Paediatrics Flashcards
What is the most common cause of epiglossitis
H.inflenzae type B
What are teh acute asthma numbers
resp 30
HR 125
o2 92
Asthma chronic pathways
iCS low dose
ICS medium dose
Higj dose steroid
Add oral theophylline
Well controlled asthma symptoms
exercise and sleep sumptomless
No cough or wheeze on most days
Inhaler used less than three time s a week
Normal lung function test
Asthma crisis treatment
Salbutamol nebulised
Ipratroprium brimode nebulised
Oral pred
Iv hydrocortisone
Iv magnesium sulphate
Iv salbutamol
Iv aminophyllin
what are sighs oy an unwell child j resp.
raised resp
Use of accessory
subcostal recession ‘cyanosis ‘trachel tugging ‘head bobbing ‘nasal flaring ‘abnorla airway noises- wheezing, grunting stridor
when to admit a child for bronchiolitis
*less than 3
Pre existing conditions - downs, premiturity, cystic fibrosis
* 50-75% less of their noraml milk intake
* Dehydratio
* Reap above 70
* Sats below 92%
* Moderate to severe rep disease
* Aponeas
Paretns unconfidant
how long should chlren wrh scarlet fever take to returnt to school after startng antbotcs
24 hours
what do xrays show for necrotsng enterocolts
dilated bowel loops (often asymmetrical in distribution)
bowel wall oedema
pneumatosis intestinalis (intramural gas)
portal venous gas
pneumoperitoneum resulting from perforation
air both inside and outside of the bowel wall (Rigler sign)
air outlining the falciform ligament (football sign)
6 week baby check hip dislocation tests?
barlo - attempt to dislocate
orlani - relocate the hip
what causes croup and whats teh treatment
paranflenza B vrus
stat dose of oral dexamethasone
what would an ultrasoud of nturcussepton loo le
target sgn
What are teh defects of tetralogy of fallout
pulmonaru stenosis
Rv hypertrophy
Overriding aorta
what is teh criteria for infective endocarditis
Bkood culture positive
Echocardiogram ecg evidence
Immunoloficak phenomena
Micro evidance
Embolic phenomenon
Risk factors
What is teh investigation for puloric stenosis
What s te treatment for patent ductus arterosus
what s the antbotc for whoopng cough
What is kallmans syndorme
hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and no smell
what is kochers criteria
probability fo septic arthritis in children
non weight brearing
fever >38.5
WCC >12
Where does neuroblastoma come from
neural crest cells in teh sympathetic chain for adrenal medulla
What blood changes for tne ,ost common type ofnpaed blokd diswse
Acute lymphoblastic leuekemia
what fracturer scake is used for pediatric
salter Harris
Slipped femoral epiphysis definition and epidemiology
Head of femur is displaced form growth plate, boys 8-15 obese
what s teh treatment of threadworms
6 weeks developmental milestones
4-6 months DMS
sits with support
reaches for objects
supports head
6-9 months
palmar grasp
curious and engaged with people
sts unsoported
turns head to name
12 months dms
pincer grasp
saying snlgle words
waves goodbye
15 months DMS
tower of 2 bricks
walkng unaded
2 yeard DMS
run and kick ball
tower of brcs
3 year DMS
clmb tars one foot at a tmi
buld a brdge
basc sentances
pneumonia treatment
amoxclln or co amox
cause of broncholosts
respratory syncytal cirus
whoopng cough cuase and treatment
bortadella pertussis
macrolides - azithromycin, erethromycin, clarithromycin
what causes cyanotic heart diseae
rght to left shunt
what are teh cyanotic heart diseases
truncus arterosus
transposton of teh great arterers
trcuspid atresa
tetralogy of fallot
what s eisnmongrs syndrome
septal defect allows left to rght shunt cuasing pulmonary hypertention whch then leads to a rght to left shunt blood bypasses the lungs and causes cyanoss
cyanotic heart dsease!!!
causes of poor feedng
premature - no such and swallow
down syndomre
tests and treatment for pylorc stenoss
- On examination after feeding, peristalsis will be visable in the stomach
- A firm roud mass can be flt that fells like a large olive
- Blood gas - hypochloric metabolic acidosis as they are vomiting up all the HCL
- Diagnose using an abdominal ultrasound to visualise the thickend pylorus.
- Laprospoic pyloromyootmy (ramstedts operation)
- This is an inscision to widen the canal.
laxative types
treatment for consipation pharmacutical
movicol - stool softner
disimpaction regieme - stimulant laxative such as senna/sodum picobisulphate
what are teh 3 types of laxative
bulk - (fibre) fybogel (ispaghula husk)
osmotic - movicol, lactulose
stimulant - senna, sodium picosulfate
hirchsprugs symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
- Delay is passing myconium for 48hours
- Chroic consipation since birth
- Abdo aina dn distention
- Vomiitng
Poor weigth gain and falire to thrive
abdo xray
rectal bopsy showing abscence of ganglion cells
removel of aganglionic section of bowel
inturcusspeion key presentations
3 months to 3 years
- Severe colicky abdominal pain
- Drawing their legs up
- Pale lethargic unwell child
- Recurrtnt jelly stool
- Right upper quadrant pass on palpation
- Comiting
Intestinal obstrucntion
intercusseption test
ultrasound - target sign
contrast enema
intercusseption treatment
theraputic enema
cows milk protien allergy presentation and treatment
can pass through milk!!!!
abdo pain
wartery eyes
urticarial rash
younger than 1 year
if breastfeeding avoid dairy products
hydroloysed formula, then climb teh milk ladder
mekles diverticulum test
technatioum 99 scan
key presintations of billary atresia and treatment
- Jaundice present shortly after birth lasing more than 14 days (21 in premmies)
- Pale stolls
- Dark urine
- 2-6 weeks old
Faliure to thrive
kasi poroenterostomy (attathcing a seciton of small intestine to the opening if the liver)
nephritic and most common cause in syndroem
nephritic - heamaturia, oliguria, mild proinuria
acute post strep glomerulonephritis
IgA nephropathy
nephrotic syndroem and most common cause
leaky BM in glomerulus casugin Oedema, protinuria and hypoalbuinaemia
minimal change disease
minimal change disease test snad treatment
- Renal biopsy and standard microscop wth show no abnormality
Urinanlysis will show small molecular wirght protiens and hyaline casts
Prednisolone - high dose initially
* Low salt diet
* Dieurtics for oedema
Albumin transfusions
acute post strep glomerulonephrtis pathophysiology, test and treatment
1-3 weeks after tonsillitis (strep pyonenes (A)). immune complexes get stuck in the glomeruli and cause inflamatio
thraot swab to test for tonsillitits
supportove, antihyoertensives
diuretics for oedema
IGa nepropathy path, key presintations
IgA deposits in the nephrons ofteh kidneys
- Purpura
- Joint pain
- Abdo pain
- Renal involvement
- They can develop arthritis, mainly I knees and ankles
- Can lead to GI haemorrhage and infarction
IgA nephrolagy tests and management
Biopsy -
“IgA deposits and glomerular mesangial proliferation
Steroids sometimes
Close monitoring
test for vesicoureteric reflux
- Micuratin cystourethrogram - urinary cathaterisation and contract into eh bladder. Refluc is detected on voiding
Indirect cystogam radionucletide using scans a
path for heamolytic uraemic syndrome
- Antibiotics or antimotility drugs gven during the gastro enteritis make it worse!
- The formation of blood clots consumes plate,lets leading to thrombocytopenia, and the clots block u the kidneys
The clots also caus the heamolsis of oterh cells in small vessles as it causes tehm to rupture as ethy pass by
heamolytic uraemic syndrome key presentations
Classic triad f:
* Microangiopathic heamolytic anemia
* Acute kidney yinjury
* Thrombocytopenia
Previous gastroenteritis!!! * Diahrrohea which turns bloody in 3 days After 1 week the HUS symptoms develop: * Fever * Abdo pain * Legarthy * Pallor * Reduced urine output * Heamaturia * Hypertention * Bruising * Jaundice Confusion
heamolytic uraemic syndrome teartment
- Hosptial admission with supportive treatment of:
- Hypovolemia - (IV FLUId)
- Hypertension
- Severe anaemia - blood transfusion
Severe renal faliure - dialysis
what are 4 cuases of fevers for more than 5 days?!?!?/
kawasaki, stills, RF and leukemia!!
kawasaki disease diagnostic criteria
CRASH and BURN (4/5 mnor symptoms plus fever)
Strawberry tounge
Hands and feet swelling
BURN (fever >5 days)
stepwise management fo croup
Oral dexamethasone
Nebulised budesonide
Nebulised adrenalin
Intubation and ventilation
presintatio of croup
Increased work of breathing
“Barking” cough, occurring in clusters of coughing episodes
Hoarse voice
Low grade fever
age group of croup
6 months to 2 years
what conditions are tesed for on teh newbor screening rogram
cystic fibrosis (CF)
sickle cell disease (SCD)
congenital hypothyroidism (CHT)
phenylketonuria (PKU)
medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD)
maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
isovaleric acidaemia (IVA)
glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1)
homocystinuria (HCU)
what would the csf look lke in bacterial infection
hight neutrophills
hgh protiens
high glucose
what does teh CSF look like in viral infection
high lymphocytes
ormal protiens and glucose
what is teh management for sepses
blood clutures
urnie output
what is stephens - jhonsosn syndrome and ts causes
a form of toxc epinermal necrolysis affecting less than 10% of eh body. it is the blisterinf and shedding of the top layer of skin from the body.
it is caused by antibiotis, antiepileptics, allopurinol, NSAIDs and infections such as HIV and herpes
what is the treatemtnet for stephens - jhonsosns syndrome
medical emergancy
what is a hemangioma
blood vessles forming a raised lump
appers soon after birth but diseaperds by age 7
what are teh causes of a non blanching rash
Meningiococcal septicaemia
heamolytic uraemic syndrome
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
scarlett fever cause, presentation and treatment ad isolation time
Strep a infection
sandpapaer rash on chest neck and arms , strawberry tounge
penV and go back to school in 24 hours
if no pen v, isolate for 2- 3 weeks
rosela infantum cause and presintation
snotty and unwell, got better and ONLY THEN developed the rash
starts on torso rhen streads to limbs
slapped cheek cause and presintation
parovirus B19
once uourve got the rash youre no longer infective
starts on face and mived onto torso and limbs
mealses key presintations
starts on fac eand soreads t rest of body
KOPLIC SPOTS - white spots in mouth!!
treatment for kawasaki
high dose asprin
IV immunoglobulins
Echocardiograms to look for cornary artery anyerisms
rubella preintatoin and managemtn
mild rash lasts 3 days
notafiable disease
children must stay ff school 5 dyas after rash
what is diptheria
toxin mediated bacteria caused by cornybacterium diptheriae
diptheria key presentations
- Sore throat
- Dysphagia
- Dysponea
- Croupy cough
- Swelling of neck
- Unvaccinated individual
- Fever
treatment of diptheria
- Hospitallsation
- Potential intubation to prevent obstruction
- Cardiac monitering - myocarditis and HF can develop
- Droplet controll and isloation
- Dose of antitoxin!!!!
Antibiotic - procaine benzypenecillin or erythromycin
commonest causes of meningitis in kids and neonates
* Neissiera meningitidis
* Streptococcus pneumonia
* Group B strep from the birth canal
VIRUS: * Herpes simplex * Enterovirus * Varicella zoster - supportive treatment or aciclovir
meningitis key presintations in kids and babys
- Fever
- Neck stiffness
- Comiging
- Phptophbia
- Alerted consioiusness
- Seizures
Non blanching rash if septceamia.
Nepnetes and babys:
* Non specific
* Hypotonia
* Poor feeding
* Legarthy
* Hypothermia
Bulging fontanelle
when to lumbar puncture in meningitis suspect
umbar puncture in all cildren under 1 month with fever, 1-3 motnsh with fever and unwell under 1year wth fever and signs of seirous illness.