parte 8 frasi 3 Flashcards
Both my parents are at home now
Boku no ryoushin wa futari tomo ima jikka ni imasu
The heat is intense
kiouretsu atzusa da
The effect of luck of sleeping start coming out
nebusoku no eikyo ga deajimeta
A seguito della guerra il cibo è diminuito
Senso no ekyo de shokuryou o hetta desu
It was a perfect fit
fuku wa pittari atte ita
Your children (at home) looks healthy
otaku no okosan wa jobu desune
The schoes are a bit loose
Yurui kutzu wa sukoshi yurui desu
incline, pende
I couldn’t understand her words
kanojo no kotoba ga rikai dekinakatta
relazione umana
Ningen kankei
I’m not good in German
doizugo wa nigate desu
I’m not good in karaoke
Boku wa karaoke nigate desu
I don’t like to sing in public
Hitomae de utau no wa negate desu
vorrei capire
rikai shita
cibo tradizionale
dentou ryori
What’s your impression about the game?
gemu ni tsuite no kansou wa
It is in the nature of birds to fly and build the nest
tondari, su o tsukuttari suru no wa tori no honshou desu
What do you think of it?
Sore no kansou wa
He left a good impression to my parents
kare wa watashi no ryoushin ni yoi inshou o ataeta
I think it’s sad to have no friends
boku wa tomodachi ga inai koto wa fukou da to omoimasu
You can’t enter here unless you have a pass
kiokasho ga nakereba, koko e hairemasen
He was admitted to college
kare wa daigaku ni ryuugaku o kyoka sareta
give permission
kyoka suru
I think the boss will agree to my plan
Shachou wa boku keikaku ni sansei shite kureru to omoimasu
honorific language
I waited for exactly 3 hours
boku wa kicchiri sanjikan matta
study abroad
riugaku suru
She closed the door tightly behind her
Kanojo wa haitte kara kicchiri doa o shimeta
Japanese leave on rice
nihonjin wa kome o shushoku to shiteiru
course, school subject
What’s your major?
senkou wa nandesuka?
I majored in history
Boku wa rekishi o senkou o shita
Be quiet, don’t talk in class
shizuka ni, jugyouchu ni shiabete wa ikenai
during the class
Last week five students were absent from class
Senshu gonin no seito ga jugyou o yasunda
how you meet your partner
Naresome nit suite….
ghost, moster, demon
Some animals are active at night
yoru katsudou suru dobutsu mo iru
She participates in different school activities
Kanojo wa takusan no katsudou no gakkou ni sanka shiteiru
She made efforts to accomplish the purpose
kanojo wa mokuteki o tassei suru tame ni doryoku shita
pubblicità, propaganda
goods, article
Whatch your step, the floor is slippery
hashimoto ni tchui shite kudasai, yuka ga suberiyasui kara
Kuwashi koto
miss the bus/train
boku wa densha ni noriokureta
In order not to miss the train I ran to the station
Densha ni okurenai youni , eki made o ashitta
She might have missed the train
kanojo ga densha ni noriokureta kanousei ga arau