of being infected
- Infected flocks
- Diseased animal - typical clinical signs
- Suspected of being diseased - non-typical clinical signs
- Suspected of being infected - possible contamination with infected or suspected of being infected animals within 30 days before confirmation
- Infected flocks - diseased or suspected of being diseased animals
Measures in case of Myxomatosis
- diseased and suspected of being diseased: killing, disposal of meat and skin
- suspected of being diseased animals may be vaccinated
- suspected of being infected: may be slaughtered
Transport to a slaughterhouse in case of Myxomatosis
- from a holding which is not under restriction: vaccinated healthy rabbits 15 days after vaccination
- holding which is under restriction: killing of diseased animals, vaccinated healthy rabbits 15 days after vaccination
Lifting restrictions in case of Myxomatosis
killing, death, recovery of the last diseased rabbit: 30 days and strict disinfection
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
- diseased animal/flock - typical clinical signs/lesions and laboratory confirmation
- suspected of being diseased - non-typical clinical signs/lesions
- infected flock - infected rabbit or equipment/material within 60 days
- suspected of being infected - possible contamination with infected flocks within 60 days
- endangered flocks - flocks of neighbouring villages defined by the veterinary authority
Protection zone
- a minimum radius of 3 km
- stand-still measures and controlled movements of poultry for at least 21 days
- before lifting the measures: sampling of the poultry holdings
Surveillance zone
- a minimum radius of 10
- stand-still measures and controlled movements of poultry for at least 30 days
- before lifting the measures: sampling of the poultry holdings
Animals diseased with Glanders
- typical clinical signs
- non-typical clinical signs but immunodiagnostic test +
- no clinical signs but repeated immunodiagnostic test +
Animals suspected of being diseased with Glanders
• non-typical clinical signs but immunodiagnostic test is inconclusive
Animals suspected of being contaminated with Glanders
- direct of indirect contact within diseased or suspected of being diseased equidae within 180 days
- no clinical signs but repeated immunodiagnostic test is inconclusive
Official Measures in case of Glanders
- isolation, movement restrictions
- official supervision
- diagnostic tests: ophthalmic test or serology on diseased or suspected of being diseased
- samples: respiratory tract + pharynx (or whole carcass)
- diseased animals are killed, slaughter is prohibited
- suspected of being diseased animals: slaughter is prohibited
- suspected of being contaminated animals: may be slaughtered in the presence of official vet if the ophthalmic test is negative within 14 days
- disposal of carcasses
- strict disinfection
Lifting restrictions in case of Glanders
- no equidae
- strict disinfection
- immunodiagnostic tests to exclude the infection
Measures in case of suspicion of an outbreak of FMD
- official investigation: sampling and laboratory testing
- official surveillance: census of all animals
- isolation
- all products of animal origin are recorded
- epidemiological inquiry
- movement of animals and products banned
- movement restrictions of people
- temporary control zone may be established for up to 72 hours
- preventative eradication programs may be implemented, including slaughter of animals suspected of being infected
Measures in case of confirmation of an outbreak of FMD
- all animals of susceptible species on the holding are killed on the spot
- other animals present may be killed
- samples and epidemiological inquiry
- carcasses are processed without delay
- all products of animal origin present on the holding since the presumed date of introduction of the disease are treated
- building and vehicles used are cleaned and disinfected under official supervision
- restocking of the holding may begin 21 days after cleaning at the earliest
Exotic fish diseases
- epizootic hematopoietic necrosis
* epizootic ulcerative syndrome
Non-exotic fish diseases
- viral hemorrhagic septicemia
- infectious hematopoietic necrosis
- Koi herpes virus disease
- infectious salmon anemia
Minimum control measures in exotic fish diseases
• the farming area is officially declared infected
• total eradication, empty farms
• a containment area is established, including a protection zone and a
surveillance zone
• no restocking takes place and movement restrictions in, out or within the containment zone without authorization
• stamping out like procedures
Minimum control measures in non-exotic fish diseases
- apply measures provided for the control of exotic diseases in order to regain free status
- draw up an eradication plan
Requirements for Disease free status is aquatic diseases
• on historical grounds
- no occurrence of the disease for 10 years
- basic biosecurity measures have been in place continuously for 10 years
- infection is not known to occur in the wild population
- trade and import conditions prevent introduction
• based on targeted surveillance
- disease have been detected in the last 10 years but the Member State meets basic control data and the disease has not been detected in the last 2 years with regular testing