Passage 3 Notes Flashcards
How is the danger of Vorenus shown?
‘omnis multitudo’ - emphasis the dnager that he is in as all of the army (whole crowd) now are concentrating on him.
‘confestim’ - shows the speed of the enemy’s attack which again emphasises his danger (however makes them look better at the end when they win?).
What is the characterisation of Vorenus?
He is shown to be skilled as the hyperpaton of ‘gladio’ at the start of the sentence places emphasis on his actions and sword suggests skill as a warrior.
‘rem gerit’ (rushes on) shows how he is in control of the situation and demonstrates his skill as a warrior as he is speedy.
How is Vorenus shown to be successful?
‘paulum propellit’ - (drove back [the rest] a little) this alliteration makes the reader concentrate on these words which emphasis his success in driving the enemy back showing his skill as a cunning soldier.
How do Vorenus and Pullo develop as characters?
There is a reversal of fortune as now P brings help to V who is once more surrounded; the two work together to mutual advantage.
‘fert subsidium Pullo’ (Pullo brings relief).
HYPERBATON of Pullo at the end of the phrase creates a tension and suspense and excitement as these two previous rivals are now working together and also emphasises Pullo’s heroism as that is the last thing in the sentence so the reader remembers.