21-41 Flashcards
Animal welfare: Guiding principles of animal welfare (OIE)
- Five freedoms (free from hunger, malnutrition, fear, physical/thermal discomfort and pain/injury/disease)
- 3R (reduction, refinement and replacement)
- Ethical responsibility and wellbeing of people
- Good welfare = good production
- Dont sell pets to people under 16
Animal welfare: Lisbon treaty
In formulating and implementing the Union’s agriculture, fisheries, transport, internal market, research and technological development and space policies, the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals, while respecting the legislative or administrative provisions and customs of the Member States relating in particular to religious rites, cultural traditions and regional heritage.”
Animal welfare: Killing of animals
- Acceptable reasons are the following: especially food production, fur production, population control, incurable disease, injury, risk of infection, pest control, prevention of an otherwise unavoidable attack, and scientific research.
- Killed after stunning. The obligation of stunning does not apply to invertebrate animals, to poultry and rabbits slaughtered for home consumption
Animal welfare: Criminal offences
- A criminal offense is committed with intent if the person mean to cause harm.
- An act of crime is committed by criminal negligence where the person knowingly avoids the duties of the animal
Animal welfare: Keeping of dangerous animals/dogs
- Need special permission
- “Dangerous” is defined by the authorities
- Dog fights are also illegal
Protection of pet animals: Killing
The chosen method, except in an emergency, shall either:
o Cause immediate loss of consciousness and death, or
o Begin with the induction of deep general anaesthesia
Protection of pet animals: Special surgeries
Alteration of looks is prohibited, except for castration and maintenance of breed characteristics
Protection of pet animals: Euthanasia
The termination of life of the animal can be initiated by its owner, the notary, or the regional authority of the state responsible for nature preservation.
Experimental: Which animals
Live non-human vertebrae animals and live cephalopods
Experimental: Establishments
- Breeding establishment: establishment where animals are propagated and reared with a view to their use in experiments
- Supplying establishment: establishment where animals are not propagated but kept temporarily with a view to their use in experiments
- User establishment: establishment where animals are used for experiments
Experimental: Dont use lab animals for ..
No license may be granted for experiments proposed for the purposes of manufacture of cosmetics, tobacco, other consumer goods, weapons and their components, and ammunition
Experimental: Lisence
- In the absence of an occasional license, only animals specifically bred for experimental purposes may be used in animal experiments.
- The animal health authority may give license for the use in animal experiments of farm and companion animals, and animals from the wild
Non-human primates and stray/ferals shall not be used
Experimental: Licensing
The animal welfare authority is responsible for:
o The licensing of animal experiments (projects),
o The registration of those authorised to carry out animal experiments (establishments).
Local animal experimentation committee must be created
Experimental: Local animal experimentation committee duties
o The preparation of the animal experimentation regulation (ethical codex)
o The control of observance of the animal experimentation regulation
o The professional-ethical supervision of the animal experimentation of the
o Organisation of education and training of those authorised to carry out animal
- Entitled to immediately cancel the experiment with simultaneous notification of the animal welfare authority (in Hungary, it’s the county!)
Animal keeping: What is considered large scale?
- 30 horses or, 50 cattle or, 200 sheep, goats or, 100 swine;
- 2000 broiler poultry or, 500 full-grown poultry (gallinaceaus, waterfowl, turkey etc.) or, 50 ostriches or, 50 does and their progenies
Animal keeping: Large scale holdings
o Risk of transmitting diseases is higher o Treatment corridor o Cleansing and disinfection o Controlled entrances o Black-and-white system o Dissection room o Storage of carcasses and animal waste o Buildings approached from the outside: in the line of the fence
Animal keeping: Smale scale holdings
- Backyard farms
- Room for changing, washing and disinf.
- In epidemic danger: Prevent wild animals to enter
- Control feedstuff regularly
- Prohibited substances
- Drinking water quality
The animal health req. for pasturing
- Removal of parasites, stagnant waters, regulation of water ways, toxic plants, plant protection treatment (withdrawal period)
- Trespassing is prohibited
- Heavy metals: tests (if 500m distance)
- Treatment of liquid manure
- Burial of carcasses is prohibited
- Ruminants: healthy and free from warble (Hypoderma spp.) and liver-fluke (Fasciola
hepatica) - Other parasitic-infection: at least 14 days after effective treatment (test)
- Anthrax, clostridial diseases: vaccination (min. 2w-max. 6m earlier)
- Dogs: vaccinated against rabies and deworming
Animal fairs, animal markets and animal exhibitions
- Authorization of the veterinary authority
- Animal passport and individual identification
- Cattle, buffaloes, horses, donkeys and mules: individual examination
- Other animals: observation
- Dogs: compulsory vaccinations, identification
- Territory: dry soil, easily reached on public roads, water supply
- Fences and the entrance, water-proof pavement
- Different species of animals are separated
- Veterinary examination prior to their admission to the market-place
- Cleaning and disinfection of the market place
- Strict rules for using for pasturing after the event
- Fulfilment of conditions: responsible: person authorized to organize the market
Protection of farm animals: Council directives
- Council Directive 98/58/EC on the protection of animals kept for farming purposes
- Council Directive 2008/120/EC on the protection of pigs
- Council Directive 2008/119/EC on the protection of calves
- Council Directive 1999/74/EC on the protection of laying hens
- Council Directive 2007/43/EC on the protection of broilers
Protection of pigs: General
- Good training
- Unobstructed floor
- Clean and harmless
- Daily inspection
- Back-up for artificial ventilation
- Obs, noise level
- Min. 8 hr of min 40 lux a day
- Toys
Protection of pigs: Boars
Pens - allow the boar to turn around and to hear, smell and see other pigs and
to provide for clean resting area; min.: 6m2/boar or 10m2/boar
Protection of pigs: Sows and gilts
- Kept in groups 4 wks after the service and 1 week before the farrowing
- Tethering is prohibited
- Cleaning and th against parasites before placed in farrowing crates
- Nesting material
- Protection of piglets incrates
Protection of pigs: Piglets
- Safe place of suckling
- Avoid fighting
- Before d7: Tail docking and tooth clipping
- Nose ringing in outdoor systems
- Weaning not less than 4 wks
Protection of pigs: Weaners and rearing pigs
o Placing in groups as soon as possible after weaning
o Stable groups with as little mixing as possible
o If severe fighting: plentiful straw, separation
Protection of calves: Housing
- 1.5 m2/150 kg
- 1.7 m2/150-220kg
- 1.8 m2/220kg<
Individual box (max 8 weeks of age) or by tethering in stalls: fewer than 6 calves
Protection of calves: Requirements
(Very similar to pigs)
- Dont keep in permanent darkness
- Appropriate diet with sufficient iron (Hb 4.5 mmol/l) and a minimum of dried feed
containing digestible fibre (50-250 g daily: 8-20 weeks of age)
- Feed twice a day
Protection of laying hens: Alternative system
(Animals are free in the building)
o Nest = /7 hens; communal nest = 1m2/120 hens
o 10cm linear feeder or 4cm circular feeder
o 2,5 cm continuous or 1 cm circular drinking trough
o 15 cm perches/hen
o 250 cm2 littered area/hen
o Floor
o Max 4 level, headroom: at least 45 cm
o Open run
o Stocking density: 9 hens/m2
Protection of laying hens: Unenriched cage (Prohibited)
o At least 550 cm2 of cage area for each laying hens
o Feed trough: 10 cm/ laying hen
o Drinking channel: 10 cm/ laying hen or 2 nipple drinkers or 2 drinking cups/ cage
o 40 cm high over 65% of the cage area and not less than 35 cm at any point
o Floor slope: max. 14% (if not rectangular wire mess: steeper slopes permissible)
Protection of laying hens: Enriched cage
o At least 750 cm2 of cage area for each laying hens (600 cm2: usable) A4 paper... o Cage: at least 2000 cm2 o Nest o Litter: pecking and scratching o Perches o Feed trough: 12 cm/ laying hen o Drinking system; 2 nipple drinkers or 2 drinking cups: within reach o Aisle: min. width of 90 cm o Claw-shortening device
Protection of laying hens: Requirements
- Cage should not cause injury
- Access to feed and water
- Appropriate resting periods
- Daily inspections
- At most 2 tier cages
- Minimized sound levels
- Lighting: 24-hour rhythm, darkness period
- Beak trimming: less than 10 days old, prevention of cannibalism
Transport: Scope
- Should be less than 8 hr
- Farmers can transport up to 50 km
- Shall not apply to economic activity or to/from vet practices
Transport: Documentation
o Their origin and their ownership; o Their place of departure; o The date and time of departure; o Their intended place of destination; o The expected duration of the intended journey.
No person shall contract or subcontract the transport of animals except to authorised
Approval of transport
Transportation: Transporters
- Transporters/drivers shall ensure that an attendant accompanies any consignment
of animals except:
o Where animals are transported in containers which are secured, adequately ventilated and, where necessary, contain enough food and water, in dispensers which cannot be tipped over, for a journey of twice the anticipated journey time;
o Where the driver performs the functions of attendant. - Satelite system and travel log
Transportation: Checks
- Random and targeted
- MS and third countries: fitness check before loading
On exit points and boarders:
- valid authorisation
- valid competance of drivers
- fit to continue
- means of transport
Transportation: Non-compliance
- change of driver
- temporarily repairing
- returning animals
- unload them to problem is solved
- euthanization
Transportation: Fitness for transport
- 90% of gestation done
- new-born mammals with unhealed navel
(not required for registered equidae) - PIGS of less than 3 weeks, LAMBS of less than 1 week and CALVES of less than 10 days of age, unless they are transported less than 100 km;
- DOGS and CATS of less than 8 weeks of age, unless mom is with
Sick animals:
- slightly injured or ill (vets advice)
- research progr.
If injured during transp, separate them
No sedatives used unless neccessary
Lactating shall be milked at intervals of not more than 12 hours
Provisions of transport:
- indicate if they are wild, timid or dangerous
- instructions about water, feeding and special care
- Piglets of less than 10 kg, lambs of less than 20 kg, calves of less than 6 months and foals of less than 4 months of age shall be provided with appropriate bedding material