NeuroGerries Flashcards
what s the pathologgy bednd altzemers
The underlying pathophysiology involves brain atrophy, amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles of tau protien reduced cholinergic activity and neuroinflammation.
what are teh symptoms of lewy body dementa
visual hallucinations, delusions, REM sleep disorders and fluctuating consciousness.
frontotemporal dementa summary and presentaton
rarer type that notably affects people at a younger age (starting aged 40-60). It mainly affects the frontal and temporal lobes. The initial presentation typically involves abnormalities in behaviour, speech and language. It can be familial (inherited
what are 4 scorng systens for dementa
MOCA - montreal cogntve assesment - out of 30, 26 and above is normal
ACE III - addenbrook cogntve examnaton - out of 100 below is bad
what are behavoural and psychologcal symptoms of dementa?
- Depresson
- Anxety
- Agresson
- Agtaton
- Dsnhbton
- Delusosn
- Sleep dsturbalnce
- Hallucnatons
medcaton for altzemers and th drug class
- Donepezil and rivastgmne - acetylcholinesterase nhbtors
Memantne - moderate to severe (bocs glutamate)
treatment for BPSSD (behavourla and psychologcal symtpms of demena)
- Risperdone or halperdol
Coping stragerges - excercse anmal therapy, dancing, lots of sunlight, reasureance, worry beads, but down on alcool and caffne n the evenng
dfferental dagnoss for dementa
- Medcatons with an anticholinergic affect
- Trcyclc antidepressants
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Delerm
- Bran tuour
- Oparnsosn dsease
- Hunntngtons dsease
- Hypothyrodsm
- Adrenal nsurfcancy
- Cushngs syndrome
- Hyperparathyodism
Thiamine and B12 deficiency
parkinson vs essental tremor Hz
parsnson - 3-5 hz
BET - -6-12
causes of cerebral palsy
antenatal - HSV, TORCH, ntrautrine stroke,
birth - hypoxic encephalopthic ischemia, shoulder dystocia, cor prolapse, maternal heamorage
Post - menngtts, trauma, sezures, kerncterus, hypoglycemia.
causes of horners syndrome
bran tuour
aprcla lung caner - pancost tuour
thyrod mass
caavernous snus thromboss
mgranses and cluster headacehs
what are teh ascendng tracts and where do they decussate
Spinothalamic (also known as anterolateral)
- Anterior - crude touch and pressure
- Lateral - temperature and pain
Decussate in the spinal cord - 1-2 levels about entering!!
DCML - (made up of cuneurs and gracilis)
Fine touch and proprioception
Decussate in the medulla
what are teh descendng tracts and where do they decussate
Pyramidal tracts
From the cerebral cortex, responsible or voluntary control of body musculature . Ths can furtehr be dvded nto cortcospnla and cortcobulbar .
80% of frbres decussate at the medulla.
Extrapyramidal tracts
From the bran stem carrg nvoluntatry and autonmc muscle controll sch as tone balance posture and locomoton
what s teh causes of anteror cord syndrome
normally a thromboss n teh anteror spnal artery
crush njury
sevre hypotenton
ey presentton of anteror cord syndrome
imparemtns n pain and temp senssaton (spino thalamc)
propriocepton and fine touch preserved (DCML preserved)
motor impacted
- Impairments in pain and temperature sensation, vibration and proprioception are preserved
- Bilateral Motor deficits at and below the level of injury
- flaccid paraplegia or tetraplegia below the lesion.
- Flaccidity and absent reflexes, reflexes gradually return
- Acute back pain at the level of the injury
- Temp and pain sensation alteration 2-3 segments bowel injury
Sudden loss of muscle strength and movement controll
tets and treat,ent for antior cord syndrome
- MRI - pencil like hyper intenseties
- Lumbar puncture
- Anticoagulants
- Antiplatelets and thromboprophylaxis
- Fever and glycemic control help
symptoms to menieres
triad: vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus
feelings of fullness in ear
40-50 yrs old
can comein lusters with long breaks
spntanous nystagmus attacks
unexpkained falls withouth LOC
causes of menieres
excessive endolyph in teh labrynth cauing higher pressure and disruptin sensory signals - endolymphatic hydrope
treatments of menieres
betahistine can be used as a prophylaxis
what s narcopelsy
rare condton where teh bran looses ts ablty to regulate sleep wae cyclees leadng to fallng asleep
what s cataplexy
Cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle tone and power in response to strong emotion - it always and only occurs as part of narcolepsy .
there s a loss of orexn
key presentatons of narcolepsy
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Disrupted nighttime dreams
- Cataplexy - collapse causes my muscle atonia in response to sudden emotion such as laughter or surprise
- Hypangoic hallucination - dream like hallucinations
Sleep paralysis - * Excessive daytime sleepiness - Disrupted nighttime dreams
- Cataplexy - collapse causes my muscle atonia in response to sudden emotion such as laughter or surprise
- Hypangoic hallucination - dream like hallucinations
Sleep paralysis -
test for narcolepsy
multiple sleep lateny test
CSF orexin levels
treatment for narcolepsy
- Good sleep hygine
- Scheduled naps
- Monadinil, dexamphetamine, methylphenidate, and pitolisant.
- Antidepressants for calaplexy (chloipramins, SSRI, venlfaxin
Sodium oxybate: potent sedative: improves nocturnal sleep quality, EDS, and cataplexy.
what are 5 mononeuropathys
- Median - loss of precision grip and sensory loss over radial 3 and a half fingers
- Ulnar - cannot cross over fingers. Elbow trauma s the cause
- Radial nerve - wrist and finger drop. Inability to open the fist
- Brachial plexus - weakness and paraesthesia in the arm - trauma, radiotherapy, long heavy rucksack wearing
Common peroneal - foot drop sensory loss over dorsum of the foot
define neurodibroatosis
Genetic condistion where benign neuromas developthougout the nervous system. They can causes neurologicla and structural problems. Type 1 was is more common than 2.
- Type 1 is found on chromosone 17 and is autosomal domminant. It codes for neurobibromin woch is a tumous surpressor protien.
- Type 2 is chromonsone 22 for the protien called merlin, a tumour surpressor cell important in schwann cells. Particularly associated with acoustic neuromas.
preseantoian of neurofibromatosis
- Café au lait spots
- Relatve with NF1
- Auxllery freelng
- Bony dyspalsa (bowing of long bones)
- Iris hamartomas (yellow spots on iris)
- neurofibromas
Glioma of the optic pathway
bilateral acoustic neuromas is nearly always type 2
complications of neurofibratomas
- Migranes
- Epilepsy
- Retina artery stenosis
- Learning disablity #
scoliosis of spine - Brain tumous
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
Malignanat nerve sheath tumours
featires, diadnosis snad treatment for noral pressure hydrocephalous
dementi a
lumbar puncture - notnal pressure, if you take some off teh sypots shoudl improve
CSF - ventriculoperitonal shunt
casue and presenttion of a cavernous venous sinus thrombosis
acute sinusitis
prothrombotic ocndition
sharp severe headaceh
swelling and bulgign around eye
eye pain
headaceh wose on lying down
high temp
tests and treatment fr cavsoub venosu snus thromboempblsm
contrast CT
contast MRI
antibiotics - high doese
cp amox and gentamicin
what are teh dfferent types of spnal bfda
occulta - some of teh vertebra not completely closed
menngocele - protruson of teh meningies and CSF through teh spine
myelomeningiocele - open spinla cord - potrusion of nerves outside
management of spinal bifida and compliacations
baby but in prone position and overed with saline dressifn
pressure sores
urological involvemtns
defien labrytnthitis
inflamation of teh bony labrynth of teh ear. cna be caused yb bacterual infection secondary to otitis media or meningitis
key presentation of labrynthitis
acute onset vertigo
heraing loss
management of labrynthitis
- Same as vestibular neruoniris
- Procholperazine
- Antihistamines - cyclizine, promethazien
Antiobiotics If baceriaal causes