Passmed :0 Flashcards
estational diabeties test results and treatment plNS
fasting plasma glucose of <7 needs a trial of diet and excercise. if this doesn twork fr 2 week start metformin
> 7 start insulin immediatly
perthes disease key presentaion and what is it
avasucalr necrosis of teh femoral head. 5x more common in boys
presents with progressive hip pain, limo and stiffness
how long do teh different contraceptives take to become effective
Contraceptives - time until effective (if not first day period):
instant: IUD
2 days: POP
7 days: COC, injection, implant, IUS
PCOS medication and treatment
For endometrial canre- IUS or COCP
for infertiloty:
Clomifene - increases chace of ocultion
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
spiranalactone to block angrogen conversion!!!
menopaue ages and contraceptons
menopause - 12 months after no period
perimonopause - teh sime surrounding menopasue tat leds to smptoms
normal is over 45
FSH test neeed in women under 40 - this is premature
contracetio needed 1 years after menopause in over 50 and 2 years for under 50
what is teh apgar scoring process
alchollwthdwarl sezzures onset tmes
symptos - 6-12 hours
sezures 36 hours
delerum tremens 72 hours
treatment for stress and urge ncontnance
stress - pelvc floor excercses
urge - bladder retranng nd then oxybutynn (antmuscnarc)
deine and name a tocolytc and one tme you may use it
reduces contracions
umblcal cord prolapse
lst DOACs and LMWH
whats fluid bolus is given in diabeties
Start IV fluid resuscitation in children or young people with a bolus of 10 ml/kg over less than 10 minutes
what are teh dfferent types of psorass
- Plaque - most common from in adults
- Guttate - small raised papules, most commn in children and is triggerd by strep throat infection, stress or medication. Resolve in 3-4 months
- Pustular - pustules form under erythematous skin, medicla emergany
Erythrodermic - the skin comes away coepleyelt - admit emergancy
what are the 2 signs of porass
- Auspitz sign- small point of bleeding when the plaueq is scraped off
- Koebner phenomenon - psoriatic lesions in area of skin affected by trauma
Residual pigmentation of eth skin once the lesion resolves
what s teh sterod ladder names
Steroid ladder:
* Hydrocortisone (1)
* Eumavate (2.5)
* Betnovate (10)
Dermavate (50)
blood marer for rheumatod arthertis
ant CCP - ant cyclc ctrullnated peptde
extra astro features of chrons
fnger clubbng
erythema nodosum
pyoderma ganerenosm
nflamatry artherts
remsson and mantndanct for UC and chrons
chronns - oral pred or IV hydrocortisone then zathioprine
UC - msalazine ot sulfasalazine
When should maternal steroids be given
between 24-35 weeks
what what pont whould lochia get an ultrasond
6 weeks
medcal treatment for stress adn urge ncontance
bladder retrangn
Anticholinergic medication: for example, oxybutynin, tolterodine and solifenacin
Mirabegron (a beta-3 agonist) has no antcholngergc afects.
pelvc floor excercse
Duloxetine is the agent of choice for stress incontinence.
what s teh SSRi of choce n those wth recent myocardal nfarcaton
when should an ectopc be managed surgcally
All ectopic pregnancies >35 mm in size or with a serum B-hCG >5,000IU/L should be managed surgically
or heartbeat presatn
heamodynamcally unstable
wbat s frst lne SSR n chldren and young people
what are teh red nce guodlines
not responding or doesnt wake
tachyopnea >60
chest indrawing
reduced skin turgour
age <3 with temp >38
non blanching rash
bulgign fontanelle
neck stiffness
status epilepticus
focal neurological signs
focal seizures
risk factors for PPH
Previous PPH
Multiple pregnancy
Large baby
Failure to progress in the second stage of labour
Prolonged third stage
Placenta accreta
Retained placenta
Instrumental delivery
General anaesthesia
Episiotomy or perineal tear
what are teh the mechanical and surgical treatment for PPH
Mechanical treatment options involve:
Rubbing the uterus through the abdomen to stimulates a uterine contraction (referred to as “rubbing up the fundus”)
Catheterisation (bladder distention prevents uterus contractions)
Intrauterine balloon tamponade – inserting an inflatable balloon into the uterus to press against the bleeding
B-Lynch suture – putting a suture around the uterus to compress it
Uterine artery ligation – ligation of one or more of the arteries supplying the uterus to reduce the blood flow
Hysterectomy is the “last resort” but will stop the bleeding and may save the woman’s life
medcnla management of PPH
Oxytocin (slow injection followed by continuous infusion)
Ergometrine (intravenous or intramuscular) stimulates smooth muscle contraction (contraindicated in hypertension)
Carboprost (intramuscular) is a prostaglandin analogue and stimulates uterine contraction (caution in asthma)
Misoprostol (sublingual) is also a prostaglandin analogue and stimulates uterine contraction
Tranexamic acid (intravenous) is an antifibrinolytic that reduces bleedi
defne antepartm and postpartum heammorage
a - bleedng from the gental tract after teh 24th wee of pregnancy
p - greater than 500 mls blood loss from teh gental tract (1000 s c sectons)
(wthn 24 hours fr prmar y and 12 wees for secondary)
what is HELLP syndroem
complication of preeclampsia
Elevated Liver enzymes
Low Platelets
what are the timmings for alcoho withdawsl
6-12 - tremor, sweating, headache, craving, anxuety
12-24- hallucinaions
24-48 - seizures
24-72 - delerium tremenes
what crusttams mae up gout and dney stones
gout - monosodum urate
S - calcum oxelate
what bloods are taen at a a pregancy boong appontment
blood group and rhesus d status
FBC - for anaeam
screenn for thalaseama (some women also screended for scle cell dsease)
hepatts B
colposcopy stans
acetc acd and iodene
acetic acid makes teh cells white
then add iodene and the healthy ones will turn brown
punch biopsy or large loop excision of teh ransformational zone
what cervcal cancer type causes
squamous cell
what are the gudlnes for smear testng tmeframes
25-49 every 3 years
50-64 evey 5 years
f nadequate seample - repeast after 3 months
HPV postve and abnormal cytology- refer for colposcpy
HPV potetve - repeat HPV after 12 months
- if after 12 months HPV s negatve return to normal screening
- if after 12 onths its posirive and cytology normla screen again in 12 months
- once at 24 months if its still potiivet refer to colposcopy
treatment of aacute dystona
treatment of tardve dyskinesia
treatment of akathia