Particles Flashcards
Which state of matter is this?
Explain why you think this

This is a solid
It is a solid becuase all of the particles are touching and they are all in a regular pattern
Which state of matter is this?
Explain how you know this

This is a gas
It is a gas becuase the particles are arranged randomly and are not touching each other
Which state of matter is this?
Explain how you know this
This is a liquid
It is a liquid becuase the particles are aranged randomly and are all touching each other
What does the word ‘density’ mean
Arrange the state of matter from the most to the least dense
Density is how packed together the particles are
Solids are the most denst becuase the particles are the most packed together
Liquids are less dense becuase the particles are a bit less packed together
Gasses are the least dense becuase the particles are very far apart
What are the rules for how density affects floating and sinking
If a solid is more dense than the liquid it is in it will sink. If a solid is less dense than the liquid it is in it will float
Why do the bubbles in a fizzy drink float to the top of the liquid?
The bubbles are made of gas, and gas is less dense than liquids.
Becuase the gas is less dense than the liquid it floats upwards.
Ice is the only solid that is less dense than it’s liquid, explain what happens when you put ice in water in terms of particles.
When you put ice in water it will float. This is because the ice is less denst than the water, so the particles in the ice must be further apart than the particles in the water.
What is the name for when a solid turns into a liquid?
What happens to the particles when this happens?
The bonds between the particles break and turn into weak bonds. The particles can then move about.
What is the name for when a liquid turns into a solid?
What happens to the particles when this happens?
The particles cannot move as much and line up, forming strong bonds between them
What is the name for when a gas turns into a liquid?
What happens to the particles when this happens?
When this happens the particles move closer together and they form weak bonds between them
What are the two ways that we can turn a liquid into a gas?
What happens to the particles when this happens?
Boiling - this is when you heat it up very fast and it bubbles
Evaporation - this is when you heat it up very slowly, the gas leaves but it does not bubble
When this happens the weak bonds between the particles break so they can move around freely
How do the particles move in a solid?
Explain why this is
The particles in a solid can only vibrate.
This is becuase they have strong bonds between them
How do the particles move in a liquid
Explain why this is
The particles in a liquid move past each other but always have to be touching another liquid particle
This is because they have weak bonds between them. These allow them to move but do not allow them to seperate
How do the particles move in a gas
Explain why this is
The particles in a gas move about very quickly and are very far apart
This is because the particles do not have any bonds between them
The red particles are moving randomly. What is the name for this type of movement and why does it happen?

The movment is called Brownian motion
It happens becuase the particles bup into each other and bounce off in a random direction at a random speed
Expalin what diffusion is
Diffusion is when two gasses or liquids mix becuase of the random motion of the particles

Which state of matter is easiest to compress (squash)?
Explain why this is
Gasses are the easiest to compress
This is because there are large spaces between the particles in a gas so you can get them much closer together when you squash them
What happens to the volume (size) of a subastnace when you heat it up?
Explain why this is
When you heat something up the volume increases (it gets bigger)
This is because the particles move about more when they get hotter so they move a bit further apart. This happens in solids, liquids and gasses
What happens to the volume (size) of a substance when you cool it down?
Explain why this is.
When you cool down a substance it gets smaller (the volume decreases)
This is becuase the particles cannot move about as much so they get closer together
Explain how a thermometer works
A thermometer contains a liquid. When the liquid is heated up it expands (gets bigger). This means that it moves further up the tube becuase it takes up more space.
Explain how dissolving happens
Why can’t you see a solid once it has dissolved?
when something dissolves, the particles of the solvent (the liquid) smash into the particles of the solute (the solid). This breaks them apart and they mix together to form a solution
You cannot see a solid that has disolved becuase the particles are sepearate and too small to see
What do the words solvent, solute and solution mean?
A solution is when a solid is dissolved in a liquid
The solvent is the liquid that the solid dissolves in (for example water)
The solute is the solid that can dissolve in the liquid (for example salt or sugar)
What is a saturated solution?
A saturated solution is a solution where there is so much solid (solute) dissovle in it that you cannot dissolve any more in
Explain what the word solubility means
Solublility means how well a solid can dissolve in a liquid. the more soluble something is, the more of it can dissolve in the liquid
How does a gas cause pressure?
A gas has pressure becuase the particles collide into the side of the container, pushing outwards. There is more pressure if there are more particles colliding, or if the particles are hotter (so they are moving faster)
Explain what the melting point is
The melting point is the temperature that a substance changes betwen a solid and a liquid.
If a substance is colder than it’s melting point it is a solid
If a substance is between the melting point and boiling point it is a liquid
Explain what the boiling point is
The boiling point is the temperature that something changes from a liquid to a gas.
If a substance is between the boiling point and melting point it is a liquid
If a substance is warmer than its boiling point then it is a gas