GP Flashcards
what are teh test and treatment manouver for BPV
Dix - hallpike - test (nystagmus
epley - treatment
pathophys of BPPV
Calcium carbonate crystals (otoconia) become dispalced in the semicircular canals (normally posteior). Ciral infections, head trauma or ageing can causes this. This disrupts the endolymph flow and confses eh vestibular system leading to vertigo when the head movements creasts the flow of endolymph.
presntatons of bursitis
- Pain
- Localised tenderness
- Limited motio
- Swelling and redness
- If chronic ti may lead to deteroation of muscles and limited range of movement
- Swollen, warm, tender, fluctulant
- If tis infected it will be hot, more tender, erythemous, fever, sepsis
- Differetiate from sptic arthiritis by swelling a the joint, painfua dn reduced range of meovement
test and treatment of bursts
Aspiration of fluid if suspected infected
* Pus indicates infectio
* Straw coloure means probs not an infection
* Blood stained - trauma, infection or inflamatory cause
* Milky - pesudogout
* Sent to lab for microscpoy and culture (gout or infective causes)
- Rest, ice, comepression
- Analgesia
- Aspiratio to remove presssure
- Sterorid injections
- Antibiotics (flucloxacillin first line
- If they are systemically unwell, hospital - bloods, blood cultre, IV antibiotis, IV fluids.
whatare teh cases of conjunctivitis and how to dustuingish between teh different types
iral, allergic
bacterial - H influenzea or s pneumonia
- Bacterial will have purulent discharge which is worse in the morning, highly contagious
viral conjunctivitis - clear discharge, also other symptoms of viral infetio - sore throat blocked nose ect
what are red flags that conjunctvts shouldnt cause adn also teh norla symptoms
changes in vision
management of conjunctovitis
- No treatment needed normally and it will resolve I 1-2 weeks.
- Hygiene measures, and cleaning the eyes with warm water can help
- Chloramphenicol or fusidic acid eye drops can be used for bacterial infection
- Neonates conjunctivitis needs urgernt opthalmology assesment as it coudk be gonococcal
Inallergci conjunctivitis it might be itching and watery eyes - antihistamines and mast cell stabilises can be used
differential of conjunctivits
Causes of an acute painful red eye include:
Acute angle-closure glaucoma
Anterior uveitis
Corneal abrasions or ulceration
Foreign body
Traumatic or chemical injury
causes of constipatipns
- Not enough fibre
- Not enough fluids
- Not enough movement/less activity
- Changes in diet and to daily routine
- Side effects of medicine
- Stress, anxiety or depression
- Old age
- Hosptal enviroment
- Fissures
- Rectal prolapse
- Cancer
- Pelcis ass
- Pseudo obstruction
- Hypercalcaemia
- Hypothroidism
- Porphyria
what drugs can causes constpatipon
Opiate use
* Anitcholinergivs
* Diuretis
treatetment of consitatuoin - drugs ajd not
- Eat a healthy balanced diet, high in sorbitol (apples, grapes, apricots, raspberries)
- Increase fibre
- Increase fluid intake and avoid alcohol
- Rest feet on a low stool
- Try to poo at the same time and place every day
- Medications:
- Bulking agent : Ishpaghula husk, bran powder, glycol
- Stimulant laxatives: bisacodyl tablets, senna (don’t use in intestinal obstruction
- Stool softeners: arachis oil enemas liquid parrafin
- Osmotic stimulant: lactulose, macrogel (movicol) magnesium enemas, sodium dalts and phosphate enemas
Fecal impaction might requre dsmpacton regime
criteria for constipation
- Rome criteria is important. More than 2 symptoms of
- Straing for >25% of BM
- Sensationof blockede
- Lumpy or hard stool
- Manual manouvers required
Fewer than 3 BM a week
ocntact dermatts explnaton and epdemology
Type 4 hypersensitivity
Skin irritation that occurs minutres to hours after touching the itttaating substance
People who come in contact with a lot of chemicals- mechanics, landscapers, cleaners, hairstylists
Allergy’s - soap, perfume
Allergen - posin ivy, nickel, wool sweater
presentaton and treatment of contact dermatts
- Red rash on the area of skin that makes contact with something that causes a reaction
- Severe itching
- Cracked, dry, or scaly skin
- Raised red bumps that may crack and ooze
- Swollen, hot, blistered skin
- Avoid triggers
- Keep skin moisturised - emollients
- Steroid creams - can auses thinni of skin
- Sterod tablets
- Photoherapy
presentatons of rng orm
- Itchy erythematous skin
- Scaly
- Well demarcated
- Several rings that spread out and the edge s more prominent red
- tinea capittis an present with hairloss and is more common in children’s
Tinea pedis - white or red cracked itchy skin between the toes. May split and bleed
management of rnngworm
- Antifungal medication
- Anti-fungal creams such as clotrimazole and miconazole
- Anti-fungal shampoo such as ketoconazole for tinea capitis
- Oral anti-fungal medications such as fluconazole, griseofulvin and itraconazole
- Nal fungus must be treated with amorolfine nail lacquer for 6 – 12 months. Resistant cases may need oral terbinafine,
- A mild steroid can help settle the nflamaton - mconazole 2% and hydrocortsone 1%
- Wear loose breathable clothng
- keep the area clean and dry
Avoid sharing towels and bedding
what s the cause of warts
nfecton of keratonocytes by HPV
what s teh screenng n pregnancy
- screening for infectious diseases (hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis)
- screening for Down’s syndrome, Patau’s syndrome and Edwards’ syndrome
- screening for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
- screening to check the physical development of the baby (known as the 20-week scan or mid-pregnancy scan)
- diabetic eye screening if you are pregnant and have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
what as teh screeng n newborns
- a physical examination, which includes the eyes, heart, hips and testes
- a hearing test
- Blood test for 9 conditions -
sickle cell
congenital hypothyroidism
phenylketonuria (PKU)
medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD)
maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
isovaleric acidaemia (IVA)
glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1)
homocystinuria (pyridoxine unresponsive) (HCU)
what are teh screenngs n adulthood
People with diabeties aged 12
Annual diabetic eye check looking for diabetic retinopathy
Females 25-64
Cervical screening every 3 years aged 25 to 49, and every 5 years from the ages of 50 to 64.
Females 50-70
Breast screening
Everyone 60
Bowel cancer screening every 2 years
Men aged 65
management of atopc dermatitis
- Management falls into maintenance and management of flares.
- Maintinance is creating an artifical skin barrier - emolients used as often as possible
- Avoid breaking the skin barrier - no scrubbing, hot water or harsh soaps.
- Enviromental triggers - climate, certain diets, washing powders, stress
- Flares can be treated with wet wraps (emoleitnt covered with a wrap over night to lock in the moisture)
- Antibiotics might need ti be used
Zinc impregnated cangades, tacroliums, phototheraoy, corticosteroids, methotrexate and azathioprine
use a thck a cream as tolerates -
dprobase cream
cetraben cream
hydromol ointment
diprobase ointment
epaderm ointment
what is the steroid ladder
Mild: Hydrocortisone 0.5%, 1% and 2.5%
Moderate: Eumovate (clobetasone butyrate 0.05%)
Potent: Betnovate (betamethasone 0.1%)
Very potent: Dermovate (clobetasol propionate 0.05%)
eczema herpeticum define and presintations
a viral skin infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) or varicella zoster virus (VZV). Previously known as kaposi vericelliform eruption.
Herpes smplex 1 an dit may be associated with a coldsore, it normally occurs in those with excema aready.
- Widespread painful vesicua rash
- Systmic features - fever, legarthym irritability, reduced oral intake
- Lymphadenopathy
Rash - erythemous, painful vesicles containg pus, punched out ulcers with a red base
test and treatment for eczema herpaticum
viral swabs = treatment with aciclovir
pathophys of impertigo
- If SA it will have a charactersitic golden crust
- It is very contagous and children should be lept off of school
- It can be classified as bullous or non bullous
- Non bullous is typically arounf the nose and mouth and it forms a golden crust
- Bullous - the SA produce epidermolysis toxins, these break down skin proteins and causes fluid vesicles to form
It is more common in neonates and infants under 2. they may be feverish and generally unwell.
treatment and complications of impertigo
Non bullous
* Topical fusidic acid or hydrogen peroxide 1% cream
* Oral flucloxacillin for severe impertigo
* Patiens given advice on not scratching, avoind sharing twoes and not going to school untill the lesions have healed
* Flucloxacillin orla ot IV if they are very unwell
- Cellulitis
- Sepsis
- Scarring
- Stapylococcus scalded skin syndreom
medications for flu
- Post exposure prophylaxis can be given if high risk, it has been less than 48 hours and they are not protected by vaccination
- Oral oseltamivir 75mg once daily for 10 days
Inhaled zanamivir 10mg once daily for 10 days
medicaiton for influenza
- Post exposure prophylaxis can be given if high risk, it has been less than 48 hours and they are not protected by vaccination
- Oral oseltamivir 75mg once daily for 10 days
Inhaled zanamivir 10mg once daily for 10 days
complications of flu
- Otitis media, sinisitis and bronchitis
- Secondary bacterial pneumonia
- Woresning chronic conditions (COPD or HF)
w with a blunt objectcute causs of soft tissue injury
* Sprains
* stretch/tear of ligaments
* Ankle rolls outwards, knees twists and wrists are falls on outstretched hands
* Grade 1 is slight stretching
* Grade 2 is partial tear and abnormal laxity in the joint
* Grade 3 is complete tear and significant instability.
* Strains * Complete or partial tear) to a muscle/tendon * Pain, muscle spasm, weakness, swelling, cramping * Contusions Bruise - direct blow with a blunt object
chronic causes of soft tissue injury
* Tendinitis:
* Inflammation of a tendon or the tendon sheath causes by repeated small stresses
* Pain that worsens with activity
* Bursitis: Swollen bursa, often associated with tendinitis
management of soft tissue injusy
- In acute: RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation
- Occasionally splinting
- In chronic: rest, ibuprofens, steroid injections, splinting,
Surgery potentialtk to remove bursa
pregnancy quadrpue test meaning and results
test to screen for down syndomre in those with risk factors
alpah fetoprotien
unconjugated oestriol
inhibin A
13 - low AFP, Oestrio, HCG and high inhibin A
21- low afp and oestriol but high HCG and inhibin A
what is teh cases of rosela infantum
human herpes virus 6
ou decide to prescribe ulipristal acetate as a form of emergency contraception.
When can she restart her normal hormonal contraception?
After taking ulipristal acetate women should wait 5 days before starting regular hormonal contraception
when is theestimated date of delivery for a baby and what is naegekes rule
first day of LMP - add 1 year , take away 3 months, add 7 dyas
key presentatons of lymes dsease - ntal and advanced
- Bullseye rash
- Regional lymphadenopathy
- Fever
- Headache
- Later on:
- Arthralgia
- Malaise
- Systmic reactions
- Carditis
Neurological involvement
management and complcatons of lymes dsease
- Doxyxycline/amoxicillin for 14 days
- IV cefataxime in neurological disease
* Protective clothing, insect repellants
* Special hare handalling pets
* Prompt removla of ticks
* Reductino in deer
what s teh solaton te for measeld
5 days after teh arreance of rash
treatment and complcatons of measles
- Keep of school 5 days after the appearance of the rash
- Isolation in hospital
- Adequate nutrition
- Vitamin A
- Ribavirin antiviral
- Otitis media
- Pneumonia
blndness - Encephalitis
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) extremely rare–Presents approx 7 years after measles infection. Will cause progressive dementia (over several years) and eventual death. Occurs in 1 in 100 000 cases of measles.
mumps man symptoms
koplik spots
what s teh vrus behnd measles
RNA morbillivirus
mumps ey presentatos
flu s teh prodorme
then massve swellng of teh partotd gland!!
* Muscle aches
* Lagarth
* Reduced appetitie
* Headache
* Dry mouth
There may also be:
* Abdominal pain - pancreatitis
* Testicular pain
Confusion, neck stiffness and headache - meningitis/encephalitis
management and complcatons of mumps
- Self limiting and improves withtin a week
- Notafiable disease
- Supportiev management - rest, fluids, analgesics,
- Pancreatitis
- Orchitis and reduced fertlty
- Meningitis
- Hearing loss
secndary casues of obesty
poor sleep
mental health dsorders
reduced moblty
5 As of weght loss management
- Ask -about their concerns with weight
- Assess - BMI, diet, sleep, exerice
- Advise - descrie benefits of weight loss
- Assist - set goals, refer to diatician
Arrange - follow up every 2-3 month
medcaton and surgery for weght loss
- Ortlistat - reduces absorbtion of fat by inhibiting lipase
- Phentermine- (duromine/metermine) suppresses hunger (its an anphetamine)
- Lignatride - GLP1 antagonist - delays gastric emptying
- Intragastric balloon - provides feeling of satiety
- Bariatric surgery - restrict gastric capacity
- GLP1 analouge injection - semaglutide, also called Wegovy
complcatons of obesty
- Arthritis - 4x reduction in joint stress for each kg of weight loss
- Chronic pain
- Depression and anxiety
- Overall mortality
- Sleep apnoea
- Cardiovascular disease
- Metabolic disorder - PCOS, t2dm
- Gallstones
- Erectile dysfunction
causes of otitis media
- Streptococcus pneumonia - mst common
- Heamophillus influenzea
- Staph aureus
Moraxella catarrhalis
symptoms of otitis medica
- Ear pain
- Reduced hearing
- Fever, cough, sore throat, coryzal symtoms
It can present unspecifically in children, so it is always worth examining both ears and the throat of unwell children
treatment of otitis media
- Admit to pediatrics if <3 months or diagnostic doubt.
- Antibiotics genrally not needed, unless significant coorbidity or immunocompromised. Amoxicillin for 5 days, clarithromycin is an alternative.
- Anelgics to help with pain and fever
Safety net on when to seek further medical stteneiton