Passage 6 Flashcards
in litteris scribit se cum legionibus profectum celeriter adfore;
In the letters he writes that he, having set out with his legions would be there quickly;
;hortatur ut pristinam virtutem retineat.
;he encourages him to maintain his ancestral valour.
Gallus periculum veritus, ut erat praeceptum , tragulam mittit.
The Gaul, fearing danger throws his spear as had been ordered.
haec casu ad turrim adhaesit neque ab nostris biduo animadversa tertio die a quodam milite conspicitur, dempta ad Ciceronem defertur.
This by chance stuck to the tower, and, not being observed by our men for two days, is spotted by a certain soldier on the third day, when taken down it is carried to Cicero.
ille perlectam in conventu militum recitat, maximaque omnes laetitia adficit.
He having perused it, reads it out in an assembly of soldiers, and moves all with the greatest joy.
tum fumi incendiorum procul videbantur, quae res omnem dubitationem adventus legionum expulit.
Then the smoke of fires was seen far off; something that banished all doubt of the arrival of the legions.